Overall View and Links to all Available xtem Versions

Authors: Günther Lamprecht, Wolfhardt Lotz, Roland Weibezahn

xtem_TeXMenu version 7-beta running with Tcl/Tk/TclX: Tcl7.6, Tcl8.0, Tcl8.1

xtem_TeXMenu version 6 running with Tcl/Tk/TclX: Tcl7.6, Tcl8.0

xtem_TeXMenu version 5 running with Tcl/Tk/TclX: Tcl7.4, Tcl7.5, Tcl7.6

xtem_TeXMenu version 4 running with Tcl/Tk/TclX: Tcl7.3

xtem version 7 compared with version 6:

Besides adapting xtem to new Tcl versions we have done error corrections and added new features: The setting files from older versions of xtem are mostly compatible (mkcommand.vst will be automatically updated), thus switching from the older version (xtem v.6) to the new release will be done easily.

xtem version 6 compared with version 5:

Besides adapting xtem to new Tcl versions we have done error corrections and added new features: The setting files from older versions of xtem are mostly compatible (mkcommand.vst needs an updating; a new setting file hyphen.vst will be automatically installed), thus switching from the older version (5.23) to the new release will be done easily.

xtem version 5 compared with version 4:

Besides adapting xtem to new Tcl versions we have done error corrections and added new features, the most important are: The setting files from older versions of xtem are mostly compatible (mkcommand.vst needs an updating and you are recommended to update texfmt.vst in order to use the new "quick&dirty" facilities), thus switching from the older version (4.16) to the new release will be done easily.

xtem version 4 compared with version 3:

Besides adapting xtem to new Tcl versions we have done error corrections and new features, some of them are: The setting files from older versions of xtem are compatible (mkcommand.vst excepted), thus switching from the older version (3.12) to the new release will be done easily.
Dr. Roland Weibezahn
Universität Bremen, IWD
Postfach 330 440, D 28334 Bremen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 - 421 - 218 - 3532