If you want language support there are two little mistakes in
French : In FRENCH.STY you must change \setlanguage{french}
         to \selectlanguage{french} for TeX 3.x
German : Johannes Braams named his style GERMANB.STY not GERMAN.STY
         so rename GERMAN.STY of BABEL-SYSTEM to GERMANB.STY.
         This avoids conflicts with for example GERMAN.STY 2.4a
         but you must change in CHESS.STY \ifcurrentlanguage{german}
         to \ifcurrentlanguage{germanb}

If I have metafounded the chess figures in other resolutions or
with mode=HPDeskJet a peace of the neak of the white knight
was not drawn. It works correct if you change in the routine 
vardef N(expr D, col, row) of CHESSBAS.MF

  else: erase fill eye moved; erase fill nose moved; fi;
     z30'=z30 + (-thick#/d#,thick#/d#); pickup thick_pen
     erase draw (opd(1)..opd(32)..opl(31)..z30') moved; % mane 


  else: erase fill eye moved; erase fill nose moved;
     z30'=z30 + (-thick#/d#,thick#/d#); pickup thick_pen
     erase draw (opd(1)..opd(32)..opl(31)..z30') moved; % mane

Hope this helps Frank Hassel