# NAME Term::Caca - perl interface for libcaca (Colour AsCii Art library) # VERSION version 3.0.0 # SYNOPSIS ```perl use Term::Caca; my $caca = Term::Caca->new; $caca->text( [5, 5], "pwn3d"); $caca->refresh; sleep 3; ``` # DESCRIPTION `Term::Caca` is an API for the ASCII drawing library _libcaca_. This version of `Term::Caca` is compatible with the _1.x_ version of the libcaca library (development has been made against version 0.99.beta19 of the library). # EXPORTS See [Term::Caca::Constants](https://metacpan.org/pod/Term::Caca::Constants) for exportable constants. # CLASS METHODS ### driver\_list Returns an hash which keys are the available display drivers and the values their descriptions. ### drivers Returns the list of available drivers. # METHODS ## Constructor ### new Instantiates a Term::Caca object. The optional argument _driver_ can be passed to select a specific display driver. If it's not given, the best available driver will be used. ## Display and Canvas ### title( $title ) Getter/setter for the window title. The setter returns the invocant _Term::Caca_ object. ### refresh Refreshes the display. Returns the invocant _Term::Caca_ object. ### set\_refresh\_delay( $seconds ) Sets the refresh delay in seconds. The refresh delay is used by `refresh` to achieve constant framerate. If the time is zero, constant framerate is disabled. This is the default behaviour. Returns the invocant _Term::Caca_ object. ### rendering\_time() Returns the average rendering time, which is measured as the time between two `refresh()` calls in seconds. If constant framerate is enabled via `set_refresh_delay()`, the average rendering time will be close to the requested delay even if the real rendering time was shorter. ### clear() Clears the canvas using the current background color. Returns the invocant object. ### canvas\_size Returns the width and height of the canvas, as an array ref. ## canvas\_width Returns the canvas width. ### canvas\_height Returns the canvas height. ### mouse\_position Returns the position of the mouse as an array ref This function is not reliable if the ncurses or S-Lang drivers are being used, because mouse position is only detected whe the mouse is clicked. Other drivers such as X11 work well. ## Export ### export( $format ) Returns the canvas in the given format. Supported formats are - "caca": native libcaca files. - "ansi": ANSI art (CP437 charset with ANSI colour codes). - "text": ASCII text file. - "html": an HTML page with CSS information. - "html3": an HTML table that should be compatible with most navigators, including textmode ones. - "irc": UTF-8 text with mIRC colour codes. - "ps": a PostScript document. - "svg": an SVG vector image. - "tga": a TGA image. If no format is provided, defaults to `caca`. ## Colors ### set\_ansi\_color( $foreground, $background ) Sets the foreground and background colors used by primitives, using colors as defined by the color constants. ``` $t->set_ansi_color( LIGHTRED, WHITE ); ``` Returns the invocant object. ### set\_color( $foreground, $background ) Sets the foreground and background colors used by primitives. Each color is an array ref to a ARGB (transparency + RGB) set of values, all between 0 and 15. Alternatively, they can be given as a string of the direct hexadecimal value. ``` # red on white $t->set_color( [ 15, 15, 0, 0 ], 'ffff' ); ``` Returns the invocant object. ## Text ### text( \\@coord, $text ) Prints _$text_ at the given coordinates. Returns the invocant `Term::Caca` object. ### char( \\@coord, $char ) Prints the character _$char_ at the given coordinates. If _$char_ is a string of more than one character, only the first character is printed. Returns the invocant `Term::Caca` object. ## Primitives Drawing The drawing of all primitive is controlled by `drawing_options`. Unless specified otherwise, the possible options are: If no option is given, or if the option `thin =` 1> is given, the primitive will be drawn using ascii art. If a single character or the `char =` $x> pair is given, then this character it will be used to trace the primitive. If `fill =` $y> is given, then that character will be used to fill the primitive. `fill` and `char` or `thin` can be used in combination to produce a primitive drawn with one char and filled with the other. ### line( \\@point\_a, \\@point\_b, @drawing\_options ) Draws a line from _@point\_a_ to _@point\_b_. In this instance `@drawing_options` only accept `thin` or `char`. Returns the invocant object. ### polyline( \\@points, @drawing\_options ) Draws the polyline defined by _@points_, where each point is an array ref of the coordinates. E.g. ``` $t->polyline( [ [ 0,0 ], [ 10,15 ], [ 20, 15 ] ] ); ``` The additional option _close_ can be given as part of the `drawing_options`. If true, the end point of the polyline will be connected to the first point. Returns the invocant _Term::Caca_ object. ### circle( \\@center, $radius, @drawing\_options ) Draws a circle centered at _@center_ with a radius of _$radius_. Returns the invocant object. ### ellipse( \\@center, $radius\_x, $radius\_y, @drawing\_options ) Draws an ellipse centered at _@center_ with an x-axis radius of _$radius\_x_ and a y-radius of _$radius\_y_. Returns the invocant object. ### box( \\@top\_corner, $width, $height, @drawing\_options ) Draws a rectangle of dimensions _$width_ and _$height_ with its upper-left corner at _@top\_corner_. Returns the invocant object. ### triangle( \\@point\_a, \\@point\_b, \\@point\_c, @drawing\_options ) Draws a triangle defined by the three given points. Returns the invocant object. ## Event Handling ### wait\_for\_event( $mask, $timeout ) Waits and returns a `Term::Caca::Event` object matching the mask. `$timeout` is in seconds. If set to 0 (the default), the method returns immediatly and, if no event was found, returns nothing. If `$timeout` is negative, the method waits forever for an event matching the mask. ```perl # wait for 5 seconds for a key press or the closing of the window my $event = $t->wait_for_event( KEY_PRESS | QUIT, 5 ); say "user is idle" unless defined $event; exit if $event->isa( 'Term::Caca::Event::Quit' ); say "user typed ", $event->char; ``` # SEE ALSO libcaca - [https://github.com/cacalabs/libcaca](https://github.com/cacalabs/libcaca) and [http://caca.zoy.org/](http://caca.zoy.org/) # AUTHORS - John Beppu <beppu@cpan.org> - Yanick Champoux <yanick@cpan.org> [](http://coderwall.com/yanick) # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2018, 2013, 2011 by John Beppu. This is free software, licensed under: ``` DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2, December 2004 ```