$Id: README,v 1.4 1998/03/14 18:15:52 msolomon Exp $

Note: 3.01 changed the name from Misc::WX to Geo::WeatherNOAA

This module enable one to easily get official weather information from
NOAA, their "Zone Reports" and hourly "state roundups." I wanted to be
able to get his information quickly and easily for web pages, or the
command line, etc.

A quick example to get a current weather in Boston, MA is as simple as:

	use Geo::WeatherNOAA;
	print get_currentWX_html('BOSTON','MA');
Would result with:
	At 12:00pm EST, Boston, MA was experiencing light rain at 
	45 F, wind is northeast at 10 mph. 

	perl 5.004 (or at least Text::Wrap)
	LWP (libwww-perl)

To install:
	perl Makefile.PL
	make install