NAME CGI::AppBuilder::PLSQL - Oracle PL/SQL Procedures SYNOPSIS use CGI::AppBuilder::PLSQL; my $sec = CGI::AppBuilder::PLSQL->new(); my ($sta, $msg) = $sec->exe_sql($ar); DESCRIPTION This class provides methods for reading and parsing configuration files. new (ifn => 'file.cfg', opt => 'hvS:') This is a inherited method from CGI::AppBuilder. See the same method in CGI::AppBuilder for more details. exec_plsql($q,$ar) Input variables: $q - CGI class $ar - array ref containing the following variables: pid : project id such as ckpt, owb, dba, etc. task : task name required such as task1,task2,etc. target(sel_sn1) : select one (DB/server name) defining sid args(sel_sn2) : select two (Arguments) task_fn : task file name containing all the tasks defined svr_conn : host/server connection info db_conn : db connection info for each target/server task_conn : special connection for tasks. It overwrites db_conn for the task HA_* : hash array Variables used or routines called: None How to use: First define the parameters in the initial file or define all the parameters in a hash array reference as $ar->{$p} where $p are # # parameters in initial file pid = ckpt task = task2 target = owb1 args = val1:val2 task_fn = ora_jobs.txt outdir = /opt/www/logs excl_callsql = run_xmlrpt|run_genrpt # tasks excluded from calling call_plsql svr_conn = { # server connection usr => 'usr_name', pwd => 'security', svr => 'svr_name', orahome => '/opt/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1', } db_conn = { tgt1 => 'system/pwd@dbl_1', tgt2 => 'system/pwd@dbl_2', } task_conn = { tgt1 => { task1 => 'owb_rep2/pwd@owb1', }, tgt2 => { }, } out_dir = { # overwrite general out_dir ckpt => 'd:/www/logs/ckpt/rpts', owb1 => '/opt/www/logs/owb1/rpts', } arg_required = { task1 => 'obj_name', } svr_allowed = { task1 => {cdx1=>1}, } task_sql = { task5 => 'chkts.sql', task8 => 'owb/owbcollect_exit.sql', } # # Tasks defined in task file (task_fn) task1 = # staigth SQL statement example ALTER session SET nls_date_format='YYYYMMDD.HH24MISS'; SET linesize 999 serveroutput ON SIZE 1000000 FORMAT WRAPPED; PROMPT <b> Get instance status </b>; PROMPT <hr>; COL host_name FOR a25; COL up_days FOR 9999.99; SELECT a.*, sysdate-startup_time as up_days FROM v\$instance a; task2 = # my ($q, $ar, $ar_log) = $self->start_app($0, \@ARGV); or my $ar = $self->read_init_file('/tmp/my_init.cfg'); $self->exec_plsql($q, $ar); You can use variables in the definition file. We have provided a list of pre-defined variables such as $a0~$a9 = arguments in sel_sn2 separated by colon (:) $sid = <db_id_or_svr_id> ($sn) $dtm = <date_and_time> ("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") $dt = <date> ("%Y%m%d") $tm = <time> ("%H%M%S") $y4 = <four_digit_year> ("%Y") $mm = <month> ("%m") $dd = <date> ("%d") $hh = <hour> ("%H") $mi = <minute> ("%M") $ss = <second> ("%S") Return: $pr will contain the parameters adn output from running the PL/SQL. plsql_out - output from running the PL/SQL is_callsql - whether to run call_plsql read_plsql($fn, $pr) Input variables: $fn - full path to a file name $pr - parameter array plsql_dir - directory where plsql files reside Variables used or routines called: CGI::AppBuilder::Message echo_msg - echo messages How to use: my $pr = $self->read_plsql('code_lib.ini'); Return: Hash array or ref of hash array - $pr This method reads PL/SQL code files containing functions and procedures in the format of key=values. Multiple lines is allowed for values as long as the lines after the "key=" line are indented as least with two blanks. For instance: echo = procedure each ( msg clob, lvl NUMBER DEFAULT 999 ) IS BEGIN IF lvl <= p_lvl THEN dbms_output.put_line(msg); END IF; END; # you can define perl hash araay as well msg = { 101 => "msg 101", 102 => "msg 102" } # you can use variable as well js_var = /my/js/var_file.js js_src = /my/first/js/prg.js,$js_var # a comma (,) after sharp (#) make it not a comment my_sql = select sid, serial#,username from v\$session; # you can use the ##include: to include more code files ##include: /my/codes/function_lib.sql This will create a hash array of $pr->{echo} = proc ... end; $pr->{desc} = "This is a long description about the value" $pr->{msg} = {101=>"msg 101",102=>"msg 102"} $pr->{js_var}= "/my/js/var_file.js"; $pr->{js_src}= "/my/first/js/prg.js,/my/js/var_file.js"; HISTORY * Version 0.10 This version ported from on 07/17/2010. * Version 0.20 08/12/2010 (htu): 1. added read_plsql, _parseline2 2. modified expand_vars to use read_plsql 3. modified exec_plsql to preload codes if the preload_code = 1 SEE ALSO (some of docs that I check often) Oracle::Loader, Oracle::Trigger, CGI::AppBuilder, File::Xcopy, CGI::AppBuilder::Message AUTHOR Copyright (c) 2009 Hanming Tu. All rights reserved. This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see POD ERRORS Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: Around line 773: You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'