
Implements an advisor locking system for Kwiki. This will not stop anyone from
stomping on your changes. It just provides the user with some information that
may help avoid a collision of edits.

It notes who and when a user starts editing a page. Then it modifies
ALL links on the page to go through the "clear_lock" action so if they
navigate to another page it will remove that information. If another user
attempts to edit the page while the lock is in place they will get a message
that says:

"User XYZ started editing the page at HH:MM:SS on MMM DD, YYYY...blah blah blah"

The user can then look at that time and use good judgement to determine if they
should start their edit or if they should first contact the user to see if they
are really done. This module is ideal for environments where all editors of the
content are working it close contact.


To install this module, run the following commands:

    kwiki -install Kwiki::Edit::AdvisoryLock


Copyright (C) 2006 CorData

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.