\newcommand\erratafiledate{2025/02/06} % needs / and not - %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % To produce a printed version of this errata file run this file through % LaTeX. It will unpack a small class file (if not already present) and % a configuration file with the extension .cfg. You might want to modify % the setting in this configuration file to print only a partial errata % suitable for your printed revision of this book, see details in the % .cfg file. % % The current version of this file can be found at: % % https://www.latex-project.org/help/books/ % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{filecontents}{ttcterrata.cls} %% %% Copyright (C) 1997-2021 Frank Mittelbach %% This class file is licensed under LPPL latest version; %% see https://www.latex-project.org/lppl % % % It sets up a few commands used to format the errata entries for books in the % Addison-Wesley Series: % % Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting % % hence the name. However, anybody who likes to use it is free to apply it for % errata files of other books. % % Changes: % % v1.0a - changed name from errata.cls to ttcterrata.cls % v1.0b - added \arraybackslash % v1.0c - and took it out again and used \tabularnewline instead \ProvidesClass{ttcterrata} [2021/08/03 v1.0c Mini class for errata files; subject to change (FMi)] \LoadClass{article} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1} \addtolength\textwidth{5cm} \addtolength\oddsidemargin{-3cm} \addtolength\textheight{36pt} \RequirePackage{shortvrb} \MakeShortVerb{\|} \RequirePackage{array,longtable} \RequirePackage{multicol} \newcommand\erratagetnumber{} \def\erratagetnumber#1/#2/#3\erratagetnumber{#1#2#3} \newcommand\gobbleerrata{% \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox\bgroup \let\endgobble\egroup \let\hideamp\relax \let\\\relax \let\tabularnewline\relax \let\par\@@par} \newcommand*\hideamp{&} \let\endgobble\relax \newcommand\erratastartdate{} \newcommand\myprinting{1} \newcommand\doweprint[2]{% \ifnum \myprinting < \if!#2!1000 \else \ifx s#2 1000\else#2 \fi\fi \ifnum \expandafter\erratagetnumber\erratastartdate\erratagetnumber < \erratagetnumber#1\erratagetnumber \relax \@tempswatrue \else \@tempswafalse \fi \else \@tempswafalse \fi } \newcommand\includedentries{entries after = \erratastartdate} \newcommand\printedentries{between \erratastartdate\space and} \newcommand\showallerrors{% \renewcommand\includedentries{all errata entries}% \renewcommand\printedentries{up to} \renewcommand\doweprint[2]{\@tempswatrue}} \newcommand\displayrevisionfix[2]{% \if!#2!\textbf{#1}\else\textit{#1}\rlap{\textsuperscript{#2}}\fi} \newcommand\norevisionnumbers{% \renewcommand\displayrevisionfix[2]{\textbf{##1}}} \IfFileExists{\jobname.cfg} { \input{\jobname.cfg} \typeout{***************************************************} \typeout{*} \typeout{* Configuration file for \jobname.err found } \typeout{*} \typeout{***************************************************} \AtEndDocument{ \typeout{***************************************************} \typeout{*} \typeout{* If you wish to generate an errata listing} \typeout{* containing only errors found after a certain revision} \typeout{* and/or only errors found after a certain date} \typeout{* modify the information stored in \jobname.cfg} \typeout{*} \typeout{* Current settings are:} \typeout{*} \typeout{* \@spaces printing of your book = \myprinting} \typeout{* \@spaces include \includedentries} \typeout{*} \typeout{***************************************************} }} {} %% \erroronpage \newcommand\erroronpage[5]{% \endgobble \doweprint{#4}{#5}% \if@tempswa \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}% \else \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}% \expandafter\gobbleerrata \fi \hideamp \tabularnewline \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5} \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp } \newcommand\seriouserroronpage[5]{% \endgobble \doweprint{#4}{#5}% \if@tempswa \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}% \else \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}% \expandafter\gobbleerrata \fi \hideamp \tabularnewline \fbox{\bfseries !!}\hfill \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5} \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp } \newcommand\CHAPTER[1]{\endgobble &\tabularnewline[4pt]% \multicolumn{4}{l}{\framebox[10cm][l]{\textbf{\normalsize\strut#1}}} \tabularnewline} \newenvironment{erratalist} {\begin{longtable}{r>{\raggedright}p{2cm}l>{\raggedright}p{10cm}l}} {\endgobble\end{longtable}} \newcommand\erratatitle[2] {\begin{center}\LARGE\bfseries Errata list for #1\\[5pt](\myprinting.\ printing)\\[10pt] \small Includes all entries found \printedentries\space #2\\ (For other periods/print runs reprocess this document with different config settings) \end{center}% \markright{Errata for #1 (\printedentries\space #2)}% \thispagestyle{plain}% \vspace{20pt}} \pagestyle{myheadings} \AtBeginDocument{\small} \setlength\parindent{0pt} \setlength\parskip{2pt} \newcommand\contributor[2]{\makebox[1cm][l]{\sffamily#1} #2\par} % some special shortcuts overwriting existing commands: \let\u\underline \renewcommand\>{$\to$} %%% some code suggested by Thorsten Hansen to count the number of %%% contributions by individuals (will work only if we do not get %%% too many :-) \def\count@contributors#1/#2/#3\@nil{ \@ifundefined{c@#1}{\newcounter{#1}}{}\stepcounter{#1}% %%% also count secondary: %%% \@ifundefined{c@#2}{\newcounter{#2}}{}\stepcounter{#2}% } \renewcommand\erroronpage[5]{% \count@contributors#3/secondary/\@nil \endgobble \doweprint{#4}{#5}% \if@tempswa \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}% \else \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}% \expandafter\gobbleerrata \fi \hideamp \tabularnewline \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5} \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp } \renewcommand\seriouserroronpage[5]{% \count@contributors#3/secondary/\@nil \endgobble \doweprint{#4}{#5}% \if@tempswa \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}% \else \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}% \expandafter\gobbleerrata \fi \hideamp \tabularnewline \fbox{\bfseries !!