% publist.bbx, biblatex bibliography style by Juergen Spitzmueller
% requires biblatex >= 3.4
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2003/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
% This Current Maintainer of this work is Jürgen Spitzmüller.
% This work consists of the file publist.bbx
% The purpose of this file is to provide a biblatex bibliography style
% for (numbered) publication lists where the own name is omitted and
% co-authors are marked as such.
% Please send suggestions and bug reports to 
% https://github.com/jspitz/biblatex-publist


\ProvidesFile{publist.bbx}[\bpl@rdate\space v.\bpl@version\space
                           biblatex bibliography style (JSP)]

        {Outdated 'biblatex' package\MessageBreak
         Upgrade to biblatex v3.8 (2017/11/04) or later.\MessageBreak
         I found: '\csuse{ver@biblatex.sty}'.\MessageBreak
         This is a fatal error. I'm aborting now}%

% Bibliography Options and Base Style

% Toggles and switches

% Valid options

% We use l3keys here since we use l3 within the definitions anyway.
\keys_define:nn { bpl }
    % plauthorname=<name>
    % Store author family name
    plauthorname.tl_set:N = \bpl@osurname,
    % plauthorfirstname=<name>
    % Store author first name
    plauthorfirstname.tl_set:N = \bpl@ofirstname,
    % plauthornameprefix=<name>
    % Store author name prefix
    plauthornameprefix.tl_set:N = \bpl@ovonpart,
    % marginyear=<true|false>
    % Print year in margin
    marginyear.code:n =
         \str_if_eq:nnTF { #1 } { true }
    marginyear.default:n = { true },
    % hlyear=<true|false>
    % Set year highlighted
    hlyear.legacy_if_set:n = @hlyear,
    % fixyear=<true|false>
    % Fix year at first position
    fixyear.legacy_if_set:n = @fixyear,
    % pubstateextra=<true|false>
    % Extra label for pubstates
    pubstateextra.legacy_if_set:n = @pubstateextra,
    pubstateextra.usage:n = preamble,
    % plauthorhandling=<highlight|omit>
    % Highlight or omit pl author?
    % highlight
    plauthorhandling / highlight.code:n =
    % omit
    plauthorhandling / omit.code:n =
    plauthorhandling.default:n = { omit },    
    % nameorder=<family-given|given-family>
    % Ordering of plauthor name
    % given-family
    nameorder / given-family.code:n = { \@givenfirsttrue },
    % family-given
    nameorder / family-given.code:n = { \@givenfirstfalse },
    nameorder.default:n = { family-given },
    % plsorting=<sortingscheme>
    % Set a sorting scheme
    plsorting.code:n =
    plsorting.default:n = { ydt },
    % plauthorfirstinit=<true|false>
    % Pass initial as first name
    plauthorfirstinit.code:n =
         \str_if_eq:nnTF { #1 } { true }
    plauthorfirstinit.default:n = { true },
    % plnumbering=<global|local|global-descending|local-descending|none>
    % Select numbering scheme
    plnumbering .choice:,
    % global: use default consecutive numbering
    plnumbering / global .code:n = 
      { \@bpl@numberresetfalse },
    % local: use local numbering
    plnumbering / local .code:n = 
      { \@bpl@numberresettrue },
    % global-descending: use default consecutive numbering
    plnumbering / global-descending .code:n = 
    % local-descending: use local numbering
    plnumbering / local-descending .code:n = 
    % none: no numbering at all
    plnumbering / none .code:n = 
    plnumbering.default:n = { global },
    plnumbering.usage:n = preamble,
    % annotations=<csv>
    % Store author name prefix
    annotations.tl_set:N = \bpl@annots,
    % linktitles=<all|url|doi|isbn|issn|none>
    linktitles .multichoice:,
    % Link all titles
    linktitles / all.code:n =
    % Link no titles
    linktitles / none.code:n =
    % Link titles with URL
    linktitles / url.code:n =
    % Link titles with DOI
    linktitles / doi.code:n =
    % Link titles with ISBN
    linktitles / isbn.code:n =
    % Link titles with ISSN
    linktitles / issn.code:n =
    linktitles.default:n = { all },
    % citinfo=<true|false>
    % Information about citation numbers
    citinfo.code:n =
         \str_if_eq:nnTF { #1 } { true }
    citinfo.default:n = { true },
    % jifinfo=<true|false>
    % Impact factor information
    jifinfo.code:n =
         \str_if_eq:nnTF { #1 } { true }
    jifinfo.default:n = { true },
    % oainfo=<verbose|simple|nonr>
    % Output OpenAccess information
    oainfo .choice:,
    oainfo / verbose.code:n =
    oainfo / simple.code:n =
    oainfo / none.code:n =
    oainfo.default:n = { simple },
    % prinfo=<true|false>
    % Output peer-review information
    prinfo.code:n =
         \str_if_eq:nnTF { #1 } { true }
    prinfo.default:n = { true }

