..... pst-tools.tex
0.12  2021-09-23  - rename PSfont to printfont
0.11  2021-09-13  - make it compatible to lualatex
0.10  2020-03-24  - added the random macros from random.tex which is no more
                    on TeXLive
0.09b 2017-12-03  - modified pro file
                  - added PostScript function list to the documentation
0.09a 2017-11-29  - modified pro file
0.09  2017-10-04  - renamed macro \psGetElement to \psRegisterList
0.08  2017-10-02  - new macro \psGetElement
0.07  2017-08-23  - use always URW fonts instead of PostScript, eg Helvetica-NimbusSanL
0.06  2017-05-12  - added style mmpaper
0.05  2014-05-12  - new optional arguments for printing values
                    on PS level
0.04  2013-07-08  - ???
0.03  2012-12-04  - added option for \psPrintValue to save
                    the value
0.02  2012-10-16  - added option postString and stripSpaces
                    to macro \psPrintValue
0.01  2012-01-01  - first CTAN version

..... pst-tools.sty
      2012-01-01  first version

---- pst-tools.pro
0.06  2017-11-30  - added function concatarray 
0.05  2017-11-29  - added function concatstrings 
0.04  2013-10-26  - added function /ps@reverseOrderOfPoints 
                  - modified /rightTrim
0.03  2012-10-16  - added function /rightTrim 
                  - moved file from pstricks base to pst-tools
0.02  2012-01-01  moved some stuff from pst-func.pro 
0.01  2011-04-23  initial version (hv)