}\hfill \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5} \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp } \renewcommand\contributor[2]{\makebox[1cm][l]{% \sffamily#1} #2\@ifundefined{c@#1}{}{ (\arabic{#1})}\par} \end{filecontents} \begin{filecontents}{\jobname.cfg} % % % Configuration file for the errata listing of % % The LaTeX Companion, Third Edition, Parts I & II % % % \erratastartdate % % Specifies the date from which on errata entries should be listed. % % The format is YYYY/MM/DD (hyphens are not supported) % % The default below ensures that all entries for a particular % printing are typeset. % \renewcommand\erratastartdate{2023/04/01} % ALL ENTRIES %\renewcommand\erratastartdate{2023/05/30} % for the first digital edition %\renewcommand\erratastartdate{2023/09/01} % % If you own a digital edition (which is more often updated than the % print edition) then you can alter the above date to match the date % shown at the bottom of the Copyright page --- if it says % "First digital release, 2023" then use the date 2023/05/30 above. % % % \myprinting % % Specifies which (revised) printing you own. For example, if you % have the second printing set this to 2 so that errors already % corrected in that printing will not appear in your errata % listing. % % The default below ensures that all entries relevant to the x-th % printing are typeset. % % \renewcommand\myprinting{1} % % \norevisionnumbers % % Specifies that all page numbers in the errata are shown in the same % format (bold face) irregardless of whether or not they are fixed % in some revision. The default is to print corrected errors in % italic and add the revision number as a superscript. % % \showallerrors % % With this command you tell the program that all errata entries are % supposed to be generated. This makes \myprinting and % \erratastartdate basically obsolete so this isn't turned on by % default. % % \endinput \end{filecontents} \documentclass{ttcterrata}[2005/11/10] % we want new class \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \let\u\underline % shortcut for this file \newcommand\meta[1]{$\langle$\textit{#1\/}$\rangle$} \usepackage{color} \newcommand\bl{\color{blue}} \newcommand\textttu[1]{\texttt{\upshape #1}} \usepackage{hyperref} \let\u\underline % needs resetting after hyperref \usepackage{hologo} \providecommand\XeTeX{\hologo{XeTeX}} \begin{document} \erratatitle{The \LaTeX{} Companion, Third Edition, Parts I \& II}{\erratafiledate} \begin{small} \begin{verbatim} @book(A-W:MF:2023, author = {Frank Mittelbach and Ulrike Fischer}, title = {The {\LaTeX} Companion}, edition = 3, note = {With contributions by Javier Bezos, Johannes Braams, and Joseph Wright}, series = {Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}, address = {Boston, Massachusetts}, year = 2023, pagenums = {976 (Part I) and 1008 (Part II)}, bibliography = {yes}, index = {yes}, isbn = {978-0-13-816648-9}) \end{verbatim} \end{small} \begin{list}{}{\setlength\leftmargin{0cm}% \setlength\rightmargin{3cm}% \setlength\listparindent{1em}} \item[] \tableofcontents \bigskip \noindent This file (\texttt{\jobname.err}) can be found as part of the \LaTeX{} distribution and its latest version is maintained on the \LaTeX{} project site at \texttt{https://www.latex-project.org/help/books/\jobname.err} where you will also find extracts of the book. The first column in the table shows the page number of the errata entry. Superscript numbers in the first column refer to the printed revision in which this entry was corrected (\textit{s} indicates a correction in the sources only). The second column gives the precise location (negative line or paragraph numbers are counted from the bottom of the page). The third column shows the first finder of the problem. You can customize this list to only show errata related to the printing or digital edition you own by changing the configuration in the file \texttt{\jobname.cfg}. \begin{center} \large \bfseries To Err is Human --- Bug Contest \end{center} Any mistake found and reported is a gain for all readers of our book. For this reason Addison-Wesley and the authors offer a prize (for 5 limited time periods) to the eligible person who finds the largest number of bugs during that period (more precisely, it is a lottery among the people with the 5 top-most findings up to that point). A person can receive at most one prize, ever; errors found by any of the authors do not count. Each prize is a free choice of any single computing book found on the Addison-Wesley/Pearson web site: \texttt{https://www.informit.com} (that is, no boxed sets or multiple volume offers). As usual, the authors and publisher reserve the right to make various decisions such as whether a reported feature is an error for competitive purposes or whether similar features count as a single or multiple errors. --- Good luck! \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{clr} Contest period ends & Winner \\[4pt] 2024/03 & Bernd Burghardt & 52 suggestions\\ \end{tabular} \end{center} Due to its size the third edition of \textit{The \LaTeX{} Companion} is printed as a two-volume set. The digital version, however, is provided as a single PDF or ePub. This means that a small fraction of the digital content differs from that of the printed version: there is only a single front matter, a single bibliography, and a single index, whereas in the printed books these are separated out. However, all versions share the main matter (down to the page numbering) so most of the errata apply to all versions, but a few only to the digital and some only to the printed version. Thus, we end up with three separate lists. \end{list} %\newpage %<-------------------------- \newcommand\BibTeX{\textsc{Bib}\TeX} \newcommand\cs[1]{\texttt{\upshape\textbackslash #1}} \newcommand\env[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand\pkg[1]{\textsf{#1}} \section{Errata for the print version (not applicable to the digital version)} The printed books differ from the digital version in that the bibliography is split across both volumes (with a few repeats) and the front matter of each volume has its own table of contents and list of figures and tables. Therefore these parts have different page numbers and you will see similar errata entries for both print and digital differing only in that respect. \begin{erratalist} \CHAPTER{General} \erroronpage{}{}{FMi}{2023/07/30}{} Text or graphics typeset in the spot color (blue) are not always perfectly aligned. This is a side-effect of the printing technology. On most pages everything is fine, but occasionally blue text in a paragraph seems to be slightly above or below the baseline or blue text in tables appears slightly misaligned horizontally. It differs from book to book (and therefore not recorded in this errata) and can't be controlled by the authors, unfortunately. \CHAPTER{Front matter (Part I)} \erroronpage{I-ix\ldots I-xvi}{}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Dot leaders have been changed on all sections. \erroronpage{I-xvii}{chapter head}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} formulas \> \u{F}ormulas \erroronpage{I-xvii}{chapter head}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} documents \> \u{D}ocuments \erroronpage{I-xvii}{chapter head}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} beyond \> \u{B}eyond \erroronpage{I-xx\ldots I-xxi}{}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Dot leaders have been changed on all sections. \erroronpage{xxv}{footnote}{FMi}{2024/07/11}{s} The package implementing the Silly Walk is called \u{\texttt{sillypage}} not \u{\texttt{sillywalk}} as claimed in the footnote. \CHAPTER{Bibliography (Part I)} \erroronpage{I-779}{[24], l.