NAME MT::Import::Base - base class for importing "stuff" into Movable Type. SYNOPSIS package MT::Import::Fubar; use base qw (MT::Import::Fubar); DESCRIPTION Base class for importing "stuff" into Movable Type. PACKAGE METHODS __PACKAGE__->new($cfg) Options are passed to MT::Import::Base using a Config::Simple object or a valid Config::Simple config file. Options are grouped by "block". importer * verbose Boolean. Enable verbose logging for both this package and *MT::Import::Mbox* * force Boolean. Force an entry to be reindexed, including any trackback pings and attachments. Default is *false* mt * root String. *required* The path to your Movable Type installation. * blog_id Int. *required* The numberic ID of the Movable Type weblog you are posting to. * blog_ownerid Int. *required* The numberic ID of a Movable Type author with permissions to add new authors to the Movable Type weblog you are posting to. * author_pass String. The password to assign to any new authors you add to the Movable Type weblog you are posting to. Default is "*none*". * author_perms Int. The permissions set to grant any new authors you add to the Movable Type weblog you are posting to. Default is *514*, or the ability to add new categories. OBJECT METHODS $obj->verbose($bool) Returns true or false, indicating whether or not *debug* events would be logged. $obj->log() Returns a *Log::Dispatch* object. $obj->imported($id) If *$id* is defined, stores the ID in the object's internal cache of entry's that have been imported. Otherwise, the method returns a list or array reference of imported entries depending on whether or not the method was called in a *wantarray* context. $obj->rebuild() Rebuild all of the entries returned by the object's *imported* method. Indexes are rebuilt afterwards. Returns true or false. $obj->rebuild_indexes() Rebuild all of the indexes for the blog defined mt.blog_id. Returns true or false. $obj->rebuild_entry($id) Rebuild an individual entry. If the entry has neighbouring entries, they will be added to the object's internal "imported" list. Returns true or false. $obj->mk_category($label,$parent_id,$author_id) If it does not already exist for the blog defined by mt.blog_id creates a new Movable Type category for *$label*. *$parent_id* is the numeric ID for another MT category and is not required. Returns a *MT::Category* object on success or undef if there was an error. $obj->mk_author($name,$email) If it does not already exist for the blog defined by mt.blog_id creates a new Movable Type author for *$name*. Leading and trailing space will be trimmed from *$name*. Returns a *MT::Author* object on success or undef if there was an error. $obj->place_category(MT::Entry, MT::Category, $is_primary) If it does not already exist for the combined entry object and category object creates a new Movable Type placement entry for the pair. Returns a *MT::Placement* object on success or undef if there was an error. $obg->mk_date($date_str) Returns a MT specific datetime string. =cut sub mk_date { my $self = shift; my $str = shift; my $time = str2time($str); my $dt = time2str("%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S",$time); $dt =~ s/(?:-|:)//g; return $dt; } $obj->upload_file(\*$fh, $path) Wrapper method for storing an file outside of Movable Type using the blog engine's file manager. Returns true or false. $obj->blog_id() Wrapper method for calling $obj->{cfg}->param("mt.blog_id") $obj->ping_for_reply(MT::Entry, $reply_basename, $from) Wrapper method pinging another entry. The entry object is the post doing the pinging. *$reply_basename* is the post that is being pinged. *$from* is a label indicating where the ping is coming from. The entry being pinged is fetched by where the entry's basename matches I$<basename> and it's blog_id matches mt.blog_id. Returns true or false. VERSION 1.01 DATE $Date: 2005/12/03 18:46:21 $ AUTHOR Aaron Straup Cope <> BUGS Please report all bugs via : LICENSE Copyright (c) 2005 Aaron Straup Cope. All Rights Reserved. This is free software, you may use it and distribute it under the same terms as Perl itself.