% Deprecated options
\keys_define:nn { bpl-deprecated }
    % plnumbered=<true|false|reset>
    % Select numbering scheme
    plnumbered .choice:,
    % false: no numbering at all
    plnumbered / false .code:n = 
    % true: use default consecutive numbering
    plnumbered / true .code:n = 
    % reset: use local numbering
    plnumbered / reset .code:n = 
    plnumbered.default:n = { true },
    plnumbered.usage:n = preamble,
    % reversenumbering=<true|false>
    % Use descending numbers
    reversenumbering.code:n = 
         \str_if_eq:nnTF { #1 } { true }
    reversenumbering.usage:n = preamble,
    % boldyear=<true|false>
    % Set year bold
    boldyear.legacy_if_set:n = @hlyear,
    % linktitleall=<true|false>
    % Link all titles
    linktitleall.code:n =
         \str_if_eq:nnTF { #1 } { true }
    linktitleall.default:n = { true },
    % linktitleurl=<true|false>
    % Link titles with URL
    linktitleurl.code:n =
         \str_if_eq:nnTF { #1 } { true }
    linktitleurl.default:n = { true },
    % linktitledoi=<true|false>
    % Link titles with DOI
    linktitledoi.code:n =
         \str_if_eq:nnTF { #1 } { true }
    linktitledoi.default:n = { true },
    % linktitledoi=<true|false>
    % Link titles with ISBN
    linktitleisbn.code:n =
         \str_if_eq:nnTF { #1 } { true }
    linktitleisbn.default:n = { true },
    % linktitledoi=<true|false>
    % Link titles with ISSN
    linktitleissn.code:n =
         \str_if_eq:nnTF { #1 } { true }
    linktitleissn.default:n = { true }

% Command to set options
\NewDocumentCommand { \ExecutePublistOptions } { m }
  \keys_set:nn { bpl } { #1 }

% Command to set deprecated options
\NewDocumentCommand { \ExecuteDepPublistOptions } { m m }
  \keys_set:nn { bpl-deprecated } { #1 }
             {The~ option~ `#1'~ is~ deprecated!\MessageBreak
              Please~ use~ the~ option~ `#2'~ instead.}


% Biblatex options directly feed into the l3 options


\DeclareBibliographyOption{linktitles}[all]{\ExecutePublistOptions{linktitles={#1}}}% Extra braces needed (multichoice)

% Deprecated Options
% Deprecated as of v. 1.4
        {The omitname option is deprecated!\MessageBreak
         Please use plauthorname instead.}{}%
         {The omitfirstname option is deprecated!\MessageBreak
          Please use plauthorfirstname instead.}{}%
        {The omitnameprefix option is deprecated!\MessageBreak
         Please use plauthornameprefix instead.}{}%
% Deprecated as of v. 2.0

% Base style

% Check if users have defined different base styles
% If not, use authoryear.