-1}{FMi}{2023/10/28}{s} Link should use \texttt{https://} \erroronpage{I-783}{[55], l.-2}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} all \> \u{them} all \erroronpage{I-785}{[73], l.-2}{kb/bb}{2023/04/04}{s} the go-forward way for \LaTeX-coding \> \\ the way for \LaTeX{} coding going forward \erroronpage{I-786}{[87], l.2}{kb/bb}{2023/04/04}{s} p. \> pp. \erroronpage{I-786}{[88], l.2}{kb/bb}{2023/04/04}{s} p. \> pp. \erroronpage{I-787}{[92], l.2}{kb/bb}{2023/04/04}{s} Add: Vancouver, 1999 \erroronpage{I-788}{[100], l.3}{kb/bb}{2023/04/04}{s} Publishing \> Publishing\u{,} \erroronpage{I-790}{[122], l.1}{kb/bb}{2023/04/04}{s} In \u{ACM editor} ``Proceedings \> In ``\u{PODC'01: }Proceedings \erroronpage{I-790}{[122], l.1}{kb/bb}{2023/04/04}{s} In \u{Unicode Consortium, editor} \> In \CHAPTER{Front matter (Part II)} \erroronpage{II-x\ldots II-xxviii}{}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Dot leaders have been changed on all sections. \erroronpage{II-xiv}{heading}{bb/FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Multiple alignments: \env{align} \u{and \env{flalign}} \>\\ Multiple alignments: \env{align}\u{, \env{flalign}, and \env{alignat}} \erroronpage{II-xv}{chapter head}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} formulas \> \u{F}ormulas \erroronpage{II-xvi}{chapter head}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} documents \> \u{D}ocuments \erroronpage{II-xxi}{chapter head}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} beyond \> \u{B}eyond \CHAPTER{Bibliography (Part II)} \erroronpage{II-799}{[43], l.-2}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} all \> \u{them} all \erroronpage{II-801}{[62], l.-2}{kb/bb}{2023/04/04}{s} the go-forward way for \LaTeX-coding \>\\ the way for \LaTeX{} coding going forward \erroronpage{II-802}{[71], l.2}{kb/bb}{2023/04/04}{s} p. \> pp. \erroronpage{II-802}{[72], l.2}{kb/bb}{2023/04/04}{s} p. \> pp. \erroronpage{II-803}{[80], l.3}{kb/bb}{2023/04/04}{s} Publishing \> Publishing\u{,} \end{erratalist} %<-------------------------- \section{Errata for the digital version (not applicable to the print version)} Most known errors to the digital version have already been incorporated in the product as distributed, here are the remaining ones. \begin{erratalist} %\CHAPTER{General} % \CHAPTER{Front matter} \erroronpage{I-xli}{footnote}{FMi}{2024/07/11}{s} The package implementing the Silly Walk is called \u{\texttt{sillypage}} not \u{\texttt{sillywalk}} as claimed in the footnote. \CHAPTER{Bibliography} \erroronpage{II-800}{[50], l.-1}{FMi}{2023/10/28}{s} Link should use \texttt{https://} \end{erratalist} %<-------------------------- \section{Errata common to the print and digital versions} The main matter is identical (also in page numbers) in the print and the digital versions. Therefore most errata entries appear in this section. \begin{erratalist} \CHAPTER{General} \erroronpage{}{}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{} Some corrections result in index changes. These are not tracked here; the index is always fully regenerated for new printings. \erroronpage{}{}{MJo/FMi}{2023/07/07}{} There are a dozen occurrences of the word \u{rôle} throughout the book, which is more commonly spelled \u{role}. However, this is not wrong but is the somewhat dated form used mostly in British English. Personally, I prefer the version with accent (as does Don Knuth) so it is deliberate and will not change. \CHAPTER{Preface} \erroronpage{I-xlii}{para 1, l.3}{FMi}{2024/04/01}{s} \u{the designer} of the Lato fonts \> \u{a co-designer} of the Lato fonts \CHAPTER{Chapter 1 --- Introduction} \erroronpage{I-5}{para 4, l.4}{kb}{2023/04/04}{s} \u{of} the bugs \> \u{with} the bugs \erroronpage{I-5}{para 5, l.5}{kb}{2023/04/04}{s} not least \> \u{but} not least \erroronpage{I-10}{para -1, l.2}{ACa}{2024/06/05}{s} The value should have been shown with an upright mu, using \verb=\qty{0.01}{\micro\metre}= from the \pkg{siunitx} package. \erroronpage{I-18}{before 1.3.3}{ACa/FMi}{2024/06/05}{s} Add paragraph:\\ % There are also two sections (2.2.8 and 2.3.4) providing low-level background information for reference---useful when looking at existing code in older document class files. They are set in a slightly smaller typeface to save space and to indicate their special nature as reference material, rather than material for daily use. \CHAPTER{Chapter 2 --- The Structure of a \LaTeX{} Document} \erroronpage{I-31}{para-1,l.-1}{BeB}{2024/03/17}{s} would have resulted in ``\verb+# .+'' in the output. \> \\ would have resulted in ``\verb+#+\u{\texttt{\&}}\verb+ .+'' in the output. \erroronpage{I-34}{l.-1}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Moved first line of page 35 to 34. \erroronpage{I-35}{l.1}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Moved first line of page 35 to 34. \erroronpage{I-70}{section 2.3.4}{FMi}{2023/06/05}{s} Add footnote: The whole section is set in a smaller font to indicate that is more a reference — helpful mainly when studying existing code. \erroronpage{I-113}{listing}{FMi}{2023/05/14}{s} Situation is the same in the 2023 distributions; listing output updated. \erroronpage{I-117}{l.-5}{BeB}{2023/07/25}{s} \textit{latexrelease} \> \texttt{latexrelease} \CHAPTER{Chapter 3 --- Basic Formatting Tools -- Paragraph \ldots} \erroronpage{I-143}{exa 3-1-18}{BeB}{2024/03/17}{s} Replace in source: \verb+{ peine+ \> \verb+{peine+ \erroronpage{I-160}{para -2, l.1}{BeB}{2023/07/14}{s} Repeated word: keys \u{keys} \> keys \erroronpage{I-163}{para 2, l.2}{FMi}{2023/07/26}{s} as we did \u{above}. \> as we did \u{in Example 3-3-14 below}. \erroronpage{I-163}{para 3, margin}{FMi}{2023/07/26}{s} Add a marginal note: \u{No warning if another \LaTeX{} run is necessary!} \erroronpage{I-163}{example 3-3-14}{BeB}{2023/07/25}{s} Output of example misses the page numbers in acronym list \> Run example 3 times (not only twice---there is no warning) \erroronpage{I-174}{para3,l. -2}{BeB}{2024/03/17}{s} the exponent is always a \u{power} of 3 \> the exponent is always a \u{multiple} of 3 \seriouserroronpage{I-177}{exa 3-3-39}{BeB/FMi}{2024/03/17}{s} The example doesn't really show what the paragraph above discusses because it was shortend to fit the available space on the page. Use \begin{verbatim} \newcommand\sample[1]{\textnormal{\noindent #1:} The limit is \qty{30}{\kmh} not $\qty{50}{\kmh}$.