NAME WebService::HipChat VERSION version 0.2000 SYNOPSIS my $hc = WebService::HipChat->new(auth_token => 'abc'); $hc->send_notification('Room42', { color => 'green', message => 'allo' }); # get paged results: my $res = $hc->get_emoticons; my @emoticons = @{ $res->{items} }; while ($res = $hc->next($res)) { push @emoticons, @{ $res->{items} }; } DESCRIPTION This module provides bindings for the HipChat API v2 <>. It also provides the command line utility hipchat-send. METHODS All methods return a hashref. The $room param can be the id or name of the room. The $user param can be the id, email address, or @mention name of the user. If a resource does not exist for the given parameters, undef is returned. get_rooms get_rooms() get_rooms(query => { 'start-index' => 0, 'max-results' => 100 }); Example response: { items => [ { id => 2, links => { self => "", webhooks => "", }, name => "General Discussion", }, { id => 3, links => { self => "", webhooks => "", }, name => "Important Stuff", }, links => { self => "" }, maxResults => 100, startIndex => 0, } get_room get_room($room) Example response: { created => "2014-06-25T02:28:04", guest_access_url => undef, id => 2, is_archived => 0, is_guest_accessible 0, last_active => "2014-07-19T02:40:55+00:00", links => { self => "", webhooks => "", }, name => "General Discussion", owner => { id => 1, links => { self => "" }, mention_name => "bob", name => "Bob Williams", }, participants => [], privacy => "public", statistics => { links => { self => "" }, }, topic => "hipchat commands", xmpp_jid => "1_general_discussion\", } create_room create_room({ name => 'monkeys' }) Example response: { id => 46, links => { self => "" }, } update_room update_room($room, { is_archived => JSON::false, is_guest_accessible => JSON::false, name => "Jokes", owner => { id => 17 }, privacy => "public", topic => "funny jokes", }); set_topic set_topic($room, 'new topic'); delete_room delete_room($room) send_notification send_notification($room, { color => 'green', message => 'allo' }); get_webhooks get_webhooks($room) get_webhooks($room, query => { 'start-index' => 0, 'max-results' => 100 }); Example response: { items => [ { event => "room_message", id => 1, links => { self => "" }, name => "hook1", pattern => undef, url => "", }, ], links => { self => "" }, maxResults => 100, startIndex => 0, } get_webhook get_webhook($room, $webhook_id); create_webhook create_webhook($room, { url => '' event => 'room_message', name => 'hook1', }); delete_webhook delete_webhook($room, $webhook_id); send_private_msg send_private_msg($user, { message => 'allo' }); send_room_msg send_room_msg($room, { message => 'allo' }); get_private_history $hc->get_private_history($user) $hc->get_private_history($user, query => { 'max-results' => 5 }); Example response: { items [ [0] { date "2014-11-13T10:48:33.322506+00:00", from { id 123456, links { self "" }, mention_name "Bob", name "Bob Williams" }, id "38988c8c-9120-44ce-87c5-6731a7a3b6", mentions [], message "heres a message and a link", type "message" }, [1] { date "2014-11-13T10:49:02.377436+00:00", from { id 123456, links { self "" }, mention_name "Bob", name "Bob Williams" }, id "c1f47537-6506-4f46-b820-eaade5adc5", mentions [], message "A message", type "message" } ], links { self "" }, maxResults 5, startIndex 0 } get_members get_members($room); get_members($room, query => { 'start-index' => 0, 'max-results' => 100 }); Example response: { items => [ { id => 73, links => { self => "" }, mention_name => "momma", name => "Yo Momma", }, { id => 23, links => { self => "" }, mention_name => "jackie", name => "Jackie Chan", }, ], links => { self => "" }, maxResults => 100, startIndex => 0, } add_member Adds a user to a room. add_member($room, $user); remove_member Removes a user from a room. remove_member($room, $user); get_users get_users() get_users(query => { 'start-index' => 0, 'max-results' => 100 }); Example response: { items => [ { id => 1, links => { self => "" }, mention_name => "magoo", name => "Matt Wondercookie", }, { id => 3, links => { self => "" }, mention_name => "racer", name => "Brian Wilson", }, ], links => { self => "" }, maxResults => 100, startIndex => 0, } get_user get_user($user) Example response: { created => "2014-06-20T03:00:28", email => '', group => { id => 1, links => { self => "" }, name => "Everyone", }, id => 1, is_deleted => 0, is_group_admin => 1, is_guest => 0, last_active => 1405718128, links => { self => "" }, mention_name => "magoo", name => "Matt Wondercookie", photo_url => "", presence => { client => { type => "", version => 98, }, idle => 3853, is_online => 1, show => "away", }, timezone => "America/New_York", title => "Hacker", xmpp_jid => '', } delete_user delete_user($user) get_emoticons get_emoticons() get_emoticons(query => { 'start-index' => 0, 'max-results' => 100 }); Example response: { items => [ { id => 166, links => { self => "" }, shortcut => "dog", url => "", }, ], links => { self => "" }, maxResults => 100, startIndex => 0, } get_emoticon get_emoticon() Example response: { creator => { id => 11, links => { self => "" }, mention_name => "bob", name => "Bob Ray", }, height => 30, id => 203, links => { self => "" }, shortcut => "dog", url => "", width => 30, } get_room_history $hc->get_room_history($room) $hc->get_room_history($room, { 'max-results' => 5 }); Example response: { items [ [0] { date "2014-11-13T10:48:33.322506+00:00", from { id 123456, links { self "" }, mention_name "Bob", name "Bob Williams" }, id "38988c8c-9120-44ce-87c5-6731a7a3b6", mentions [], message "heres a message and a link", type "message" }, [1] { date "2014-11-13T10:49:02.377436+00:00", from { id 123456, links { self "" }, mention_name "Bob", name "Bob Williams" }, id "c1f47537-6506-4f46-b820-eaade5adc5", mentions [], message "A message", type "message" } ], links { self "" }, maxResults 2, startIndex 0 } share_link $hc->share_link($room, { message => 'msg', link => '' }); share_file $hc->share_file($destination, { message => 'msg', file => '/tmp/file.png' }); Shares files with $destination, whether that be a room OR a user. If sent to a user, make sure it is their '@' name OR email address. Otherwise we'll think it is a room. For example: '@JohnQPublic' OR 'johnq@public.test instead of 'SomeRoom' next next($data) Returns the next page of data for paginated responses. Example: my $res = $hc->get_emoticons; my @emoticons = @{ $res->{items} }; while ($res = $hc->next($res)) { push @emoticons, @{ $res->{items} }; } CONTRIBUTORS * Andy Baugh <> * Chris C. <> * Chris Hughes <> * Ken-ichi Mito <> * Tim Man <> AUTHOR Naveed Massjouni <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Naveed Massjouni. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.