#!/bin/bash shopt -s extglob Version=3.07 Myname="${0##*/}" <<'DOC' = vpp - View and (selectively) Print PDF and PostScript = Synopsis vpp [options] [file] Options: -h,--help print a help message and exit -H,--Help print print full documentation via less and exit -V,--version print version and exit -b,--batch=STRING run in batch after running commands in STRING --view view the document (this is the default) --noview do not view the document --viewer=KEY use pdf viewer named KEY --print offer printing interaction (this is the default) --noprint do not offer printing interaction -p,--printer=KEY print to printer named KEY -v,--verbose be verbose --noverbose don’t be verbose (this is the default) -r,--rc[=STRING] use STRING as an rc file; if STRING is absent, don’t read any rc file Arguments for short options are given without a separator, so you can write either |--rc=myrc| or |-rmyrc|. = Description vpp is a Bash script that displays a PDF or PostScript document (after conversion to PDF). The user can use the viewer to print the document or, alternatively, leave the viewer and use vpp’s facilities to print selected pages to a one- or two-sided hardcopy or an A5-booklet: see the section /Page selection and other commands/ for the details. Instead of printing your selections, you can also save them into PDF files. If |file| is specified with a |.ps| or a |.pdf| extension, vpp will simply use that |file|. Otherwise, vpp will look for |file.pdf|, |file.ps|, and |file|, in that order, and will use the first existing file. If |file| lacks, standard input is used. In any case, the first few characters /in/ the file determine whether it is treated as a PDF or as a PostScript file. vpp needs a viewer and a printer; see the section /Printers and viewers/. = Exit value vpp has four possible exit values: 0 OK 1 error 2 edit, which is a signal to the calling program that a new edit session is at order; this is used by |mk|. 3 re-compile; this is used by |mk| = Dependencies kpsewhich from texlive pdflatex from texlive pdfpages.sty from texlive pdfinfo from poppler-utils ps2pdf from ghostscript texi2dvi version 1.152 or greater, from texinfo mktemp from coreutils readlink from coreutils getopt from util-linux lpr from cups-bsd lpoptions,lpstat from cups-client file,less texlog_extract from texlive = Printers and viewers For the operation of vpp, availability of printers and pdf viewers is important. Therefore, two associative arrays are defined: printers an array available printers, where the keys are printer names and the values are |true| or |false|, depending on whether the printer can print double sided (true) or not (false). viewers an array of available viewers, where the keys are viewer names and the values are the corresponding commands, with arguments if any. For each array, an index is set: |printer| for the printers array. |viewer| for the viewers array. |printer| points to the current printer, |viewer| to the current viewer. You can inspect the contents of these arrays either with the short help option (|-h| or |--help|) or, when you are in vpp's command mode, with the |?| command. The |printers| array is automatically filled, using the |lpstat| and |lpoptions| commands. The |viewers| array can be set in several ways: - It is initially set to: viewers=([xp]=xpdf [ev]=evince [gv]=gv [ac]=acroread) but after that, unavailable viewers are silently removed. This may result in an empty list. - After this, an rc file may be available, either in the form of |~/.vpprc| or specified with the |--rc| option. - the |--viewer| option may specify a viewer. - Finally, a viewer may be specified on-the-fly, with the |v| command (see the section on /Page selection and other commands/. = Options vpp comes with several options. Before evaluating any options, vpp will try to read the user rc-file, |~/.vpprc|, where you can set defaults for most options, by assigning values to variable named after the long form of the options. For example, there are three ways to select the printer named /k550/: - use the option |--printer=k550|. - enter a line with |printer=k550| in your rc file (|~/.vpprc|, for example). - in command mode, enter |pk550|. These are the variables that can be set in |~/.vpprc|: batch (string) sets the |--batch| option print (true or false) sets printing interaction on or off printer (string) sets the |--printer| option verbose (true or false) sets the |--verbose| option view (true or false) sets viewing on or off viewer (string) set the viewer; arguments may be added; example: viewer='acroread -geometry 1450x1150+0+0' You should use a basename here, that is: the name of the viewer should contain no slashes, and it should be in your PATH. --help Prints synopsis and available printers and viewers, then quits. --Help Prints this documentation, /via/ less. --version Prints version, then quits. --verbose Prints messages about the progress vpp is making. Can be reverted with |--noverbose|. --rc=rc-file Read the specified |rc-file|, instead of the default rc-file, |~/.vpprc|. If this option is used, it must be used before any other options. If |rc-file| is an empty string, no rc-file will be read, thus skipping reading of |~/.vpprc|. --batch=string Prevents the --print option to interrogate the user about pages to be printed. Instead the document is printed according to the commands in the mandatory |string|. Also sets viewing off. Thus the command vpp --batch '2-3 x3' test.pdf prints 3 copies of pages 2 and 3 of |test.pdf| without interaction --print Present the print prompt. This is the default. Can be reverted with |--noprint|, normally used to suppress the print prompt, for example when using vpp from other scripts that generate PDF or PostScript documents that have only to be displayed or printed without even being displayed. --view Run the file viewer. This is the default. Can be reverted with |--noview|, normally used to suppress starting the viewer, for example when using vpp from other scripts that generate PDF or PostScript documents that have only to be printed. --printer=key Specifies the printer to be used instead of the system default printer. See the section /Printers and viewers/ for more information. --viewer=[key|command] Specifies the viewer to use. This script defines an associative array |viewers| containing 4 viewers as follows: viewers=([xp]=xpdf [ev]=evince [gv]=gv [ac]=acroread) and the viewer is set to xp by default. However, you can define your own set of viewers in the |~/.vpprc| file or in any rc file given with the |--rc| option. For example: viewers=( [xp]="xpdf -g 970x1050+0+0 -font 8x13bold -z page -cont" [ac]="acroread -geometry 850x890+0+0" [ev]="evince --fullscreen --presentation" ) viewer=xp = Page selection and other commands When you select the |--print| option, and you did not also use the |--batch| option, vpp interrogates you about the pages you want to print. To that end the following prompt appears: vpp command (? for help): upon typing |?| or |h|, vpp displays examples of possible commands: Command Examples: 5 to print page 5 5- to print pages 5 through the end 5-7 to print pages 5, 6 and 7 7-5 ox write the same pages, in reversed order, to x.pdf -7 to print the first 7 pages 5-7,19- to print pages 5, 6, 7 and 19 through the end a to print the whole document - to print the whole document a x3 to print 3 copies of the document x3 the same 5 x3 to print 3 copies of page 5 t print the whole document twosided t 2- print twosided starting at page 2 b to print the whole document as an a5 size booklet b -12 to print the first 12 pages as an a5 size booklet Other commands: e (if called by mk) edit the tex source and rerun mk c (if called by mk) rerun mk v (re)view the ps/pdf file or, with an argument, specify a viewer. w list errors and warnings from the log file oxyz send pdf output to file xyz.pdf instead of printer pxyz print to printer xyz h display this help ? display this help q quit With these descriptions, no further explanation should be necessary, except for the following: When twosided (|t|) or booklet (|b|) printing is selected for a non-duplex printer, printing will be performed in two shifts, one for the front side and one for the backside. Between the shifts, another prompt appears: printer ready? then turn stack and type return You will have to arrange your printer such that, with the printed sides up, the first page printed will be at the bottom of the stack, and the last page printed will be on top. Normally you will then have your output come out the back of your printer. /Turn the stack/ then means: rotate it over the long side of the paper and feed it back into the printer for the other side to be printed. When you use the |oxyz| subcommand, your selection will not be printed but instead