=head1 NAME Ubic::Watchdog::Notice - Notice service for ubic. =head1 VERSION version 0.31 =head1 SYNOPSIS Start notice service: $ ubic start ubic.notice =head1 DESCRIPTION Currently module can notice by email and to L<HIPCHAT|https://www.hipchat.com> or L<SLACK|https://slack.com> service. =head1 INSTALLATION Put this code in file `/etc/ubic/service/ubic/notice`: use Ubic::Service::SimpleDaemon; Ubic::Service::SimpleDaemon->new( bin => ['ubic-notice'], ); Put this configuration in file `/etc/ubic/notice.cfg`: { From => 'likhatskiy@gmail.com', To => 'name@mail.com', }; Start it: $ ubic start ubic.notice =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B< From > Sets the email address to send from. =item B< To > Sets the addresses in `MIME::Lite` style to send to. =item B< log > Path to `ubic-watchdog` file for scan. Default is `/var/log/ubic/watchdog.log`. =item B< hipchat > Notice to L<HIPCHAT|https://www.hipchat.com> service. hipchat => { token => 'YOUR_TOKEN', room => 'ROOM_NAME' }, =item B< slack > Notice to L<SLACK|https://slack.com> service. slack => { token => 'YOUR_TOKEN', channel => '#CHANNEL_NAME' username => 'Ubic Server Bot' }, =back =head1 SOURCE REPOSITORY L<https://github.com/likhatskiy/Ubic-Watchdog-Notice> =head1 AUTHOR Alexey Likhatskiy, <likhatskiy@gmail.com> =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2014 "Alexey Likhatskiy" This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.