\par}} \end{verbatim} so that both text and math usage of \verb=\qty= are compared in the example. \erroronpage{I-182}{para 4}{BeB}{2024/03/17}{s} Add sentence: The command \verb+\textcquote+ is used in Example 16-5-50 on page II-535. \erroronpage{I-195}{para 2}{FMi}{2024/07/20}{s} Replace the whole paragraph with:\\ For the same reason \texttt{soul} was unable to cope with UTF-8 input characters if they are internally represented by several bytes. If you used such characters, you had to load \texttt{soulutf8} (by Heiko Oberdiek) instead of \texttt{soul} — since 2023, both packages are equivalent, thus you may always use the \texttt{soul} package. \CHAPTER{Chapter 4 --- Basic Formatting Tools -- Larger \ldots} \erroronpage{I-253}{para 2, l.-3}{YEi}{2023/11/27}{s} Move comma:\\ and \textsf{thmtools} packages and \textsf{typed-checklist}\u{,} helps you write \> \\ and \textsf{thmtools} packages\u{,} and \textsf{typed-checklist} helps you write \erroronpage{I-286}{para 1, l.3}{DPC}{2024/07/15}{s} in this case \texttt{shade\u{d}thm} \> in this case \texttt{shadethm} \erroronpage{I-322}{para -1, l.-2}{MBe/FMi}{2024/08/07}{s} Change: \texttt{algorithm\u{s}} \> \texttt{algorithm\u{ic}} \textit{Reason: The package is called \texttt{algorithmic} and there is also \texttt{algorithm} to make floats, but the CTAN bundle (and its documentation) calls it \texttt{algorithms}.} \erroronpage{I-323}{Table 4.4, left column}{BeB}{2023/07/25}{s} Typo: Assembler (\u{N}otorola68k, x86masm) \> \\ Assembler (\u{M}otorola68k, x86masm) % Matlab \> Matlab \u{(empty, 5.1)} % könnte auch aktualisiert werden, steht aber in Version 1.8d nicht drin \erroronpage{I-344}{exa 4-3-16}{CAR/FMi}{2024/01/29}{s} Use \cs{NewDocumentEnvironment} instead of \cs{DeclareDocumentEnvironment} because it is always better to check that the declaration is not accidentally overwriting an existing environment. \CHAPTER{Chapter 5 --- The Layout of the Page} \erroronpage{I-365}{paras -3 to -2}{YEi}{2023/11/28}{s} Add/replace:\\ \ldots package and others. \cs{par} The \u{fifth} section then \> \\ \ldots package and others. \u{In the fifth section we cover ``static'' page} \\ \u{decorations such as watermarks.} \cs{par} The \u{sixth} section then \erroronpage{I-368}{table 5.1}{YEi}{2023/11/29}{s} A better approximation for \texttt{b5paper} is \u{$6\frac{7}{8}$}${}\times 9 \frac{7}{8}$ \erroronpage{I-386}{exa 5-3-1, l.7}{EOl}{2023/09/09}{s} Change: paragraph over \u{two} pages. \> paragraph over \u{three} pages. \textit{Reason: The third page contains just the word ``pages.'' (which would be page 8) is not shown.} \erroronpage{I-389}{syntax box -1}{DC}{2023/10/06}{s} \u{\cs{right}} \> \u{\cs{rightmark}} \erroronpage{I-393}{Documentation of \rlap{\cs{IfMarksEqualTF}}}{FMi}{2024/05/31}{s} Add paragraph: Note that two retrieved mark values are only considered equal if they originated from the same \cs{InsertMark} command — it is not enough that they contain the same data, as that may be conincidental. \CHAPTER{Chapter 6 --- Tabular Material} \erroronpage{I-489}{para 1, l.3}{EOl}{2023/07/30}{s} Change: to \u{additionally} load \textsf{longtable} or \textsf{supertabular} \u{prior} to \> to load \textsf{longtable} or \textsf{supertabular} \u{in addition} to \erroronpage{I-490}{footnote}{EOl}{2023/07/30}{s} Replace footnote text with \> If you forget this, you either get an empty cell or, if parts of the text can be interpreted as a value, a somewhat ``random'' number and the rest is dropped. For example, \texttt{31 December 2022} would result in ``31.00'', which is probably not desired. \erroronpage{I-491}{exa 6-7-22, Booklet 114}{EOl}{2024/05/13}{s} Change: remove `0,00' in `actual' column for item `loss'. (This is not really an error, but it looks better---and is consistent with the `actual' item of `profit' for Booklet 113.) \erroronpage{I-492}{footnote}{DPC}{2024/07/15}{s} called \u{\texttt{threetableex}} \> called \u{\texttt{threeparttablex}} \erroronpage{I-494}{para -2, l.3}{MRu}{2024/03/16}{s} Use plural: The allowed key\u{s} are \ldots \CHAPTER{Chapter 7 --- Mastering Floats} \erroronpage{I-520}{para 4, l.3}{EOl}{2023/09/09}{s} Change: For \u{a} example \> For example \erroronpage{I-612}{para -2, l.1}{EOl}{2024/05/13}{s} Change: up \u{do} several \> up to several \CHAPTER{Chapter 8 --- Graphics Generation and Manipulation} \erroronpage{I-619}{para -2, l.2}{FMi}{2023/05/30}{s} in \u{light blue} \> in \u{red} \erroronpage{I-619}{exa 8-4-7}{FMi}{2023/05/30}{s} The example uses \verb*/left color=red!20/ but this is not really visible if the red is turned into some gray value in the book (which is then made even lighter through \texttt{!20}). So it is better to start from full red, i.e., \> \verb*/left color=red/ instead. \erroronpage{I-644}{syntaxbox for \cs{foreach}}{BeB}{2023/07/14}{s} superfluous ``in'': \ldots\{\textsl{commands}\} \u{in} \> \ldots\{\textsl{commands}\} \erroronpage{I-645}{para 3, l.4}{EOl}{2024/05/13}{s} Correct hyphenation: stan-dalone \> stand-alone \CHAPTER{Chapter 9 --- Font Selection and Encodings} \erroronpage{I-664}{para -5, l. 4}{HVo}{2025/02/06}{s} Change: \cs{ulcshape}\cs{upshape} \> \cs{upshape}\cs{ulcshape} \\ because this is the default as defined in the format (though in practice the order makes no difference) \erroronpage{I-687}{table 9.6, l.21}{YvH}{2024/06/19}{s} cmdh \> lmdh \erroronpage{I-688}{para -2, l. 1}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} acronym PSNFSS not explained: PSNFSS \> PostScript New Font Selection Scheme (PSNFSS) \erroronpage{I-669}{exa 9-3-11}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Changed line breaks in example. \erroronpage{I-681}{para 2, l.1}{BeB}{2023/07/14}{s} Missing space: Theproblem \> The problem \erroronpage{I-708}{listing}{FMi}{2023/05/14}{s} Situation is the same in the 2023 distributions; listing output updated. \erroronpage{I-726}{para 4, l.5}{MRu}{2024/04/07}{s} Add word: more than hundred \> more than \u{one} hundred \erroronpage{I-759}{l.1}{BeB}{2023/08/20}{s} in the range of 0000 to \u{00FF} \> in the range of 0000 to \u{007F} \erroronpage{I-797}{exa 9-6-3}{BYu/FMi}{2024/04/08}{s} This example may fail with \XeTeX{} because of a deficiency in older versions of \pkg{fontspec}. With versions prior 2.9e one has to use the \texttt{Extension} key and omit the extension on the other lines: \begin{verbatim} \setmainfont{Alegreya}[ Extension = .otf, UprightFont = *-Medium, ItalicFont = *-MediumItalic, BoldFont = *-ExtraBold, BoldItalicFont = *-ExtraBoldItalic ] \end{verbatim} \CHAPTER{Chapter 10 --- Text and Symbol Fonts} \erroronpage{II-3}{para-1, l.