%\iffalse meta-comment %Copyright (c) 2018 Matthew Scroggs % %Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy %of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal %in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights %to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell %copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is %furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: % %The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all %copies or substantial portions of the Software. % %THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR %IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, %FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE %AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER %LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, %OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE %SOFTWARE. %\fi % \lstinline{tikz-truchet} is a package for \LaTeX{} that draws Truchet tiles, % as features in the article \emph{Too good to be Truchet} by Colin Beveridge\footnote{Chalkdust Magazine issue 08, Autumn 2018, % \url{http://chalkdustmagazine.com/features/too-good-to-be-truchet/}}. %\iffalse %<*documentation> \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz-truchet} \usepackage{doc} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{hyperref} \lstset{basicstyle=\ttfamily\footnotesize,commentstyle=\color{red},language=[LaTeX]TeX} \title{tikz-truchet v\input{VERSION}} \author{Matthew W.~Scroggs} \begin{document} \maketitle \DocInput{tikz-truchet.dtx} \end{document} %</documentation> %\fi % %\iffalse %<*truchet> \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{tikz-truchet}[2019/02/12 tikz-truchet] \RequirePackage{tikz} \RequirePackage{ifthen} %\fi % Before starting, I recommend setting the following tikz options to make your pictures look nicer: %\begin{lstlisting} \tikzset{x=2cm,y=2cm,line cap=round,line join=round, every picture} %\end{lstlisting} % % \section{Squares} % \DescribeMacro{\truchetsquare} % You can draw square Truchet tile using the command \lstinline{\truchetsquare}. % The following code will produce the output below. %\iffalse %<*example> %\fi \begin{lstlisting} \begin{tikzpicture} \truchetsquare{b}{w}{b}{w}{b} \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} %\iffalse %</example> %\fi % \begin{center} % \begin{tikzpicture} % \truchetsquare{b}{w}{b}{w}{b} % \end{tikzpicture} % \end{center} % The five inputs of the command are the colour (\lstinline{b} or \lstinline{w}) at the centre, the North East, North West, South West, % and South East corners (in that order) % % You can a square bracketed input to move the tiles. The tiles are 1 unit wide. %\iffalse %<*example> %\fi \begin{lstlisting} \begin{tikzpicture} \truchetsquare{b}{w}{b}{w}{b} \truchetsquare[(1.2,0)]{w}{b}{w}{b}{w} \truchetsquare[(0,-1.2)]{b}{b}{w}{b}{w} \truchetsquare[(1.2,-1.2)]{w}{w}{b}{w}{b} \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} %\iffalse %</example> %\fi % \begin{center} % \begin{tikzpicture} % \truchetsquare{b}{w}{b}{w}{b} % \truchetsquare[(1.2,0)]{w}{b}{w}{b}{w} % \truchetsquare[(0,-1.2)]{b}{b}{w}{b}{w} % \truchetsquare[(1.2,-1.2)]{w}{w}{b}{w}{b} % \end{tikzpicture} % \end{center} % %\iffalse \newcommand{\truchetsquare}[6][(0,0)]{ \begin{scope}[shift={#1}] \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{b}}{ \draw[black,fill=black] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); }{ \draw[white,fill=white] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); } \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{#2}}{}{ \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{b}}{ \draw [black,fill=black,domain=0:90,line width=1pt] plot ({0.5*cos(\x)}, {1-0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (0,1) -- cycle; }{ \draw [white,fill=white,domain=0:90,line width=1pt] plot ({0.5*cos(\x)}, {1-0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (0,1) -- cycle; } } \ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{#2}}{}{ \ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{b}}{ \draw [black,fill=black,domain=0:90,line width=1pt] plot ({1-0.5*cos(\x)}, {1-0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (1,1) -- cycle; }{ \draw [white,fill=white,domain=0:90,line width=1pt] plot ({1-0.5*cos(\x)}, {1-0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (1,1) -- cycle; } } \ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{#2}}{}{ \ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{b}}{ \draw [black,fill=black,domain=0:90,line width=1pt] plot ({1-0.5*cos(\x)}, {0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (1,0) -- cycle; }{ \draw [white,fill=white,domain=0:90,line width=1pt] plot ({1-0.5*cos(\x)}, {0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (1,0) -- cycle; } } \ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{#2}}{}{ \ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{b}}{ \draw [black,fill=black,domain=0:90,line width=1pt] plot ({0.5*cos(\x)}, {0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (0,0) -- cycle; }{ \draw [white,fill=white,domain=0:90,line width=1pt] plot ({0.5*cos(\x)}, {0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (0,0) -- cycle; } } \draw[black,line width=1pt] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); \end{scope} } %\fi % % \DescribeMacro{\diagonalsquare} % The command \lstinline{\diagonalsquare} can be used to draw a square tile that is half white and half black along a diagonal. %\iffalse %<*example> %\fi \begin{lstlisting} \begin{tikzpicture} \diagonalsquare{x}{w}{x}{b} \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} %\iffalse %</example> %\fi % \begin{center} % \begin{tikzpicture} % \diagonalsquare{x}{w}{x}{b} % \end{tikzpicture} % \end{center} % The four inputs are the color (\lstinline{b} or \lstinline{w}), or \lstinline{x} if the colour changes at that corner, of % the North East, North West, South West, and South East corners (in that order). % % \DescribeMacro{\tileA} % \DescribeMacro{\tileB} % \DescribeMacro{\tileC} % \DescribeMacro{\tileD} % There are only five such tiles. They can be created using the convenience functions % \lstinline{\tileA}, % \lstinline{\tileB}, % \lstinline{\tileC}, and % \lstinline{\tileD}. %\iffalse %<*example> %\fi \begin{lstlisting} \begin{tikzpicture} \tileA \tileB[(1.2,0)] \tileC[(2.4,0)] \tileD[(3.6,0)] \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} %\iffalse %</example> %\fi % \begin{center} % \begin{tikzpicture} % \tileA % \tileB[(1.2,0)] % \tileC[(2.4,0)] % \tileD[(3.6,0)] % \end{tikzpicture} % \end{center} % %\iffalse \newcommand{\diagonalsquare}[5][(0,0)]{ \begin{scope}[shift={#1}] \draw[white,fill=white] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{b}}{ \draw [black,fill=black,line width=1pt] (0,0) -- (0,1) -- (1,1) -- cycle; }{} \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{b}}{ \draw [black,fill=black,line width=1pt] (0,1) -- (1,1) -- (1,0) -- cycle; }{} \ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{b}}{ \draw [black,fill=black,line width=1pt] (1,1) -- (1,0) -- (0,0) -- cycle; }{} \ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{b}}{ \draw [black,fill=black,line width=1pt] (1,0) -- (0,0) -- (0,1) -- cycle; }{} \draw[black,line width=1pt] (0,0) rectangle (1,1); \end{scope} } \newcommand{\tileA}[1][(0,0)]{\diagonalsquare[#1]{x}{w}{x}{b}} \newcommand{\tileB}[1][(0,0)]{\diagonalsquare[#1]{b}{x}{w}{x}} \newcommand{\tileC}[1][(0,0)]{\diagonalsquare[#1]{x}{b}{x}{w}} \newcommand{\tileD}[1][(0,0)]{\diagonalsquare[#1]{w}{x}{b}{x}} %\fi % % \section{Hexagons} % To draw hexagonal Truchet tiles, you can use the commands \lstinline{\truchethex} and \lstinline{\truchetsplithex}. % % \DescribeMacro{\truchethex} % The command \lstinline{\truchethex} takes 7 inputs: the colour (\lstinline{b} or \lstinline{w}) at the % centre, then all the corners starting at the top left and going clockwise. Again an argument can be passed in square % brackets to move the tile. %\iffalse %<*example> %\fi \begin{lstlisting} \begin{tikzpicture} \truchethex{b}{w}{b}{w}{b}{w}{b} \truchethex[(2.2,0)]{w}{w}{b}{w}{b}{w}{b} \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} %\iffalse %</example> %\fi % \begin{center} % \begin{tikzpicture} % \truchethex{b}{w}{b}{w}{b}{w}{b} % \truchethex[(2.2,0)]{w}{w}{b}{w}{b}{w}{b} % \end{tikzpicture} % \end{center} % % \DescribeMacro{\truchetsplithex} % The command \lstinline{\truchetsplithex} draws a Truchet tile split in half like the following. %\iffalse %<*example> %\fi \begin{lstlisting} \begin{tikzpicture} \truchetsplithex \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} %\iffalse %</example> %\fi % \begin{center} % \begin{tikzpicture} % \truchetsplithex % \end{tikzpicture} % \end{center} % % \DescribeEnv{rotatehex} % The environment \lstinline{rotatehex} can be used to rotate a hexagonal tile about its centre. The angle should be given in degrees. % %\iffalse %<*example> %\fi \begin{lstlisting} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{rotatehex}{30} \truchetsplithex \end{rotatehex} \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} %\iffalse %</example> %\fi % \begin{center} % \begin{tikzpicture} % \begin{rotatehex}{30} % \truchetsplithex % \end{rotatehex} % \begin{rotatehex}{30} % \truchetsplithex % \end{rotatehex} % \end{tikzpicture} % \end{center} % %\iffalse \newcommand{\truchetsplithex}[1][(0,0)]{ \begin{scope}[shift={#1}] \draw[white,fill=white] (0,0) -- (1,0) -- (1.5,0.866) -- (1,1.732) -- (0,1.732) -- (-0.5,0.866) -- cycle; \draw[black,fill=black] (0,0) -- (.5,0) -- (.5,1.732) -- (0,1.732) -- (-0.5,0.866) -- cycle; \draw [black,fill=black,domain=120:240,line width=1pt] plot ({1.5+0.5*cos(\x)}, {0.866+0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (1.5,0.866) -- cycle; \draw [white,fill=white,domain=-60:60,line width=1pt] plot ({-0.5+0.5*cos(\x)}, {0.866+0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (-0.5,0.866) -- cycle; \draw[black,line width=1pt] (0,0) -- (1,0) -- (1.5,0.866) -- (1,1.732) -- (0,1.732) -- (-0.5,0.866) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \newcommand{\truchethex}[8][(0,0)]{ \begin{scope}[shift={#1}] \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{b}}{ \draw[black,fill=black] (0,0) -- (1,0) -- (1.5,0.866) -- (1,1.732) -- (0,1.732) -- (-0.5,0.866) -- cycle; }{ \draw[white,fill=white] (0,0) -- (1,0) -- (1.5,0.866) -- (1,1.732) -- (0,1.732) -- (-0.5,0.866) -- cycle; } \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{#2}}{}{ \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{b}}{ \draw [black,fill=black,domain=240:360,line width=1pt] plot ({0.5*cos(\x)}, {1.732+0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (0,1.732) -- cycle; }{ \draw [white,fill=white,domain=240:360,line width=1pt] plot ({0.5*cos(\x)}, {1.732+0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (0,1.732) -- cycle; } } \ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{#2}}{}{ \ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{b}}{ \draw [black,fill=black,domain=180:300,line width=1pt] plot ({1+0.5*cos(\x)}, {1.732+0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (1,1.732) -- cycle; }{ \draw [white,fill=white,domain=180:300,line width=1pt] plot ({1+0.5*cos(\x)}, {1.732+0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (1,1.732) -- cycle; } } \ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{#2}}{}{ \ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{b}}{ \draw [black,fill=black,domain=120:240,line width=1pt] plot ({1.5+0.5*cos(\x)}, {0.866+0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (1.5,0.866) -- cycle; }{ \draw [white,fill=white,domain=120:240,line width=1pt] plot ({1.5+0.5*cos(\x)}, {0.866+0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (1.5,0.866) -- cycle; } } \ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{#2}}{}{ \ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{b}}{ \draw [black,fill=black,domain=60:180,line width=1pt] plot ({1+0.5*cos(\x)}, {0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (1,0) -- cycle; }{ \draw [white,fill=white,domain=60:180,line width=1pt] plot ({1+0.5*cos(\x)}, {0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (1,0) -- cycle; } } \ifthenelse{\equal{#7}{#2}}{}{ \ifthenelse{\equal{#7}{b}}{ \draw [black,fill=black,domain=0:120,line width=1pt] plot ({0.5*cos(\x)}, {0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (0,0) -- cycle; }{ \draw [white,fill=white,domain=0:120,line width=1pt] plot ({0.5*cos(\x)}, {0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (0,0) -- cycle; } } \ifthenelse{\equal{#8}{#2}}{}{ \ifthenelse{\equal{#8}{b}}{ \draw [black,fill=black,domain=-60:60,line width=1pt] plot ({-0.5+0.5*cos(\x)}, {0.866+0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (-0.5,0.866) -- cycle; }{ \draw [white,fill=white,domain=-60:60,line width=1pt] plot ({-0.5+0.5*cos(\x)}, {0.866+0.5*sin(\x)}) -- (-0.5,0.866) -- cycle; } } \draw[black,line width=1pt] (0,0) -- (1,0) -- (1.5,0.866) -- (1,1.732) -- (0,1.732) -- (-0.5,0.866) -- cycle; \end{scope} } \newenvironment{rotatehex}[1]{ \begin{scope}[shift={(0.5,0.866)}] \begin{scope}[rotate=#1] \begin{scope}[shift={(-0.5,-0.866)}] }{ \end{scope} \end{scope} \end{scope} } %\fi % % \section{Cubes} % \DescribeMacro{\truchetcube} % The command \lstinline{\truchetcube} can be used to draw Cubes with differently coloured faces. % The six inputs of the command are the colour (\lstinline{b} or \lstinline{w}) of the % bottom, front, right, back, left, and top faces of the cube (in that order). %\iffalse %<*example> %\fi \begin{lstlisting} \begin{tikzpicture}[x=1.2cm,y=1.2cm] \truchetcube{w}{w}{w}{w}{w}{w} \truchetcube[(0,-3cm)]{b}{b}{b}{b}{b}{b} \truchetcube[(2.4cm,0)]{w}{w}{w}{w}{w}{b} \truchetcube[(2.4cm,-3cm)]{b}{b}{b}{b}{b}{w} \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} %\iffalse %</example> %\fi % \begin{center} % \begin{tikzpicture}[x=1.2cm,y=1.2cm] % \truchetcube{w}{w}{w}{w}{w}{w} % \truchetcube[(0,-3cm)]{b}{b}{b}{b}{b}{b} % \truchetcube[(2.4cm,0)]{w}{w}{w}{w}{w}{b} % \truchetcube[(2.4cm,-3cm)]{b}{b}{b}{b}{b}{w} % \end{tikzpicture} % \end{center} %\iffalse \newcommand{\truchetcube}[7][(0,0)]{ \begin{scope}[shift={#1}] %1.17,0.22 %-0.38,0.67 \coordinate (A) at (0,0); \coordinate (B) at (1.17,0.22); \coordinate (C) at (0.57,0.84); \coordinate (D) at (-0.6,0.62); \coordinate (E) at (0,1); \coordinate (F) at (1.17,1.22); \coordinate (G) at (0.57,1.84); \coordinate (H) at (-0.6,1.62); %faces \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{b}} {\fill[fill=black,fill opacity=0.6] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D) -- cycle;} {\fill[fill=white,fill opacity=0.6] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D) -- cycle;} \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{b}} {\fill[fill=black,fill opacity=0.6] (A) -- (B) -- (F) -- (E) -- cycle;} {\fill[fill=white,fill opacity=0.6] (A) -- (B) -- (F) -- (E) -- cycle;} \ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{b}} {\fill[fill=black,fill opacity=0.6] (B) -- (C) -- (G) -- (F) -- cycle;} {\fill[fill=white,fill opacity=0.6] (B) -- (C) -- (G) -- (F) -- cycle;} \ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{b}} {\fill[fill=black,fill opacity=0.6] (C) -- (D) -- (H) -- (G) -- cycle;} {\fill[fill=white,fill opacity=0.6] (C) -- (D) -- (H) -- (G) -- cycle;} \ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{b}} {\fill[fill=black,fill opacity=0.6] (D) -- (A) -- (E) -- (H) -- cycle;} {\fill[fill=white,fill opacity=0.6] (D) -- (A) -- (E) -- (H) -- cycle;} \ifthenelse{\equal{#7}{b}} {\fill[fill=black,fill opacity=0.6] (E) -- (F) -- (G) -- (H) -- cycle;} {\fill[fill=white,fill opacity=0.6] (E) -- (F) -- (G) -- (H) -- cycle;} %edges \draw[black,line width=1pt] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D) -- cycle; \draw[black,line width=1pt] (E) -- (F) -- (G) -- (H) -- cycle; \draw[black,line width=1pt] (A) -- (E); \draw[black,line width=1pt] (B) -- (F); \draw[black,line width=1pt] (C) -- (G); \draw[black,line width=1pt] (D) -- (H); \end{scope} } %</truchet> %\fi