        % Default sorting depends on plauthorhandling

% Initialize

% Execute these options only with the standard base style
    % This corresponds to bib option dashed=false
    % (dashed option is not defined in every style)

% Helper functions

% Only provided by biblatex 3.19ff., so we roll our own
     {}{\PackageWarning{biblatex-publist}{Patching refsection failed!}}

% Only provided by biblatex 3.20ff., so we roll our own
     {}{\PackageWarning{biblatex-publist}{Patching refsection failed!}}

% Section count. We use l3 here to split the argument and do calculations

\int_new:N \l_bpl_sec_cnt_int

\NewDocumentCommand \GetSectionCount { >{\SplitList{,}} o }
    \int_zero:N \l_bpl_sec_cnt_int
    \int_use:N \l_bpl_sec_cnt_int

\cs_new:Npn \__bpl_add_section_count #1
   \cs_if_exist:cT {bpl@secitems:#1}
        { \int_add:Nn \l_bpl_sec_cnt_int { \use:c{bpl@secitems:#1} } }



% Removing braces from names (courtesy of egreg at
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/79583/19291)
% and normalize spaces
% String comparison methods. We use l3 here since this is more robust.

% 1. Check first token of macro.
%    Based on code by egreg on https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/405005
\prg_new_conditional:Nnn \bpl_firstletterequal:nn { T,F,TF,p }
  % compare the two strings after full expansion:
  % f expansion is used so using explicit
  % strings or macros is the same
   { \str_head:f { #1 } }
   { \str_head:f { #2 } }
   { \prg_return_true: }
   { \prg_return_false: }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \str_head:n { f }

\NewExpandableDocumentCommand{\bpl@iffirstcharequal}{ m m m m }
  \bpl_firstletterequal:nnTF { #1 } { #2 } { #3 } { #4 }

% 2. Fully expanded macro content comparison
\NewExpandableDocumentCommand{\bpl@ifstreq}{ m m m m }
  \str_if_eq:eeTF { \text_purify:n { #1 } } { \text_purify:n { #2 } } { #3 } { #4 }

% Split plauthors list item
% Check if we have an entry in plauthors
% \bpl@ifplauthor{firstname}{prefix}{surname}{true}{false}
    % Check if we are dealing with a plauthor
    % First the plauthorname as set via option
        test { \bpl@ifstreq{\bpl@esurname}{\bpl@tsurname} }
        ( test { \bpl@ifstreq{\bpl@efirstname}{\bpl@tfirstname} } or test { \ifdefstring{\bpl@ofirstname}{} }
          or ( test { \iftoggle{bpl@firstinit} } and test{ \bpl@iffirstcharequal{\bpl@efirstname}{\bpl@tfirstname} } )
        ( test { \bpl@ifstreq{\bpl@evonpart}{\bpl@tvonpart} } or test { \ifdefstring{\bpl@ovonpart}{} }) }
    % Then the name(s) set via macro
            test { \bpl@ifstreq{\bpl@elsurname}{\bpl@tsurname} }
            ( test { \bpl@ifstreq{\bpl@elfirstname}{\bpl@tfirstname} } or test { \ifdefstring{\bpl@lfirstname}{} }
              or ( test { \iftoggle{bpl@firstinit} } and test{ \bpl@iffirstcharequal{\bpl@lfirstname}{\bpl@tfirstname} } )
            ( test { \bpl@ifstreq{\bpl@elvonpart}{\bpl@tvonpart} } or test { \ifdefstring{\bpl@lvonpart}{} }) }

% Customization settings

% The name of the publication list author
% List to store multiple pl authors (for highlight only)
% Manual way to specify publication list author(s) name

% Formatting of year in margin par (if requested)

% Highlighting of the year with hlyear=true

% Highlighting of publist author with plauthorhandling=highlight

% Field format definitions

% Delimiters
% Omission of names in truncated autor list

% Deal with numbering (resume numbers in refsections)