will be saved in a PDF file named |xyz.pdf|. When you use a |t| or |b| selection, you will not, of course, be prompted to turn the paper stack. Instead, the odd and even pages of your selection will be saved in separate PDF files, |xyz_odd.pdf| and |xyz_even.pdf|. = Environment Two environment variables may be useful in scripts using vpp: VPPOUTDIR The directory where PDF files generated with the o command will be saved; the default is the working directory. VPPCHECKSAVED If non-empty, vpp will check on exit that the inspected file has been saved into a pdf file and will issue a warning if it hasn’t. = Examples Since vpp can read from standard input, it can be used to print (parts of) manpages. This example (we assume a printer which cannot print double sided) prints the full |ls| manpage first, followed by an A5 booklet of the first 8 pages: $ man -t ls | vpp # (shows preview and is left with q) vpp command (? for help): a vpp command (? for help): b 1-8 printer ready? then turn pack over the long side and type enter (^D skips) vpp command (? for help): q $ If you don’t need a preview, because you have seen the man page already, you can print it immediately as an A5 booklet with: $ man -t ls | vpp --batch=b or, to make an A5 booklet of the first 8 pages: $ man -t ls |vpp --batch='-8 b' If you just want to save a PDF copy of the man page in |ls.pdf|, you can say: $ man -t ls |vpp -bols Some PDF-documents, like the CVS manual (|cvs.pdf|), have their Table of Contents in their back instead of behind the title page. You can use vpp to rearrange such documents: $ vpp --batch='1,2,153-160,3-152 ocvs' cvs.pdf This overwrites the input document. Note that any links in the file will get broken, so that is only useful for documents that have to be printed. It would have been more sensible in this case to say: $ vpp --batch='b 1,2,153-160,3-152' cvs which prints the reordered document as an A5 booklet without replacing it. You can even print or output page ranges in reverse order: $ vpp --batch='12-1 otest' cvs.pdf = Changes - Changes with respect to version 3.06: - --doublesided option removed and d command (vpp uses lpoptions to find out printer properties) - --norc option removed; use --rc='' - printers and viewers listed with ?-command and with --help option - v command with argument selects an other viewer - --batch did not work always = Author [Wybo Dekker](wybo@dekkerdocumenten.nl) = Copyright Released under the [GNU General Public License](www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) DOC die() { echo -e "$Myname: $Red${*}$Nor" 1>&2; exit 1; } Warn() { echo -e "$Myname: $Mag${*}$Nor" 1>&2; } warn() { $verbose && Warn "$@"; } helpsrt() { sed -n '/^= Synopsis/,/^= /p' "$0"|sed '1d;$d'; echo -e "$(list_printers)"; echo -e "$(list_viewers)"; exit } helpall() { sed -n '/^<<.DOC.$/,/^DOC$/p' "$0"|sed -n '1d;$d;p'|less; exit; } version() { echo $Version; exit; } install() { which instscript>&/dev/null && instscript --zip --pdf --markdown "$Myname"; exit; } Red='\e[38;5;1m' # light red ] Blu='\e[38;5;4m' # light blue ] Mag='\e[38;5;5m' # light magenta] Nor='\e[0m' # reset color ] <<'DOC' #------ function check_needs -------------------------------------------- = check_needs parameters: - description: Verify the availability of executables and tex files globals set: neededex neededtx globals used: neededex neededtx returns: 1 if something is missing, 0 otherwise DOC #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check_needs() { local i err=false # executables: for i in "${!neededex[@]}"; do which "${neededex[$i]}" >/dev/null && unset neededex["$i"] done if [[ ${#neededex[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then Warn "Missing executables: ${neededex[*]}" err=true fi # tex files: for i in "${!neededtx[@]}"; do kpsewhich "${neededtx[$i]}" >/dev/null && unset neededtx["$i"] done if [[ ${#neededtx[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then Warn "Missing TeX files: ${neededtx[*]}" err=true fi $err && die Quitting... } <<'DOC' #------ function check_viewers -------------------------------------------- = check_viewers parameters: - description: Check pdf viewers The variable |viewer| is a key to the viewers array. Test viewers for executability. globals set: viewer globals used: viewer viewers returns: 0 DOC #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check_viewers() { local i j # any viewers defined? [[ ${#viewers[@]} -eq 0 ]] && die "No viewer could be found" # check if al viewers are executable for i in "${!viewers[@]}"; do j="${viewers[$i]%% *}" which "$j" >& /dev/null || die "$j is not executable or not in your PATH" done # has a viewer been selected? if [[ -n $viewer ]]; then [[ -z ${viewers[$viewer]} ]] && die "viewer $viewer is undefined" else # if not defined, take a random one viewer="${!viewers[*]}" viewer="${viewer%% *}" fi } <<'DOC' #------ function handle_options -------------------------------------------- = handle_options parameters: the script’s arguments description: Handles the options globals set: first batch input mk print printer rc verbose view viewer viewers writeto globals used: first Version viewer viewers printer printers returns: 1 on error, 0 otherwise DOC #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- first=true handle_options() { local options rcfile if ! options=$(getopt \ -n "$Myname" \ -o b:p:dr::VvhHqI \ -l batch:,printer:,rc::,norc,version,verbose,noverbose,view,noview,viewer:,print,noprint,help,Help,quiet,noquiet,mk: -- "$@" ); then exit 1 fi eval set -- "$options" while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do if $first; then first=false if [[ $1 = -r ]] || [[ $1 == --rc ]]; then # if the first option is --rc # shellcheck disable=SC1090 test -n "$2" && source "$2" # if its argument is not empty, source it shift 2 rcfile="$2" continue else rcfile="$HOME/.${Myname}rc" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 test -e "$HOME/.${Myname}rc" && source "$rcfile" fi fi case $1 in (-h|--help) # print a help message and exit helpsrt ;; (-H|--Help) # print print full documentation via less and exit helpall ;; (-V|--version) # print version and exit echo $Version exit ;; (-b|--batch) # run in batch using STRING for print command batch="$2" Warn() { die "$@"; } shift 2 ;; ( --view) # view the document (this is the default) view=true shift ;; ( --noview) # do not view the document view=false shift ;; ( --viewer) # specifies the pdf viewer to use viewer="${2%% *}" [[ -z ${viewers[$viewer]} ]] && viewers[$viewer]="$2" shift 2 ;; ( --print) # offer printing interaction (this is the default) print=true shift ;; ( --noprint) # do not offer printing interaction print=false shift ;; (-p|--printer) # print to printer named STRING [[ -n ${printers["$2"]} ]] || die "specified printer ($2) does not exist" printer="$2" shift 2 ;; (-v|--verbose) # be verbose verbose=true shift ;; ( --noverbose) # don’t be verbose (this is the default) verbose=false shift ;; (-r,--rc) # set rc file, but this must be the first option! die 'the --rc option must be used before any other options' ;; ( --mk) mk="\n e edit the tex source and rerun mk\n c rerun mk" writeto="$2" shift 2 ;; (-I) instscr 2>/dev/null || die "the -I option is for developers only" ;; (--) shift break ;; (*) break ;; esac done [[ ${#@} -gt 1 ]] && die "expecting zero or one input files, not ${#@}" input=${1%.} # remove final . (may be there by auto completion) [[ -n $batch ]] && view=false } <<'DOC' #------ function find_pdf -------------------------------------------- = find_pdf parameters: - description: Find the input and provide a pdf-copy; If vpp had no file argument, standard input is used. If the argument has one of the extensions .pdf, .ps or .eps, or any uppercase variant, that file is used. Any other argument is used as such, if the file exists or, if not, a .pdf, PDF, PS, .ps, .eps or .EPS extension is added and the first existing file is used. globals set: log tempdir globals used: input tempdir returns: 1 if no input is found, 0 otherwise. DOC #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- find_pdf() { local tempdir tempdir=$(mktemp -d -t vpp.XXXXXXXXXX) # shellcheck disable=SC2064 trap "rm -rf $tempdir" 0 1 2 15 warn "running in temporary directory $tempdir" shopt -s nocasematch if [[ -z $input ]]; then warn "using standard input" cat - > "$tempdir/main" exec 0>&- exec 0</dev/tty elif [[ $input =~ \.(pdf|ps|eps)$ ]]; then [[ -e $input ]] || die "$input: not found" [[ -s $input ]] || die "$input: empty" [[ -r $input ]] || die "$input: not readable" cat "$input" > "$tempdir/main" warn "using $input" log=$(readlink -m "${input%.pdf}.log") else local i found=false for i in $input.{pdf,PDF,ps,PS,eps,EPS} $input; do if [[ -e $i ]]; then found=true break fi done $found || die "$input: not found; I tried $input.