%%  The LaTeX Graphics Companion, 2ed (first printing May 2007)
%%  Example 8-6-1 on page 577.
%%  Copyright (C) 2007 Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach, Denis Roegel, Sebastian Rahtz, Herbert Vo\ss 
%%  It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
%%  of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%%  of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%%  See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details.


\def\cdef#1 #2 #3 {%
   {\begin{circuit}0 \csname #1\endcsname{n} {\,} #2 \end{circuit}}
\def\cdefiv#1 #2 #3 {%
\Lcs{#1} &\raisebox{\depth}%
   {\begin{circuit}0 \csname #1\endcsname{n} {\,} #3 #2 \end{circuit}}
\def\cdefviii#1 #2 #3{%
   {\begin{circuit}0 \csname #1\endcsname{n} {\,} : u \end{circuit}}
ground and junction &
\Lcs{GND}& \raisebox{\depth}{\begin{circuit}0 \GND{n} \end{circuit}} &
\Lcs{gnd}& \raisebox{\depth}{\begin{circuit}0 \gnd{n} \end{circuit}} &
\Lcs{.}  & \begin{circuit}0 \.{n} \end{circuit}
resistors and capacitor &
\cdef         R     l     {resistor}
\cdefviii     Rvar  U     {variable resistor}
\cdef         C     u     {capacitor}
capacitors and diode &
\cdef         Cvar  u     {variable capacitor}
\cdefiv       Cel   u     -
\cdefiv       D     u     K
various diodes &
\cdefiv       ZD    u     K
\Lcs{LED} & \begin{circuit}0 \LED{n} {\,} K u \end{circuit}
\cdefiv       Dcap  u     K
sources &
\cdefiv       U     u     +
\cdefiv       Uvar  u     +
\cdef         I     u     {current source}
source and meters &
\cdef         Ivar  u     {variable current source}
\cdef         V     u     {voltmeter}
\cdef         A     u     {amperemeter}
coil, crystal &
\cdefiv       L     u     .
\cdef         xtal  u     {quartz crystal}
lamps, switch &
\cdef         La    u    {incandescent lamp}
\cdef         GasLa u    {gas lamp}
\cdef         S     u     {switch}
(photo) transistors &
\cdefviii     npnEC T     {npn-transistor (no base)}
\cdefviii     pnp   T     {pnp-transistor}
\Lcs{npnPH} & \begin{circuit}0 \npnPH{n} {\,} E l \end{circuit}
FET and VMOS &
\cdefviii     nfet  T     {n-channel FET}
\cdefviii     pfet  T     {p-channel FET}
\cdefviii     nvmos T     {}
\cdefviii     pvmos T     {}
\cdefviii     namos T     {}
\cdefviii     pamos T     {}