-2}{BeB}{2024/03/17}{s} line first \> first line \erroronpage{II-5}{table 10.1, l. 5}{BeB/FMi}{2023/08/13}{s} official \u{companion} family name \> \u{related} official \u{font} family name \erroronpage{II-5}{para -1, l.2}{FMi}{2023/08/15}{s} then this structure is repeated as often as necessary. \> then this structure is repeated \u{for the related font families} as often as necessary. \erroronpage{II-20}{para -1}{FMi}{2025/01/14}{s} A new version of Libertinus Mono was released. Added:\\ \u{Its bold weight is rather light and unfortunately does not keep register,}\\ \u{so it may be of fairly limited use.} \erroronpage{II-24}{para 3, l. -2}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} There is no slanted shape in Grande Mono (so it should be in blue): \\ \u{\textsl{naïve}} \> \u{\textsl{\bl naïve}} \erroronpage{II-25}{para -4, margin}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} Open Type font is available: \\ \u{— no Open Type —} \> \u{Lucida Handwriting OT} \erroronpage{II-25}{para -2, l.-2}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} There are no italic blackletters (so it should be in blue): \\ \textit{phœnix's official rôle} \> \textit{\bl phœnix's official rôle} \erroronpage{II-27}{para 1, l.1}{MBe/FMi}{2024/08/02}{s} Package was renamed: \texttt{droidmono} \> \texttt{droid\u{sans}mono} \erroronpage{II-28}{table 10.14, l. 3}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} Inconsistent order: sl, l \> l, sl \erroronpage{II-28}{table 10.14, lines 7 + 19}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} semi-bold twice, extra-bold missing: sbsc, bsc, \u{sbsc} \> sbsc, bsc, \u{ebsc} \erroronpage{II-28}{table 10.14, lines 13 + 25}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} semi-bold twice, extra-bold missing: sbec, bec, \u{sbec} \> sbec, bec, \u{ebec} \erroronpage{II-29}{table 10.15, lines 7}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} semi-bold twice, extra-bold missing: sbsc, bsc, \u{sbsc} \> sbsc, bsc, \u{ebsc} \erroronpage{II-29}{table 10.15, l. 10}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} semi-bold twice, extra-bold missing: sbc, bc, \u{sbc} \> sbc, bc, \u{ebc} \erroronpage{II-29}{table 10.15, l.13}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} semi-bold twice, extra-bold missing: sbec, bec, \u{sbec} \> sbec, bec, \u{ebec} \erroronpage{II-34}{table 10.20}{FMi}{2023/08/15}{s} Add table note: % \textit{\textttu{k} (black) is a nonstandard series name for \textttu{eb} (extra bold) or in some families for \textttu{ub} (ultra bold).} \erroronpage{II-40}{table 10.24}{FMi}{2023/08/15}{s} In table note: \textit{Unfortunately, \u{\texttt{sco}}} \> \textit{Unfortunately, \u{\textttu{sco}}} \erroronpage{II-42}{para 3, l.4}{MRu}{2024/04/12}{s} rudimentary \> rudimentarily \erroronpage{II-45}{several places}{FMi}{2025/01/09}{s} The Gentium fonts are no longer supported for pdf\TeX{} and only available for Unicode engines. The Type1 fonts and the \texttt{gentium} package are deprecated (because of quality issues in the fonts). Instead \texttt{gentium-otf} is newly available. This affects table 10.30 and the font example in the text. We now show Gentium Plus and Gentium Book Plus using the Lua\TeX{} engine. \erroronpage{II-50}{font sample Cambria}{FMi}{2023/08/14}{s} Because of problems with the font names, the Cambria family currently requires a \texttt{Cambria.fontspec} file (possibly only temporary) when used with Lua\TeX{} with the following content: \begin{verbatim} \defaultfontfeatures[Cambria]{% UprightFont =cambria.ttc, BoldFont = cambriab.ttf, ItalicFont = cambriai.ttf, BoldItalicFont = cambriaz.ttf} \end{verbatim} Without it, the bold fonts are not correctly set up, which is why \textbf{almost anything} was not in bold and \textbf{Fields} was not typeset in bold small caps in the sample even though Cambria supports these typefaces. \erroronpage{II-61}{table 10.48}{FMi}{2023/08/15}{s} Add table note: % \textit{Unfortunately, \textttu{sco} is a nonstandard shape name for \textttu{scsl}; thus, low-level shape commands are needed to access it.} \erroronpage{II-62}{table 10.50}{FMi}{2023/08/15}{s} Add table note: % \textit{Unfortunately, \textttu{sco} is a nonstandard shape name for \textttu{scsl}; thus, low-level shape commands are needed to access it.} \erroronpage{II-63}{table 10.51}{FMi}{2023/08/15}{s} Table moved to page II-62 for better pagination. \erroronpage{II-65}{para 1, l.1}{YvH}{2023/08/20}{s} Slap \> Slab \erroronpage{II-66}{Unicode box}{DFl}{2023/08/03}{s} OpenType fonts for the Concrete family do exist. Therefore changed the text to \begin{quote} OpenType fonts of the family for use in Unicode engines do exist. They offer additional characters and also true \textbf{bold} and \textbf{\itshape bold italic} shapes. \end{quote} and moved it down after the discussion of missing bold fonts. \erroronpage{II-66}{table 10.55}{FMi}{2023/08/03}{s} Change: \u{---no OpenType---} \> \u{CMU Concrete} Added line showing: \u{\texttt{b}\qquad\texttt{n, it}} and the text \u{---Not available with pdf\TeX, only in Unicode engines---} \erroronpage{II-66}{1st font example}{FMi}{2023/08/03}{s} Change: \u{---no OpenType---} \> \u{CMU Concrete} \erroronpage{II-66}{2nd font example}{FMi}{2023/08/03}{s} Added (in margin info): \u{---only OT1---} \erroronpage{II-71}{para 1, l.1}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} ub should be upright: \verb+\fontseries{+\u{\textsl{ub}}\verb+}+ \> \verb+\fontseries{ub}+ \erroronpage{II-71}{para 2, l.5}{YFu}{2023/07/25}{s} \u{Akira Kobayashi} should be written in Japanese style \> \u{KOBAYASHI Akira}\\ Also corrected in the index. \erroronpage{II-71,72}{table 10.60}{FMi}{2025/01/09}{s} Font family name for Classico has changed in recent distribution from \texttt{-LF} to \texttt{-TLF}. Affects font example on page II-71 and table 10.60 on page II-72. The fact small captitals are only available with the pdfTeX engine. This is now explicitly mentioned. \erroronpage{II-75}{table 10.64}{FMi}{2023/08/15}{s} Add table note: % \textit{Unfortunately, \textttu{sco} is a nonstandard shape name for \textttu{scsl}; thus, low-level shape commands are needed to access it.