%% Copyright 2022 Philip Kime
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Philip Kime.

\ProvidesFile{apa.cbx}[2023/03/20\space v9.17\space APA biblatex citation style]

% (APA 8.19) labelyear postfix is not emphasised or italic
%            Dashes between labelyear and non-numeric year (or pseudo-year)



% (APA 8.11) requires comma separator between authors and years



% (APA 8.17) No comma before "et al" if there is only one name
%            preceding it

\DeclareDelimFormat{andothersdelim}{\ifnum\value{listcount}>2 \finalandcomma\fi\addspace}


% (APA 8.10) Suffices are not shown in citations
% (APA 8.20) Initials only for primary author and only when not unique across all *primary* authors

  \ifboolexpr{test {\ifnumcomp{\value{listcount}}{>}{1}}
              test {\ifuniqueprimaryauthor}}



% (APA 8.21) Groups as names
%            SHORTAUTHOR brackets in parencites




% (APA 8.21) Deal with SHORTAUTHOR fields
% (APA 8.12) Multiple same author cites in a compact citation call do not
%            need to be repeated but the full years must be repeated with
%            their extradate postfixes
% (APA 8.15) Cite ORIGYEAR/YEAR if ORIGYEAR present
% (APA 10.1:11) Reprints have original year in citation


% Multiple cites in one command
% Single cite
% No author/editor
% Normal cite

% Multiple cites in one command
% Single cite
% No author/editor
% Normal cite


% Compact cite - more than one thing for same author
% New cite
     % No author/editor
    % Cite using title
    % Cite using shorthand
  % Normal cite with author/editor
  % Normal full cite
    % Normal full cite
    % Cite using short author
  % Year
  % Put the shortauthor inside the year brackets if necessary
  % Print prenote (belongs to first cite)
  % Actual year printing
  % Save name hash for checks later

        \clearfield{labelmonth}% don't want months in citations
        \clearfield{labelday}% don't want days in citations
        \clearfield{labelendmonth}% don't want months in citations
        \clearfield{labelendday}% don't want days in citations
        \clearfield{labelyeardivision}% don't want yeardivisions in citations
        \clearfield{labelendyeardivision}% don't want yeardivisions in citations
        \iffieldsequal{labelyear}{labelendyear}% Don't want no-op year ranges



% (APA 8.14) Fall back to title for citations without authors
% (APA 11) Bizarre and special rules for legal information


      {\let\blx@tempa\bibcplstring% \textcite default
       \let\blx@tempb\bibcplstring% \textcite default

% CONSTITUTION entrytypes are messier


% (APA 10.2:32) Raw field cite formats



% No shorthand


% Fullcite should use "&"
% Also need to reset the global booleans which are normally done at
% every bib item but since these aren't bib items, they are not reset

   {\ifnum\value{liststop}>2 \finalandcomma\fi\addspace\&\space}




\newbool{cbx:parens} % boolean to say we're inside parens












% (APA 8.17) ampersand separator in parenthetical cites


  {\ifnum\value{liststop}>2 \finalandcomma\fi\addspace\&\space}





% (APA 8.11) No parens round year for cites when the cite is in
%            parentheses. Use new command \nptextcite for such cites
%            unless using luatex which does it automatically















% textcite has nested \DeclareCiteCommand definitions for textcite and we want to use
% the normal textcite context