% Possibility to manually make the space occupied by the label wider

           % Set back start number after manually set section
         % Check if we have a changed value
         % Write item count to the bpx file
      % Write item count to the bpx file
      % We count all really output items for proper reverse numbering
      % (global and per section) and \GetTotalCount

       % Fix start counter value

    % Print labelnumber as actual number, plus item total
    % Store number in pbx file

% Way to manually shift the numbering

% Way to manually set the numbering


% Reverse numbering
      \read\bpl@read@bpxfile to\bpx@data
      \protected@write\bpl@bpxfile{}{\@percentchar\space biblatex-publist auxiliary file:
                                     count of items for reverse numbering and stats}%
         \PackageWarning{biblatex-publist}{Please rerun LaTeX!\MessageBreak
                                           Still counting items}%

          % Print the labelnumber as the total number of entries in the
          % current refsection, minus the actual labelnumber, plus one
          % Use decreasing counter
       % Store number in pbx file
             % Start from manually set value and count down
             % Start from manually set value and count down
                 \PackageWarning{biblatex-publist}{Please rerun LaTeX!\MessageBreak
                                                   Still counting items in ref section \therefsection}%

% Data annotation


% Symbol helpers
  \clist_new:N \l_bpl_annot_symbols
  \cs_new_nopar:Npn \SetAnnotSymbols #1
      \clist_gset:Nn \l_bpl_annot_symbols { #1 }
     { \textasteriskcentered, \textdaggerdbl, \textsection, \textparagraph,
       \textbardbl, \textdagger, {\textasteriskcentered\textasteriskcentered},
       {\textdaggerdbl\textdaggerdbl}, {\textdagger\textdagger}
  % get symbol by position (int)
  \cs_new_nopar:Npn \bpl@get@annot@symbol #1
      \clist_item:Nn \l_bpl_annot_symbols { #1 }

% get symbol by category name
\NewDocumentCommand\GetAnnotSymbol { s m }{

% handle the annotations as passed by annotations option
     % helper function for annotations
     % do annotation in family names
     \renewcommand*{\mkbibnamefamily}[1]{\bplannot #1}

% New environment for (foreign) reviews

% OpenAccess type

% Peer-review type

% Citation info

% Impact factor


% Bibliography filter
% Inspired by http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/28555/19291








% bibchecks
% check to exclude submitted work (which is under review)
% from publist

% check to exclude work in preparation
% from publist

% check to exclude all work which is not (pre-)published

% check to exclude all work which is not accepted or published

% check to exclude all work which is not peer-reviewed

% check to exclude all work which *is* peer-reviewed

% Count non-plauthors





% Remove or highlight plauthorname in author and editor lists

        % listcount > 1
            {% listcount < liststop
                % listcount > realliststop
                \iftoggle{plnameomitted}{% [...] precedes
                }{% an author name precedes
                    % more plauthors left
                  }{% last plauthor
              }{% listcount >= realliststop
            }{% listcount >= liststop
              \ifnumgreater{\value{listcount}}{\value{realliststop}}{% listcount > realliststop
              }{% listcount =< realliststop

% Add hook to check whether we are in a related entry.
% This is to prevent author omission in such cases.
         {\PackageWarning{biblatex-publist}{Patching begrelated failed!}}
         {\PackageWarning{biblatex-publist}{Patching endrelated failed!}}


% Omission/highlighting routine
% (common code for authors and editors)
% \usebibmacro{bpl:handlenames}[author|editor]
    % Calculate real list stop
    % First case: plauthorhandling=highlight
        % Highlight plauthor(s)
                \if@givenfirst% given name first
                \else% family name first
             \if@givenfirst% given name first
             \else% family name first
    % Second case: plauthorhandling=omit
    \else% \if@hlauthor false
        % Exclude omitted author
            {% <- TRUE condition
            }% <- end TRUE condition
            {% <- FALSE condition
            }% <- end FALSE condition
    \fi% end of \if@hlauthor else condition