} \erroronpage{II-76,77}{both font examples}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} Helvetica and its clones do not have true italics but instead an oblique/slanted face (despite the fact that the internal font information claims it is ``italic''). For this reason the blue text in both Helvetica examples should be as follows: \textsl{\bl naïve} vis-à-vis the dæmonic \textit{phœnix's official rôle} \> \\ \textsl{naïve} vis-à-vis the dæmonic \textit{\bl phœnix's official rôle} \erroronpage{II-86}{table 10.74, l.4}{FMi}{2023/08/15}{s} It's weights not widths:\\ \u{S}ome nonstandard \u{widths} \> \u{Also s}ome nonstandard \u{weights} \erroronpage{II-86}{table 10.74}{FMi}{2023/08/15}{s} Add table note: % \textit{Unfortunately, the font family uses the nonstandard series names \textttu{t} (thin) and \textttu{k} (black) instead of the standard series names \textttu{ul} (ultra light) and \textttu{ub} (ultra bold). The \textttu{mb} (medium) is halfway between the standard \textttu{m} and \textttu{sb} and does not fit into the NFSS naming conventions. It can serve as a replacement for \textttu{m}, e.g., via \cs{DeclareFontSeriesDefault}.} \erroronpage{II-91}{l. -1}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} In the DejaVu Sans Mono Example add: \texttt{OIl or 011?} \erroronpage{II-94}{para 2, l.4}{FMi}{2025/01/14}{s} A new version of Libertinus Mono was released. The recommendation hasn't changed, only the reason. Changed:\\ as it is \u{far too dark and fuzzy for my taste.} \> \\ as it is \u{very light and does not keep register.} \erroronpage{II-102}{para -4, margin}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} Change: \u{— no Open Type —} \> \u{Lucida Handwriting OT} \erroronpage{II-104}{para -1, l.2}{FMi}{2023/08/13}{s} Footnote added after: \u{Unicode characters} \begin{quote} However, strangely enough this only works in pdf\TeX{} and \emph{not} in Unicode engines! \end{quote} \erroronpage{II-105}{para 1 replaced}{FMi/BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} The yfonts have a suprising feature: you can use the Unicode characters {ÄÖÜäöüß} in pdf\TeX{}, but this is not possible in Unicode engines! The first paragraph was therefore replaced to clarify this. The new text is: \begin{quote} The next example shows the various ligatures. With pdf\TeX{} one can use the Unicode characters \texttt{ÄÖÜäöüß} directly and only needs the ``{short s}'' ligature. However, due to the special font encoding this \emph{does not work} in Unicode engines\,---\,with these engines you have to enter the accents as ligatures or \LaTeX{} commands. \end{quote} \erroronpage{II-106}{para -3, l. 1}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} Acronym GFS not explained: Greek Font Society \> Greek Font Society (GFS) \erroronpage{II-107}{exa 10-11-1}{FMi}{2023/08/14}{s} The Cambria fonts currently require a \texttt{Cambria.fontspec} file (possibly temporary) when used with Lua\TeX{} --- see errata on page II-50. Without it, the bold fonts are not correctly set up, which is why they are not showing in the example. \erroronpage{II-107}{exa 10-11-2}{FMi}{2025/01/09}{s} The Gentium fonts are no longer supported for pdf\TeX{} and only available for Unicode engines. We therefore show the Greek text in Gentium Plus using the Lua\TeX{} engine. \erroronpage{II-110}{exa 10-12-1}{FMi}{2023/08/14}{s} The Cambria fonts currently require a \texttt{Cambria.fontspec} file (possibly temporary) when used with Lua\TeX{} --- see errata on page II-50. Without it, the bold fonts are not correctly set up, which is why they are not showing in the example. \erroronpage{II-111}{exa 10-12-2}{FMi}{2025/01/09}{s} The Gentium fonts are no longer supported for pdf\TeX{} and only available for Unicode engines. We therefore show the Cyrillic text in Gentium Plus using the Lua\TeX{} engine. \erroronpage{II-114}{table 10.89}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Added missing \texttt{U+00Fx} line. There was a bug in the code generating it. \erroronpage{II-117}{table 10.92}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Added missing \texttt{U+00Fx} line. There was a bug in the code generating it. \erroronpage{II-121}{table 10.96}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Added missing \texttt{U+00Fx} line. There was a bug in the code generating it. \erroronpage{II-122}{table 10.98}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Added missing \texttt{U+00Fx} line. There was a bug in the code generating it. \erroronpage{II-122}{table 10.99}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Added missing \texttt{U+00Fx} line. There was a bug in the code generating it. \erroronpage{II-123}{table 10.100}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Added missing \texttt{U+00Fx} line. There was a bug in the code generating it. \erroronpage{II-124}{table 10.103}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Added missing \texttt{U+00Fx} line. There was a bug in the code generating it. \CHAPTER{Chapter 11 --- Higher Mathematics} \erroronpage{II-127}{para 1, l.5}{bb/FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} \u{The} American Mathematical Society (AMS) \u{provides} a major package, \pkg{amsmath}, which \u{makes} \ldots \>\\ \u{In the early nineties the} American Mathematical Society (AMS) \u{provided} a major package, \pkg{amsmath}, which \u{made} \ldots \erroronpage{II-129}{para -3, l.1}{bb/FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} The principal documentation for these packages \>\\ The principal documentation for these \u{two} packages \erroronpage{II-129}{para -1, l.3}{bb}{2023/04/04}{s} \u{lot} additions \> \u{many} additions \erroronpage{II-132}{table 11.1}{bb/FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Also mention \env{alignat}, \env{alignat*}, and \env{alignedat}. \erroronpage{II-133}{para 4,l.2}{bb/FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Add: Furthermore, they move the equation tag out of the way if it would otherwise overprint the formula. \erroronpage{II-133}{para. -3, l. -1}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} Wrong reference: Section 11.2.\u{10} \> 11.2.\u{11} \erroronpage{II-138}{heading}{bb/FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Multiple alignments: \env{align} \u{and \env{flalign}} \> Multiple alignments: \env{align}\u{, \env{flalign}, and \env{alignat}} \erroronpage{II-138}{}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Moved para from 139 to end of this page. \erroronpage{II-139}{para 1}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Moved para back to page 138. \erroronpage{II-139}{bottom}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Add: Sometimes it is more convenient to explicitly specify all the horizontal spacing yourself within the formula. For this you can use an \env{alignat} environment. It differs from \env{align} in two ways: you have to specify the number of \texttt{rl} pairs as an argument to the environment and it does not add any spaces between the pairs, e.g., \begin{verbatim} \begin{alignat}{3} x &= y &\qquad X &= Y &\qquad a &= b+c \\ ... \end{verbatim} As usual, equation numbers can be altered with \cs{tag} or suppressed with \cs{notag}. \erroronpage{II-140}{para 1, l.2}{bb/FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Add: Do not forget to reset \cs{minalignsep} if you change it in this manner. \erroronpage{II-140}{para 2, l.4}{bb/FMi}{2023/08/16}{s} Add: You can think of them as subsidiary environments that can be used within any of the display environments discussed so far. (Below we use them inside equation.) \erroronpage{II-140}{para -1}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Paragraph moved to page 141. \erroronpage{II-141}{}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} One paragraph moved over from page 140. \erroronpage{II-144}{para 2, l.