NAME everywhere - Use a module (or feature) everywhere SYNOPSIS #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use everywhere qw/ feature say /; use Greet; Greet::hello(); # in package Greet; use strict; sub hello { say "Helloooooo!!!!"; } DESCRIPTION I got tired of putting "use 5.010" at the top of every module. So now I can throw this in my toplevel program and not have to Repeat Myself elsewhere. In theory you should be able to pass it whatever you pass to use. Also, I just made it so you can do: use everywhere 'MooseX::Declare', matching => '^MyApp', use_here => 0; for example and then it will only apply this module to things matching your regex. And not use it here. You can also throw in 'package_level => 1' to use your package after every "package ..." line. All these are experimental :) BUGS Currently you can only use this once. SEE ALSO Acme::use::strict::with::pride -- from which most code came! Also look at use and feature. AUTHOR Brock Wilcox <> - Thanks to mst and #moose ;-) COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2008 Brock Wilcox <>. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10 or later.