    \if@givenfirst% given name first
    \else% family name first

% Macros



    \else% \if@hlauthor false
    \fi% end of \if@hlauthor else condition

    \else% \if@hlauthor false
    \fi% end of \if@hlauthor else condition

            test \ifuseeditor
            and not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}}
    \else% \if@hlauthor false
            test \ifuseeditor
            and not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}}
    \fi% end of \if@hlauthor else condition

            test {\ifnumgreater{\value{realliststop}}{1}}
            test {\iftoggle{plnameafteromission}}

    % Work around issue in authoryear.bbx:
    % test for empty year before printing parens
        \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldundef{year}}
                    and test {\iffieldundef{issue}}}
                % turn of mergedate, as this doesn't play well with us.

     % Include pubstate in extradate









% Extra information



  \ifboolexpr{ (
                 not test {\iffieldundef{peerreview}}
                 and test {\iftoggle{bpl@prinfo}}
                 not test {\iffieldundef{openaccess}}
                 and test {\iftoggle{bpl@oainfo}}
                 not test {\iffieldundef{impactfactor}}
                 and test {\iftoggle{bpl@jifinfo}}          
                 not test {\iffieldundef{citations}}
                 and test {\iftoggle{bpl@citinfo}}          
                 not test {\ifcsvoid{bpl@extra@annots}}
                   \ifboolexpr{ not test {\iffieldundef{peerreview}}
                      and test {\iftoggle{bpl@prinfo}}
                   \ifboolexpr{ not test {\iffieldundef{citations}}
                      and test {\iftoggle{bpl@citinfo}}
                   \ifboolexpr{ not test {\iffieldundef{openaccess}}
                      and test {\iftoggle{bpl@oainfo}}
                   \ifboolexpr{ not test {\iffieldundef{impactfactor}}
                      and test {\iftoggle{bpl@jifinfo}}

% l7n


% publist-specific bibstrings

% New driver for reviews


% Sorting schemes

% Consider the whole date (year-month-day)
% Sorting date (descending), name, title

% Sorting year (descending), month, day, name, title

% Sorting date (ascending), name, title

% Sorting schemes without name

% Sorting year (descending), title

% Consider the whole date (year-month-day)
% Sorting date (descending), title

% Sorting year (descending), month, day, title

% Sorting date (ascending), title

% Define bibmacro that applies a hypertext reference
% Inspired by https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/48506/19291
  \ifboolexpr{ test {\ifhyperref} and not test {\ifentrytype{online}} }

% URL for ISBN/ISSN queries

% Mappings (biber)

% Add a dummy constant shortauthor in order to
% ignore author constellation on extralabel assignment.
% Original entries are stored in namea.
             \step[fieldset=namea, origfieldval]
                \step[fieldset=shortauthor, fieldvalue={1111}]
    % For proper labelname (e.g., \textcite), write back original
    % shortauthor, author or editor after the extradate has been
    % constructed.

% Correctly sort pubstates.
            \step[fieldsource=year, final]
            \step[fieldset=sortyear, origfieldval]
           \step[fieldsource=pubstate, match=\regexp{prepublished}, final]
           \step[fieldset=sortyear, fieldvalue={2222}]
           \step[fieldsource=pubstate, match=\regexp{forthcoming}, final]
           \step[fieldset=sortyear, fieldvalue={3333}]
           \step[fieldsource=pubstate, match=\regexp{inpress}, final]
           \step[fieldset=sortyear, fieldvalue={4444}]
           \step[fieldsource=pubstate, match=\regexp{submitted}, final]
           \step[fieldset=sortyear, fieldvalue={5555}]
           \step[fieldsource=pubstate, match=\regexp{inpreparation}, final]
           \step[fieldset=sortyear, fieldvalue={6666}]

% Link titles if so requested

% Deprecated stuff

% DEPRECATED as of v.1.4
% Issue a warning if used.

            {The \protect\omitname\space macro is deprecated!\MessageBreak
             Please use \protect\plauthorname\space instead.}{}%

% Renamed in v. 2.0