-3}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} the issue \> the \u{spacing} issue \erroronpage{II-145}{para 2, l.1}{bb/FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Add: Another problem is that an empty line introduces an unwanted break point in front of the display, thus \cs{predisplaypenalty} is no longer honored. \erroronpage{II-149}{para 2, l.4}{DPC}{2024/07/15}{s} package \texttt{flex\u{y}sym} \> package \texttt{flex\u{i}sym} \erroronpage{II-167}{para. 3, l. -2}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} option\u e \> option\u{s} \erroronpage{II-178}{table 11.3, l.10}{EOl}{2023/07/30}{s} Cross-\u{produce} tensor \> Cross-\u{product} tensor \erroronpage{II-178}{Tab. 11.3, l.10}{BeB}{2023/08/13}{s} in the description column: \u{array}-symbol-arrow \> \u{arrow}-symbol-arrow \erroronpage{II-189}{footnote}{DPC}{2024/07/15}{s} \texttt{oubrace} package \> \texttt{oubrace\u{s}} package \CHAPTER{Chapter 12 --- Fonts in Formulas} \erroronpage{II-225}{heading}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Chapter title not properly capitalized. \erroronpage{II-229}{para -3, l.1}{BeB}{2023/08/15}{s} for Lucida fonts \> Lucida \u{and Cambria} fonts \erroronpage{II-274}{exa 12-18-fig}{FMi}{2023/08/14}{s} The Cambria fonts currently require a \texttt{Cambria.fontspec} file (possibly temporary) when used with Lua\TeX{} --- see errata on page II-50. Without it, the bold fonts are not correctly set up, which is why they are missing in the section heading of the example. \erroronpage{II-261}{para 3, l.3}{FMi}{2023/05/26}{s} Yoda spoke it seems: \ldots \u{and compare we should} \> \ldots \u{and you should compare} \erroronpage{II-286}{fig. 12-36}{FMi}{2023/08/21}{s} Heading is not bold because of an error in the distributed \texttt{.fontspec} file for this family. This needs to be corrected in the NewComputerModern distribution and maybe also in the \pkg{fontspec} package itself. A \texttt{NewCM10-Regular.fontspec} file that works could look like this: \begin{verbatim} \defaultfontfeatures[NewCM10-Regular]{ Extension = .otf , % Can't use NewCM10-Regular here (or we get a fontspec error). % Doesn't matter in this case, but looks like a fontspec issue. UprightFont = NewCM08-Regular , UprightFeatures = { SizeFeatures = { {Size = -8 , Font = NewCM08-Regular} , {Size = 8- , Font = NewCM10-Regular} , }, }, % Same here: SlantedFont = NewCM08-Regular , SlantedFeatures = { SizeFeatures = { {Size = -8 , Font = NewCM08-Regular} , {Size = 8- , Font = NewCM10-Regular} , }, FakeSlant=0.25, }, ItalicFont = NewCM10-Italic , ItalicFeatures = { SizeFeatures = { {Size = -8 , Font = NewCM08-Italic} , {Size = 8- , Font = NewCM10-Italic} , }, }, BoldFont = NewCM10-Bold , BoldItalicFont = NewCM10-BoldItalic , BoldSlantedFont = NewCM10-Bold , BoldSlantedFeatures = { FakeSlant=0.25 }, SmallCapsFeatures = { Numbers=OldStyle }, } \end{verbatim} \erroronpage{II-286}{fig. 12-36}{FMi}{2023/08/21}{s} Change in title: \u{Mathematical} typesetting \> \u{Math} typesetting \erroronpage{II-286}{fig. 12-37}{FMi}{2023/08/21}{s} Heading is not bold because of an error in the distributed \texttt{.fontspec} file for this family. This needs to be corrected in the NewComputerModern distribution and maybe also in the \pkg{fontspec} package itself. A \texttt{NewCM10-Book.fontspec} file that works could look like this: \begin{verbatim} \defaultfontfeatures[NewCM10-Book]{ Extension = .otf , UprightFont = NewCM08-Book , UprightFeatures = { SizeFeatures = { {Size = -8 , Font = NewCM08-Book} , {Size = 8- , Font = NewCM10-Book} , }, }, SlantedFont = NewCM08-Book , SlantedFeatures = { SizeFeatures = { {Size = -8 , Font = NewCM08-Book} , {Size = 8- , Font = NewCM10-Book} , }, FakeSlant=0.25, }, ItalicFont = NewCM10-BookItalic , ItalicFeatures = { SizeFeatures = { {Size = -8 , Font = NewCM08-BookItalic} , {Size = 8- , Font = NewCM10-BookItalic} , }, }, BoldFont = NewCM10-Bold , BoldItalicFont = NewCM10-BoldItalic , BoldSlantedFont = NewCM10-Bold , BoldSlantedFeatures = { FakeSlant=0.25 }, SmallCapsFeatures = { Numbers=OldStyle }, } \end{verbatim} \erroronpage{II-286}{fig. 12-37}{FMi}{2023/08/21}{s} Change title to more or less fit the width of the sample:\\ \hspace*{1em}\u{Mathematical} typesetting with NewComputerModern \> \\ \hspace*{1em}\u{Math} typesetting with NewComputerModern \u{Book}\\ \erroronpage{II-288}{para 3, l.-1}{BeB}{2023/08/20}{s} Typo and spurious comma: series\u{, though} substitution. \> series \u{through} substitution. \erroronpage{II-295}{par -2, l.-1}{BeB}{2023/08/20}{s} Options \texttt{vvarbb} and \texttt{upint} show no effect in figure 12.50. This was due to a bug in the package --- now corrected. Thus, rerunning the example shows the expected behavior. \CHAPTER{Chapter 13 --- Localizing Documents} \erroronpage{II-297}{heading}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Chapter title not properly capitalized. \erroronpage{II-307}{after exa 13-2-5}{BeB/FMi}{2023/08/20}{s} Replace: On the other hand, \pkg{tikz} provides a library to overcome these issues. \>\\ In the particular case of \pkg{tikz}, you can use \cs{usetikzlibrary}\verb={babel}= instead of \cs{shorthandoff} to overcome these issues for all \pkg{tikz} pictures of the document. \erroronpage{II-308}{para 2, l.3}{BeB}{2023/08/20}{s} Acronyms BCP and IETF not explained:\\ BCP \> the Best Current Practice (BCP)\\ IETF \> the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) \erroronpage{II-308}{para 3, l.1}{BeB}{2023/08/20}{s} BPD \> BCP \erroronpage{II-309}{exa 13-3-2}{FMi}{2025/01/09}{s} the package \texttt{gentium} is deprecated. We therefore now use \texttt{garamondlibre} in the example. \erroronpage{II-319}{para 2, l.1}{BeB}{2023/08/20}{s} Missing word: is described \textit{A History} \> is described \u{in} \textit{A History} \erroronpage{II-332}{exa 13-5-2, and above}{FMi}{2023/04/28}{s} The keyword \texttt{Harf\u{b}uzz} should be spelled \texttt{Harf\u{B}uzz}. Both names are supported, but the recommended spelling is \texttt{HarfBuzz}. \erroronpage{II-341}{para -4, l.4}{DPC/FMi}{2024/07/15}{s} \texttt{devnag} \u{package} \> \texttt{devnag} \u{program} \CHAPTER{Chapter 14 --- Index Generation} % Das Beispiel von S. II-352 als File wäre schön, dann könnte man das mit % dem Index mal durchspielen. Das Beispiel 16-7-6 ist zwar mal wieder % recht eindrucksvoll, berührt die Thematik aber nur so nebenbei. % \erroronpage{II-352}{Fig. 14.3}{BeB}{2023/08/31}{} % The code shown in Fig. 14.3 now is the Example 14-2-1 \CHAPTER{Chapter 15 --- Bibliography Generation} \erroronpage{II-390}{para 4, l.1}{BeB/FMi}{2023/08/31}{s} Replace: \u{predates the Internet} and so\> \\ \u{were developed when the Internet was in its infancy} and so \erroronpage{II-391}{Fig. 15.2, bib-entry jane-2}{BeB}{2023/08/31}{s} \verb+\title = {A+\texttt{\u{n} second book\}}\> \verb+\title = {A second book}+ Changes the output of example 16-7-31 on page II-560 as well. % For later: %S. II-399: Man könnte in dem biber/biblatex Kasten noch anmerken, dass die % Konvertierung auch on-the-fly geht – hatte mir in der Übergangsphase weitergeholfen: %\erroronpage{II-399}{biber/biblatex box}{BeB}{2023/08/31}{} %Add: One can do this conversion directly from a .bib file to a .bbl file by using e.g. %\verb+biber --output-encoding=ascii --output-safecharsset=full+ %and stay with one .bib file (in UTF8-encoding). \erroronpage{II-396}{in box: para 2, l.2}{MJo}{2023/10/30}{s} the \cs{MakeUpper}\texttt{\u{C}ase} trick \> the \cs{MakeUpper}\texttt{\u{c}ase} trick \erroronpage{II-423}{table 15.9}{MBe/FMi}{2024/08/04}{s} Drop \texttt{nature.bst} line. Style no longer supported. \erroronpage{II-435}{code}{FMi}{2023/05/26}{s} \verb=\textcolor{See= \> \cs{textcolor}\u{\texttt{\{blue\}}}\texttt{\{See} \erroronpage{II-443}{biblatex-mla style}{BeB}{2023/08/31}{s} Explain acronym: \u{MLA handbook} \> \u{Modern Language Association (MLA) handbook} \smallskip This moves the text line on the bottom to the next page. \CHAPTER{Chapter 16 --- Managing Citations} \erroronpage{II-475}{para -2, l.6}{BeB}{2023/08/31}{s} Figure 15.1 \> Figure 15.1 \u{on pages 382--383} \erroronpage{II-513}{para -1}{BeB/FMi}{2023/08/31}{s} Extend the explanation:\\ is created only if the entry \u{contains} a shorttitle \u{field} and the title and shorttitle fields differ. \>\\ is created only if the entry \u{has been referenced (prior to typesetting}\\ \u{the bibliography), contains} a shorttitle \u{field,} and the title and shorttitle fields differ. \erroronpage{II-535}{footnote}{FMi}{2024/01/07}{s} Extend the explanation:\\ \u{you can} use \cs{mancite} \u{in front of any citation command} to avoid this. \erroronpage{II-560}{exa 16-7-31}{FMi}{2023/08/31}{s} Jane Doe.\ \textit{A\u{n} second book.}\ 2020.\> Jane Doe.\ \textit{A second book.}\ 2020. \CHAPTER{Chapter 17 --- \LaTeX{} Package Documentation Tools} \erroronpage{II-599}{para 3, l.1}{EOl}{2023/07/30}{s} \u{Whencreating automatically} the driver \> \u{When} the driver \erroronpage{II-605}{para 1, l.10}{CAR}{2023/10/10}{s} \u{right numbers} of underscores \> \u{correct number} of underscores \CHAPTER{Appendix A --- \LaTeX{} Overview for Preamble, \ldots} \erroronpage{II-624--629}{}{BeB/FMi}{2023/08/31}{s} Replace for consistency with section 1.4: \u{command definition} \> \u{code} \\ (in the various syntax boxes) \erroronpage{II-629}{para 1, l.3}{FMi}{2023/08/31}{s} \u{An} warning \> \u{A} warning \erroronpage{II-633}{para 2}{BeB/FMi}{2023/08/31}{s} Add at the end: A maximum of nine ``argument'' letters is supported. \erroronpage{II-657}{par -2, l. -2}{BeB}{2024/03/17}{s} a few that \> a few \u{commands} that \erroronpage{II-658}{first item in the list}{BeB}{2024/03/17}{s} square root $\sqrt{x}$ \> square root \texttt{sqrt} $x$ \erroronpage{II-663}{A-3-7}{MRu}{2024/05/01}{s} In the code, text should read either ``This is the content'' or ``These are the contents''. \erroronpage{II-682}{para -2, l .3}{FMi}{2023/04/28}{s} \texttt{Harf\u{b}uzz} \> \texttt{Harf\u{B}uzz} \erroronpage{II-678}{para -1, l. -1}{BeB}{2024/03/17}{s} it is better use\> it is better \u{to} use \erroronpage{II-687}{l .1}{BeB}{2024/03/17}{s} Two further tests should be listed in the syntax box: \verb+\ifVTeX+ \verb+\ifAlephTeX+ \seriouserroronpage{II-701}{l. 6}{BeB}{2024/03/17}{s} Name changed after the book was typeset: \verb+.notif+\>\verb+.ifnot+ \erroronpage{II-701}{para 3, l. 4; para -2, l. 1; and margin}{BeB}{2024/03/17}{s} \verb+.notif+\>\verb+.ifnot+ \CHAPTER{Appendix B --- Tracing and Resolving Problems} \CHAPTER{Appendix C --- Going Beyond} \erroronpage{II-297}{heading}{FMi}{2023/04/04}{s} Appendix title not properly capitalized. \CHAPTER{Biographies} \CHAPTER{Production Notes} \end{erratalist} \newpage \section{Notes on this errata document} \setcounter{collectmore}{3} \begin{multicols}{3}[Thanks to all who have found errors or omissions. Listed are the people who found an errata entry first.] \contributor{ACa}{Alfredo Canziani} \contributor{BeB}{Bernd Burghardt} \contributor{BYu}{Boshi Yuan} \contributor{CAR}{Chris Rowley} \contributor{DPC}{David Carlisle} \contributor{DC}{Davide Campagnari} \contributor{DFl}{Daniel Flipo} \contributor{EOl}{Edgar Olthof} \contributor{FMi}{Frank Mittelbach} \contributor{HVo}{Herbert Voß} \contributor{MBe}{Matthew Bertucci} \contributor{MJo}{Maciej Jończyk} \contributor{MRu}{Mark Rudolph} \contributor{YFu}{FUJIMURA Yukitoshi} \contributor{YvH}{Yvon Henel} \contributor{YEi}{Yaakov Eisenberg} \contributor{bb}{Barbara Beeton} \contributor{kb}{Karl Berry} \end{multicols} Other people have sent us corrections for errors already found. Thanks to all of you! If you find further errors please report them to one of the authors, e.g., \begin{quote}\ttfamily frank.mittelbach@latex-project.org \end{quote} preferably in a form usable directly in this file, i.e., \begin{flushleft} |\erroronpage{|\textit{page-number}|}{|\textit{line-identification}|}{|% \textit{your-initials}|}{|\textit{date}|}{}| \\ \hspace*{2em}\textit{description of the erratum} \end{flushleft} Here is an example: \begin{verbatim} \erroronpage{5}{para 3, l.1}{FMi}{2023/06/21}{} \u{LaTeX} \> \u{\LaTeX} \end{verbatim} \verb=\u{...}= underlines a text fragment, \verb=\>= produces \>, and \verb=\bl= is a short form for \verb=\color{blue}=. \end{document} \seriouserroronpage{general}{}{FMi}{2004/06/12}{} To help you in assessing this errata document we have placed exclamation marks in front of each entry that we consider essential for correctly understanding the book contents. \erroronpage{general}{}{FMi}{2004/05/14}{} Due to the printing process there may be small alignment problems between blue and black text on some pages. These can vary from book to book depending on how the paper was handled between print runs---such is the analog nature of printing on a press.