SharePoint-SOAPHandler version 0.0011

This module provides CopyTree::VendorProof a connector instance with methods to deal with remote Sharepoint file operations.

 IMPORTANT NOTICE: Your Implementation might not work unless you read the following!

Currenly, you need to install Authen::NTLM version 1.09 or greater for this module to work.  With my v1.09 tweak to Authen::NTLM on CPAN, this module should just work.  If you actually use Authen::NTLM directly for some reason, remember to set


prior to using SharePoint::SOAPHandler.  You did remember to export ntlmv2, no?

use Authen::NTLM qw(ntlmv2);

For those of you with earlier versions of Authen::NTLM, see the historic segment below.
Also, if your Sharepoint connects through https, but does not go through a proxy server, even though all your OTHER http/ https traffic does, you must:

delete $ENV{'https_proxy'}

Specifying the domain on no_proxy will not do the trick, because oddly, no_proxy only works for 'no http' and not 'no https'.  These are just some annoying things I discovered.  Your milage may vary.

The methods provided in this connector objects include:

The functionality of these methods are described in 
perldoc CopyTree::VendorProof and 
perldoc SharePoint::SOAPHandler

To create a SharePoint::SOAPHandler connector instance:
	my $soaphandler_inst = SharePoint::SOAPHandler ->new;

	#set up connection parameters
	#IMPORTANT sp_creds_domain should not have the protocol (http or https://)
	$soaphandler_inst ->sp_creds_domain('');
	$soaphandler_inst ->sp_creds_user('DOMAIN_in_CAPs\username');
	$soaphandler_inst ->sp_creds_password('domain_password');
	$soaphandler_inst ->sp_authorizedroot('');

To add a source or destination item to a CopyTree::VendorProof instance:
	my $ctvp_inst = CopyTree::VendorProof ->new;
	$ctvp_inst ->src ('some_source_path_of_local_file_system', $soaphandler_inst);
	$ctvp_inst ->dst ('some_destination_path_of_local_file_system', $soaphandler_inst);
	$ctvp_inst ->cp;

SharePoint::SOAPHandler, in adition to providing a connector instance to CopyTree::VendorProof, also provides some getlist funcions for sharepoint.  These functions are not extensively tested and are not recommended for use.


Please note that as of July 2011, there is an NTLM bug that needs to be hacked for the sharepoint connector SharePoint::SPCOPY to work.  Basically, LWP automatically negotiates NTLM protocols, and calls its LWP::Authen::Ntlm to in turn call Authen::NTLM to authenticate against windows domains.  The problem is, sharepoint prefers an authentication between ntlmv2 and ntlmv1 that's offered by the Authen::NTLM package.  LWP::Authen::Ntlm does not specify any version.  This causes authentication to fail on sharepoint.  The web community offers a quick fix to 'patch' Authen::NTLM, which involves finding the Authen::NTLM module (perhaps in /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Authen/ and changing around line 289, where 

$domain =substr($challenge, $c_info->{domain}{offset}, $c_info->{domain}{len});

is to be changed to 

$domain = &unicode("domain");

This is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT if you want SharePoint::SOAPHandler to work.  I have created a patch that is a varient of this solution, but does not break backwards compatibility.  You can find this patch at

Remember, either of these fixes must be applied for this module to work.  If the above instructions are unclear, please google 

----end historic----


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires these other modules and libraries:

CopyTree::VendorProof => 0.0011, 
Authen::NTLM =>1.09
SOAP::Lite =>0.712
File::Basename=> 2.72, 
Data::Dumper=> 2.121, 


Put the correct copyright and licence information here.

Copyright (C) 2011 by dbmolester

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.