NAME OpenID::PayPal::LIPP - Login with PayPal SYNOPSIS use OpenID::PayPal::LIPP; my $lipp = OpenID::PayPal::LIPP->new( client_id => 'CLIENT_ID', client_secret => 'CLIENT_SECRET', account => 'ACCOUNT', mode => 'sandbox', redirect_uri => 'http://localhost/callback', ); my $url = $lipp->login_url(); # user after visiting that url, user will be redirected to http://localhost/callback with a parameter code # you can either directly the user info with the code, or exchange code for access token my $token = $pp->exchange_code( $code ); #$token contain an access token and a refresh token #to get a new access token from refresh token : $token = $pp->refresh_token( $token->{refresh_token} ); #to get user info, you can either give access_token, or authorization code my $user_info = $pp->get_user_details( access_token => $token->{access_token} ); my $user_info = $pp->get_user_details( authorization_code => $code ); print $user_info->email DESCRIPTION OpenID::PayPal::LIPP is a simple implementation for the Login with PayPayl API. METHODS Following methods are available new( options ) Constructor take the following required arguments: * client_id: client id of your paypal application * client_secret: client secret of your paypal application * account: account linked to your paypal application * redirect_uri: redirection url registered in your paypal application, user will be redirected there after login in PayPal website * mode: sandbox or live You have some more control with the following optionnal argument: * scope: arrayref of the scope you want to get access to, default is [ 'openid', 'email' ] * logger: coderef to a sub used to log some internal debug messages, see logger section login_url( state ), state is optional Return login url to redirect the user to, state if provided will be passed to paypal, and return to your callback url exchange_code( $code, [ $state ] ) Exchange authorization code for token, token is a hash of 2 keys, access_token and refresh_token. refresh_token( $refresh_token ) Allow you to refresh your access token from your refresh token, it will return a hash of 2 keys, access_token and refresh_token. get_user_details( authorization_code => $code, access_token => $access_token ) Call that method with either the authorization code or an access token to get paypal's user info, in a hash LOGGER In case there is an issue on paypal side, the module with croak, so you should use it in an eval block, or better with Try::Tiny To get some more info, you can pass a sub to the constructor in field logger. That sub will get called with debug message within the process of calling paypal. my $lipp = OpenID::PayPal::LIPP->new( client_id => 'CLIENT_ID', client_secret => 'CLIENT_SECRET', account => 'ACCOUNT', mode => 'sandbox', redirect_uri => 'http://localhost/callback', logger => sub { warn @_ } ); AUTHOR Pierre VIGIER <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2016- Pierre VIGIER LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.