\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] %% \newcommand* etc. \ProvidesPackage{blogligs}[2012/11/29 v0.2 pervasive blog ligatures (UL)] %% copyright (C) 2012 Uwe Lueck, %% http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu %% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below. %% %% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under %% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either %% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY. %% %% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via %% %% http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu %% %% == 'blog' Required == %% 'blogdot' is an extension of 'blog', and must be loaded \emph{later} %% (but what about options? TODO): \RequirePackage{blog} %% == Task and Idea == %% |\UseBlogLigs| as offered by 'blog.sty' does not work %% inside macro arguments. You can use |\ParseLigs{<text>}| %% at such locations to enable ``ligatures" again. %% 'blogligs.sty' saves you from this manual trick. %% Many macros have one ``text" argument only, %% others additionally have ``attribute" arguments. %% Most macros `<elt-cmd>{<text>}' of the first kind are defined %% to expand to `\SimpleTagSurr{<elt>}{<text>}' %% or to `\TagSurr{<elt>}{<attrs>}{<text>}' for some %% \HTML\ element <elt> and some attribute assignments <attrs>. %% When a macro in addition to a ``text" element has %% ``attribute" parameters, `\TagSurr' is used as well. %% %% 2012/01/08, eigentlich schon 2012/01/04, verloren ...: % \let\blogtextcolor\textcolor % \renewcommand*{\textcolor}[2]{\blogtextcolor{#1}{\ParseLigs{#2}}} %% %% \pagebreak[2] %% == Quotation Marks == %% ``Inline quote" macros `<qtd>{<text>}' to surround <text> %% by quotation marks do not follow this rule. We are just %% dealing with English and German double quotes %% that I have mostly treated by `catchdq.sty'. %% `"<text>"' then (eventually) expands to either %% `\deqtd{<text>}' or `\endqtd{<text>}', so we redefine these: %% %% 2012/01/10: \let\blogdedqtd\dedqtd \renewcommand*{\dedqtd}[1]{\blogdedqtd{\ParseLigs{#1}}} %% %% 2012/08/20: \let\blogendqtd\endqtd \renewcommand*{\endqtd}[1]{\blogendqtd{\ParseLigs{#1}}} %% %% == \HTML\ Elements == %% When the above rule holds: %% %% 2012/01/19: \let\BlogTagSurr\TagSurr \renewcommand*{\TagSurr}[3]{% \BlogTagSurr{#1}{#2}{\ParseLigs{#3}}} \let\BlogSimpleTagSurr\SimpleTagSurr \renewcommand*{\SimpleTagSurr}[2]{% \BlogSimpleTagSurr{#1}{\ParseLigs{#2}}} %% %% == Avoiding ``Ligatures" though == %% |\noligs{<text>}| saves <text> from ``ligature" replacements %% (except in arguments of macros inside <text> where %% 'blogligs' enables ligatures): \newcommand*{\noligs}{} \let\noligs\@firstofone %% !!! %% I have found it useful to disable replacements within %% |\code{<text>}|: \renewcommand*{\code}[1]{\STS{code}{\noligs{#1}}} %% TODO: kind of mistake, `\STS' has not been affected anyway so far, %% then defining `\code' as `\STS{code}' should suffice. %% %% |\NoBlogLigs| has been meant to disable ``ligatures" altogether again. %% I am not sure about everything ... %% %% 2012/03/14, not optimal TODO: \renewcommand*{\NoBlogLigs}{% \def\BlogOutputJob{LEAVE}% % \let\deqtd\blogdeqtd %% rm. 2012/06/03 \let\TagSurr\BlogTagSurr \let\SimpleTagSurr\BlogSimpleTagSurr \FDnormalTilde \MakeActiveDef\~{ }% %% TODO new blog cmd } %% TODO: |\UseBlogLigs| might be redefined likewise %% (\textcolor{red}{in fact 'blogligs' activates ligatures %% inside text arguments unconditionally at present}, %% I keep this for now since I have used it this way with `texblog.fdf' %% over months, and changing it may be dangerous %% where I have used tricky workarounds to overcome the %% `texblog.fdf' mistake). %% But with \[`\BlogInteceptEnvironments'\] this is not needed %% when you use `\NoBlogLigs' for the contents of some \LaTeX\ %% environment. %% %% == The End and \acro{HISTORY} == \endinput %% VERSION HISTORY v0.1 2012/01/08ff. developed in `texblog.fdf' v0.2 2012/11/29 own file