% Tobias Weh, 2011

% THANKS to Audrey form TeX.SX for building the
% quoted-in-cite-code. His code is marked with the
% pseudo tag <audrey>.
% See http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/27964/4918
\ProvidesFile{musuos.bbx}[2011/09/10 v1.0 Musikwissenschaften Uni Osnabrueck]

% Ausgagsstiel w�hlen

% Auf die neue Sprachdatei umleiten

% Ausgabemacros anpassen

  \printlist{publisher} \usebibmacro{editorstrg}%




       test {\ifnumgreater{\value{editor}}{1}}
       test {\ifandothers{editor}}
       test {\ifnumgreater{\value{editor}}{1}}
       test {\ifandothers{editor}}

    test \ifuseeditor
    not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}

    test \ifuseeditor
    not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}


    \ifboolexpr{ test {\ifcategory{quotee}}
                 and not test {\ifcategory{primary}} }

% Asugabe der Eintragstypen anpassen
%  \usebibmacro{publisher+maintitle+booktitle}%


% Ausgabeformate anpassen

% Aussehen der Bibliography anpassen

% ben�tigt f�r Sekund�rzitate

  category=quoter or category=primary}
\newtoggle{cbx@isquote}% Current citation quote?
\newtoggle{cbx@iflastquote}% Last quotecite quotecite?
\newtoggle{cbx@iflastibid}% Last quotecite ibid?
\newtoggle{cbx@ifquoteepost}% Ibid quotecite outputs quotee postnote?
\newtoggle{cbx@ifquoterpost}% Ibid quotecite outputs quoter postnote?
\newtoggle{cbx@fullquote}% Print a full quotecite?



