Quick how-to on building IPTables:

tar zxf IPTables.tar.gz -C <target dir>
cd <target dir>/IPTables
perl Makefile.PL
make install # from here on must be as root!
make test

This code has been used in production scenarios, and has had some beating
done on it. Please read the embedded POD documentation (perldoc
IPTables::IPv4) or the included PDF for information on using this module.
There may be lingering bugs yet, but I have attempted to eliminate as many
as possible. Please drop me an e-mail if you find one, however. If you do
find a bug, and do let me know, please provide as much detail as possible -
script examples, strace output, and other such material can ease the process
of determining what went wrong.

I am now including a snap of the libiptc code from the netfilter source tree.
This heavily simplifies the build procedure, eliminating the need to get
an iptables source tree or a netfilter CVS tree to build against.

I have written match and target modules for all the matches and targets
which are provided with a stock kernel, as well as some which are, as yet,
only available via patch-o-matic. If you wish to have more supported, I
encourage you (following the model put forth in the existing modules) to
add the necessary support. The modules that are in there are ones that I
care about supporting, because they're ones that I've needed. I'll try to
get more in, but without the need for them, it's hard to justify the coding
time, not to mention not really having the ability to give them the serious
testing they need.

Derrik Pates