% exaccent.sty: for extended accent.
% Copyright 2002 FUKUI Rei
% This program may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX 
% version 1999/12/01 or later.
% This program consists of all files listed in Manifest.txt.
% Version 1.0 1996/06/10
% This file is based on `tsipa.sty' for TSIPA created by

\ProvidesPackage{exaccent}[1996/06/10 extended accent Version 1.0]


\newcommand\upperaccent{\@ifnextchar[{\upper@accent a\empty}%
  {\upper@accent a\empty[\z@]}}
\newcommand\Upperaccent{\@ifnextchar[{\upper@accent b\empty}%
  {\upper@accent b\empty[\z@]}}
\newcommand\loweraccent{\@ifnextchar[{\lower@accent a\empty}%
  {\lower@accent a\empty[\z@]}}
\newcommand\Loweraccent{\@ifnextchar[{\lower@accent b\empty}%
  {\lower@accent b\empty[\z@]}}

    \if a#1\char#4\else#4\fi}%
  \@getaccshift \let\c@lcshift\@pshift
  \ifdim\ht\@ne>1ex \advance\dimen\z@ -1ex \else
  \ifdim\ht\@ne=\z@ \dimen\z@\dp\@ne \fi\fi
     \hss\vbox to \dimen\z@{\hbox{\box\@ne}\vss}\hss}\hss}

    \if a#1\char#4\else#4\fi}%
  \@getaccshift \let\c@lcshift\s@bshift
  \ifdim\ht\@ne>1ex \advance\dimen\z@ -1.1ex \else
  \ifdim\ht\@ne=\z@ \dimen\z@\dp\@ne \fi\fi
      \hss\vbox to \dimen\z@{\hbox{\box\@ne}\vss}\hss}}}\fi}}



  \dimen\@ne-\ht\z@          % get height of the box to be accented
  \advance\dimen\@ne -#1%    % add margin between the letter and accent
    \advance\dimen\@ne 1ex\else
    \advance\dimen\@ne -\dp\@ne\fi\fi}
  \dimen\@ne\dp\z@                % get depth of the box to be accented
    \advance\dimen\@ne \ht\@ne\fi % add ht of the accent
    \advance\dimen\@ne #1\fi}     % add margin between the letter and accent
