NAME Term::ReadLine::Tiny - Tiny implementation of ReadLine VERSION version 1.01 SYNOPSIS Tiny implementation of ReadLine use Term::ReadLine::Tiny; $term = Term::ReadLine::Tiny->new(); while ( defined($_ = $term->readline("Prompt: ")) ) { print "$_\n"; } print "\n"; $s = ""; while ( defined($_ = $term->readkey(1)) ) { $s .= $_; } print "\n$s\n"; DESCRIPTION This package is a native perls implementation of ReadLine that doesn't need any library such as 'Gnu ReadLine'. Also fully supports UTF-8, details in UTF-8 section <>. Standard Methods and Functions ReadLine() returns the actual package that executes the commands. If this package is used, the value is "Term::ReadLine::Tiny". new([$appname[, IN[, OUT]]]) returns the handle for subsequent calls to following functions. Argument *appname* is the name of the application but not supported yet. Optionally can be followed by two arguments for IN and OUT filehandles. These arguments should be globs. This routine may also get called via "Term::ReadLine->new()" if you have $ENV{PERL_RL} set to 'Tiny'. readline([$prompt[, $default]]) interactively gets an input line. Trailing newline is removed. Returns "undef" on "EOF". addhistory($line1[, $line2[, ...]]) adds lines to the history of input. IN() returns the filehandle for input. OUT() returns the filehandle for output. MinLine([$minline]) If argument is specified, it is an advice on minimal size of line to be included into history. "undef" means do not include anything into history (autohistory off). Returns the old value. findConsole() returns an array with two strings that give most appropriate names for files for input and output using conventions "<$in", """out">. Attribs() returns a reference to a hash which describes internal configuration of the package. Not supported in this package. Features() Returns a reference to a hash with keys being features present in current implementation. This features are present: * *appname* is not present and is the name of the application. But not supported yet. * *addhistory* is present, always 1. * *minline* is present, default 1. See "MinLine" method. * *autohistory* is present, "FALSE" if minline is "undef". See "MinLine" method. * *changehistory* is present, default "TRUE". See "changehistory" method. Additional Methods and Functions newTTY([$IN[, $OUT]]) takes two arguments which are input filehandle and output filehandle. Switches to use these filehandles. readkey([$echo]) reads a key from input and echoes by *echo* argument. Returns "undef" on "EOF". minline([$minline]) synonym of "MinLine". changehistory([$changehistory]) If argument is specified, it allows to change history lines when argument value is true. Returns the old value. history([$history]) If argument is specified and ArrayRef, rewrites all history by argument elements. history([$line1[, $line2[, ...]]]) If first argument is not ArrayRef, rewrites all history by argument values. Returns copy of the old history in ArrayRef. encode_controlchar($c) encodes if argument "c" is a control character, otherwise returns argument "c". UTF-8 "Term::ReadLine::Tiny" fully supports UTF-8. $term = Term::ReadLine::Tiny->new(); binmode($term->IN, ":utf8"); binmode($term->OUT, ":utf8"); while ( defined($_ = $term->readline("Prompt: ")) ) { print "$_\n"; } print "\n"; SEE ALSO * Term::ReadLine::Tiny::readline <> - A non-OO package of Term::ReadLine::Tiny * Term::ReadLine <> - Perl interface to various readline packages INSTALLATION To install this module type the following perl Makefile.PL make make test make install from CPAN cpan -i Term::ReadLine::Tiny DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: * Term::ReadLine * Term::ReadKey REPOSITORY GitHub <> CPAN <> AUTHOR Orkun Karaduman <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2017 Orkun Karaduman <> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.