{pdf,PDF,ps,PS,eps,EPS} and $input" [[ -s $i ]] || die "$i: empty file" cat "$i" > "$tempdir/main" fi shopt -u nocasematch cd "$tempdir" || exit 1 local typ typ=$(file -b main) typ=${typ%% *} case $typ in (PDF) mv main main.pdf;; (PostScript) ps2pdf main main.pdf; rm main;; (*) die "Input is neither PDF nor PostScript; file says: $typ" esac } <<'DOC' #------ function pdfproperties -------------------------------------------- = pdfproperties parameters: - description: Find page width, page height and the number of pages in the input file globals set: height pagecount width globals used: height pagecount width returns: 0 DOC #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pdfproperties() { while true; do [[ $x =~ ^PDF ]] && break [[ $x =~ ^Pages:\ *([0-9]*) ]] && pagecount="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" [[ $x =~ ^Page\ size:\ *([0-9]*)(\.[0-9]*)?\ *x\ *([0-9]*)(\.[0-9]*)? ]] && { width=$(printf "%0.0f" "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}${BASH_REMATCH[2]}") height=$(printf "%0.0f" "${BASH_REMATCH[3]}${BASH_REMATCH[4]}") } read -r x done < <(pdfinfo main.pdf) warn "$pagecount pages, papersize $width x $height" } <<'DOC' #------ function ask -------------------------------------------- = ask parameters: - description: Prompt for a command, return the command in com globals set: com globals used: com prompt returns: 0 DOC #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask() { read -r -e -p "$prompt" com </dev/tty history -s -- "$com" com=(${com//,/ }) } <<'DOC' #------ function printhelp -------------------------------------------- = printhelp parameters: - description: Print help for vpp-commands and show which viewer and printer are active. globals set: - globals used: Blu Nor mk returns: 0 DOC #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- printhelp() { echo -ne " ${Blu}Command Examples:$Nor 5 to print page 5 5- to print pages 5 through the end 5-7 to print pages 5, 6 and 7 7-5 ox write pages 7, 6 and 5, in that order, to x.pdf -7 to print the first 7 pages 5-7,19- to print pages 5, 6, 7 and 19 through the end a to print the whole document - to print the whole document a x3 to print 3 copies of the document x3 the same 5 x3 to print 3 copies of page 5 t print the whole document twosided t 2- print twosided starting at page 2 b to print the whole document as an a5 size booklet b -12 to print the first 12 pages as an a5 size booklet ${Blu}Other commands:$Nor$mk e (if called by mk) edit the tex source and rerun mk c (if called by mk) rerun mk v (re)view the ps/pdf file w list errors and warnings from the log file oxyz send pdf output to file xyz.pdf instead of printer pxyz print to printer xyz h display this help ? display this help q quit $(list_printers) $(list_viewers)\n" |sed 's/ //' [[ -n $batch ]] && exit } # ask user for pages to printed or exported as pdf <<'DOC' #------ function ask_selection -------------------------------------------- = ask_selection parameters: zero to many user commands description: Interact with user, specifying pages to be printed or exported as pdf, or to re-view the pdf or (if called from mk) re-edit the tex-source. If called with arguments (caused by vpp’s |--batch| option) executes those. globals set: booklet com lpropt output printer saved selection twosided viewer globals used: Mag Myname Nor Red VPPCHECKSAVED batch booklet com compileexit editexit log output pagecount printers saved selection twosided viewer viewers returns: 0 DOC #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ask_selection() { trap 'echo; Warn "${Mag}exit with q command"; selection=continue; return' 2 com=($@) [[ ${#com[@]} -eq 0 ]] && ask if [[ ${#com} -eq 0 ]]; then selection=continue return fi output='' booklet=false twosided=false selection='' lpropt='' while [[ ${#com[@]} -gt 0 ]]; do local c=${com[0]} com=("${com[@]:1}") case $c in (q) # drop on q # useful if vpp is used to print or copy data from a scanner: test -n "$VPPCHECKSAVED" && ! $saved && { echo -e "${Red}You requested saving but did not use the o command"\ "\nAnother q will destroy your copy$Nor" saved=true selection=continue return } exit 0 ;; (e) # edit request for caller exit "$editexit" ;; (c) # re-compile request for caller exit "$compileexit" ;; (v) # (re)view the ps/pdf data ${viewers[$viewer]} main.pdf 2>/dev/null & selection=continue return ;; (x+([1-9])*([0-9])) # x3 -> -#3 lpropt=${c/x/-#} ;; (o*) # output to file instead of printer output=${c#o} if [[ -z $output ]]; then Warn "filename must follow o without spacing" selection=continue return fi [[ $output =~ ^/ ]] || output="$writeto/$output" if [[ ! -w ${output%/*} ]]; then Warn "Cannot write to $output" selection=continue return fi saved=true ;; (p*) # set printer i=${c#p} if [[ -z $i ]]; then Warn "p must be followed by a printer name, without spacing" elif [[ -z ${printers[$i]} ]]; then Warn "printer $i does not exist" else printer=$i fi if [[ ${#com[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then selection=continue return fi ;; (v*) # with argument, set viewer; without: run it local i=${c#v} if [[ -z ${viewers[$i]} ]]; then Warn "viewer $i not found in ~/.${Myname}rc" else viewer=$i fi selection=continue return ;; (b) booklet=true;; # print a5 booklet (t) twosided=true;; # print twosided (a) selection+=1-$pagecount,;; # print all (-) selection+=1-$pagecount,;; # print all (+([[:digit:]])) selection+=$c,;; (+([[:digit:]])-) selection+=$c$pagecount,;; (-+([[:digit:]])) selection+=1$c,;; (+([[:digit:]])-+([[:digit:]])) selection+=$c, ;; (\?|h) printhelp selection=continue return ;; (w) # show tex warning and error messages in log file if [[ -s "$log" ]]; then texlog_extract "$log" else Warn "No log file available" fi selection=continue return ;; (*) local e="Unrecognized command «$c»$Nor" if [[ -n $batch ]]; then die "$e" else Warn "$e - try again" selection=continue return fi esac done selection=${selection%,} : ${selection:=1-$pagecount} # pages in range? if [[ ! $selection =~ ^[-1-9] ]]; then Warn "page selection must start with a minus sign or a digit between 1 and 9" selection=continue else while read -r i; do ((i>=1 && i<=pagecount)) && continue Warn "Illegal page number$Nor $i: PDF has $pagecount pages" selection=continue done < <(sed 's/[,-]\+/\n/g' <<<"$selection") fi } <<'DOC' #------ function wait_for_printer -------------------------------------------- = wait_for_printer parameters: - description: Wait for user typing |enter|, signalling that the printer is ready for next job. |^D| instead skips further output. globals set: - globals used: - returns: 0 DOC #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wait_for_printer() { read -rp "printer ready? then turn pack over the long side and type enter (^D skips)" </dev/tty || exit 0 } <<'DOC' #------ function printout -------------------------------------------- = printout parameters: - description: Print selected pages or output them to pdf. Calls doselection for the actual output. globals set: selection globals used: batch booklet output printer printers selection twosided writeto returns: 0 DOC #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- printout() { while true; do ask_selection "$batch" [[ $selection == continue ]] && continue [[ -z $selection ]] && selection=- if ${printers[$printer]}; then doselection else if $booklet; then doselection odd [[ -n $output ]] || wait_for_printer doselection even elif $twosided; then doselection odd [[ -n $output ]] || wait_for_printer doselection even else doselection fi fi [[ -n $batch ]] && break done } <<'DOC' #------ function doselection -------------------------------------------- = doselection parameters: 1: (empty) if all pages of the selection are to be printed, "odd" if only the odd pages, "even" if only the even pages to be printed description: Make a selection of pdf pages and print it or output it to pdf file. globals set: LATEX selection globals used: Mag Nor Red booklet height lpr lpropt output printer selection verbose width returns: 0 DOC #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- doselection() { local includeopt pagesel evenodd=$1 outpdf i $booklet && includeopt=', booklet, landscape' [[ -n $evenodd ]] && pagesel="\\usepackage[$evenodd]{pagesel}" outpdf=vpp.pdf # if the whole document is selected, without booklet or # twosided printing, we can simply print the original pdf or, # if a copy is requested with the o command, copy it to the # new pdf, saving link information which is lost otherwise: if [[ $includeopt$pagesel$selection != - ]]; then # a selection of pages needed or pages need to be arranged to a booklet # a twosided print: echo '%!pdflatex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[papersize={'"$width"'bp,'"$height"'bp}]{geometry} '"$pagesel"' % require *before* pdfpages \usepackage{pdfpages}[2004/03/27] \begin{document} \includepdf[pages={'$selection'}'"$includeopt"']{main.pdf} \end{document} ' > vpp.tex export LATEX='pdflatex -interaction=batchmode' $verbose && i='' || i=-q texi2dvi -p $i vpp.tex || die "${Red}Error running texi2dvi" else # all pages needed without rearrangement: outpdf=main.pdf fi if [[ -n $output ]]; then # An output pdf was specified with the o command: if [[ -e $output.pdf ]]; then # specified file exists; overwrite it? echo -ne "${Mag}File $output.pdf exists$Nor - overwrite? (yN) " read -r i </dev/tty if [[ ! $i =~ y ]]; then selection=continue return fi fi # eventually, append _even or _odd to the pdf’s filename: [[ -n $evenodd ]] && output+=_$evenodd warn "copying $outpdf to $output" mv "$outpdf" "$output.pdf" else if [[ -n $printer ]]; then i=-P; else i=''; fi local command="$lpr $i$printer $lpropt $outpdf" warn "running: $command" $command fi } <<'DOC' #------ function find_printers -------------------------------------------- = find_printers parameters: - description: Use |lpstat| to find any printers defined; use |lpoptions| to detect if each printer is doublesided; create associative array |printers| with printer names as keys and set the values to |true| for doublesided printers and to false for singlesided ones. Issue a warning if no printers are found. globals set: printer printers globals used: printer printers returns: - DOC #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- find_printers() { # find current default printer: printer=$(lpstat -d) if [[ $printer =~ :\ (.*) ]]; then printer=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} else printer= fi # find printers and their sidedness (makes each printer default in turn) for i in $(lpstat -a 2>/dev/null |cut -d' ' -f1); do printers["$i"]=$(lpoptions -d "$i" | sed 's/.*sides=\([a-z]*\).*/\1/;s/one/false/;s/two/true/') done [[ -n "$printer" ]] && lpoptions -d $printer >/dev/null # restore defaultprinter [[ ${#printers[@]} -eq 0 ]] && Warn "no printers found" } <<'DOC' #------ function list_printers -------------------------------------------- = list_printers parameters: - description: List available printers and their sidedness; mark current printer. globals set: printers printer globals used: Blu Nor Red printers printer returns: - DOC #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- list_printers() { local i j k c echo "${Blu}Available printers:$Nor" for i in "${!printers[@]}"; do j=doublesided c= k= [[ $printer == "$i" ]] && k=' (current printer)' && c=$Red ${printers[$i]} || j=singlesided printf " %s%s\t→ %s%s%s\n" "$c" "$i" "$j" "$k" "$Nor" done } <<'DOC' #------ function list_viewers -------------------------------------------- = list_viewers parameters: - description: List available viewers; mark current viewer globals set: viewer viewers globals used: Blu Nor Red viewer viewers returns: - DOC #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- list_viewers() { local i j k c echo "${Blu}Available viewers:$Nor" for i in "${!viewers[@]}"; do k= c= [[ $viewer == "$i" ]] && k=' (current viewer)' && c=$Red printf " %s%s\t→ %s%s%s\n" "$c" "$i" "${viewers[$i]}" "$k" "$Nor" done } <<'DOC' #------ function clean_viewers -------------------------------------------- = clean_viewers parameters: - description: Remove unavailable viewers, no messages globals set: viewer viewers globals used: - returns: - DOC #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clean_viewers() { local i for i in "${!viewers[@]}"; do which "${viewers[$i]}" >/dev/null || { unset viewers["$i"] [[ $viewer == "$i" ]] && unset viewer } done } declare -A viewers printers viewers=([ev]=evince [xp]=xpdf [gv]=gv [ac]=acroread) viewer=ev neededex=( file getopt kpsewhich less lpoptions lpr lpstat mktemp pdfinfo pdflatex ps2pdf readlink texi2dvi texlog_extract ) neededtx=() saved=false view=true verbose=false print=true batch= editexit=99 compileexit=98 prompt='vpp command (? for help): ' writeto=${VPPOUTDIR:=$(pwd)} lpr=lpr printer= check_needs clean_viewers find_printers handle_options "$@" check_viewers find_pdf pdfproperties [[ -n $batch ]] || $view || $print || die "Nothing to do: use --view or --print or both" if $view; then $verbose && echo "running: ${viewers[$viewer]} main.pdf" ${viewers[$viewer]} main.pdf 2>/dev/null & fi if $print; then printout else wait fi