[](https://travis-ci.org/cxw42/Sub-Multi-Tiny) # NAME Sub::Multi::Tiny - Multisubs/multimethods (multiple dispatch) yet another way! # SYNOPSIS { package main::my_multi; # We're making main::my_multi() use Sub::Multi::Tiny qw($foo $bar); # All possible params sub first :M($foo, $bar) { # sub's name will be ignored, return $foo ** $bar; # but can't match the one we're making } sub second :M($foo) { return $foo + 42; } } # Back in package main, my_multi() is created just before the run phase. say my_multi(2, 5); # -> 32 say my_multi(1295); # -> 1337 **Limitation:** At present, dispatch is solely by arity, and only one candidate can have each arity. This limitation will be removed in the future. # DESCRIPTION Sub::Multi::Tiny is a library for making multisubs, aka multimethods, aka multiple-dispatch subroutines. Each multisub is defined in a single package. Within that package, the individual implementations ("impls") are `sub`s tagged with the `:M` attribute. The names of the impls are preserved but not used specifically by Sub::Multi::Tiny. Within a multisub package, the name of the sub being defined is available for recursion. For example (using `where`, not yet implemented): { package main::fib; use Sub::Multi::Tiny qw($n); sub base :M($n where { $_ eq 0 }) { 1 } sub other :M($n) { $n * fib($n-1) } } This code creates function `fib()` in package `main`. Within package `main::fib`, function `fib()` is an alias for `main::fib()`. It's easier to use than to explain! # FUNCTIONS ## import Sets up the package that uses it to define a multisub. The parameters are all the parameter variables that the multisubs will use. `import` creates these as package variables so that they can be used unqualified in the multisub implementations. # CUSTOM DISPATCH This module includes a default dispatcher (implemented in [Sub::Multi::Tiny::DefaultDispatcher](https://metacpan.org/pod/Sub::Multi::Tiny::DefaultDispatcher). To use a different dispatcher, define or import a sub `MakeDispatcher()` into the package before compilation ends. That sub will be called to create the dispatcher. For example: { package main::foo; use Sub::Multi::Tiny; sub MakeDispatcher { return sub { ... } } } or { package main::foo; use Sub::Multi::Tiny; use APackageThatImportsMakeDispatcherIntoMainFoo; } # DEBUGGING For extra debug output, set ["$VERBOSE" in Sub::Multi::Tiny::Util](https://metacpan.org/pod/Sub::Multi::Tiny::Util#VERBOSE) to a positive integer. This has to be set at compile time to have any effect. For example, before creating any multisubs, do: use Sub::Multi::Tiny::Util '*VERBOSE'; BEGIN { $VERBOSE = 2; } # RATIONALE - To be able to use multisubs in pre-5.14 Perls with only built-in language facilities. This will help me make my own modules backward compatible with those Perls. - To learn how it's done! :) # SEE ALSO I looked at these but decided not to use them for the following reasons: - [Class::Multimethods](https://metacpan.org/pod/Class::Multimethods) I wanted a syntax that used normal `sub` definitions as much as possible. Also, I was a bit concerned by LPALMER's experience that it "does what you don't want sometimes without saying a word" (["Semantics" in Class::Multimethods::Pure](https://metacpan.org/pod/Class::Multimethods::Pure#Semantics)). Other than that, I think this looks pretty decent (but haven't tried it). - [Class::Multimethods::Pure](https://metacpan.org/pod/Class::Multimethods::Pure) Same desire for `sub` syntax. Additionally, the last update was in 2007, and the maintainer hasn't uploaded anything since. Other than that, I think this also looks like a decent option (but haven't tried it). - [Dios](https://metacpan.org/pod/Dios) This is a full object system, which I do not need in my use case. - [Logic](https://metacpan.org/pod/Logic) This one is fairly clean, but uses a source filter. I have not had much experience with source filters, so am reluctant. - [Kavorka::Manual::MultiSubs](https://metacpan.org/pod/Kavorka::Manual::MultiSubs) (and [Moops](https://metacpan.org/pod/Moops)) Requires Perl 5.14+. - [MooseX::MultiMethods](https://metacpan.org/pod/MooseX::MultiMethods) I am not ready to move to full [Moose](https://metacpan.org/pod/Moose)! - [MooseX::Params](https://metacpan.org/pod/MooseX::Params) As above. - [Sub::Multi](https://metacpan.org/pod/Sub::Multi) The original inspiration for this module, whence this module's name. `Sub::Multi` uses coderefs, and I wanted a syntax that used normal `sub` definitions as much as possible. - [Sub::SmartMatch](https://metacpan.org/pod/Sub::SmartMatch) This one looks very interesting, but I haven't used smartmatch enough to be fully comfortable with it. # SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Sub::Multi::Tiny You can also look for information at: - GitHub: The project's main repository and issue tracker [https://github.com/cxw42/Sub-Multi-Tiny](https://github.com/cxw42/Sub-Multi-Tiny) - MetaCPAN [Sub::Multi::Tiny](https://metacpan.org/pod/Sub::Multi::Tiny) - This distribution See the tests in the `t/` directory distributed with this software for examples. # BUGS This isn't Damian code ;) . # AUTHOR Chris White <cxw@cpan.org> # LICENSE Copyright (C) 2019 Chris White <cxw@cpan.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.