Overall View and Links to all Available xtem Versions
Authors: Günther Lamprecht, Wolfhardt Lotz, Roland Weibezahn
xtem_TeXMenu version 7-beta
running with Tcl/Tk/TclX: Tcl7.6, Tcl8.0, Tcl8.1
xtem_TeXMenu version 6
running with Tcl/Tk/TclX: Tcl7.6, Tcl8.0
xtem_TeXMenu version 5
running with Tcl/Tk/TclX: Tcl7.4, Tcl7.5, Tcl7.6
xtem_TeXMenu version 4
running with Tcl/Tk/TclX: Tcl7.3
Besides adapting xtem to new Tcl versions we have done error corrections
and added new features:
- the installation procedure was splitted into two parts: the basic
installation (running in batch), and the setting file modification
(comfortable menu)
- mkcommand.vst normally will be adapted to new Tcl version automatically,
- the main file list in the file selection menu can be reduced
to display only TeX files having a \documentclass
or \documentstyle command,
- hyphenations can be removed from the displayed list by mouse click,
removed hyphenations will not be added to the list of already
checked hyphenations,
- the list of checked hyphenations can be sortetd alphabetically,
- logfile-analyze is followed by makeindex-analyze now,
- printers in the printer selection menu can now be sorted alphabetically
(see new variable prtlistsort in setting file install.vst),
- URL links in LaTeX syntax help to the local teTeX TeX/LaTeX documentation
(if avalilable) and to TUG-TeX-FAQ's,
- TeX-autostart (at the moment when edit file or main file is
modified) is available as new option (new variables: texautostrt
and texautostrtv in file install.vst).
The setting files from older versions of xtem are mostly compatible
(mkcommand.vst will be automatically updated),
thus switching from the older version (xtem v.6) to the new release will be done easily.
Besides adapting xtem to new Tcl versions we have done error corrections
and added new features:
- key bindings ("accelerators"/"short-cuts" and "(Page) Up/Down Keys"),
see new variable bindkeysenab in file install.vst,
- page selection in print menu is controlled for the existence of the
selected page numbers in the document,
- "a lot of" error correction in logfile-analyze,
- we have written a program to display all (new) hyphenations found in
the dvi-file, this program can be enforced to run automatically
after each TeX run, see new variable texposthyph in file install.vst,
- shift modifier for quick&dirty button: TeX run of preamble+edit-file,
- shift modifier for print button: immediate print (without print menu),
- you can now force bibtex run after TeX run (will be done only if
string "... undefined references" is found in .log-file), see new
variables texpostbib and texposttex in file install.vst,
- you can now force makeindex run after TeX run
(will be done only if .idx-file has changed), see new
variables texpostind and texposttex in file install.vst,
- new setting variable texpostps: you can now prevent the dvips run
immediately after Tex run (in case of ghostview as previewer),
- print actions (e.g. for a5booklet) can now be specified in prt_dvi*.vst
instead of prt_dvi*.tcl,
- the flickering of the main menu buttons during TeX runs is prevented,
- new setting variable shortbutts to reduce the left buttons in main menu
and display most of the information at menu bottom when mouse enters the button,
- new setting variable mousebutts: you can now use xtem with a
2-button-mouse too,
- new setting variable texedit: environment variable TEXEDIT
can now be set to an editor call at your choice
(up to now TEXEDIT was set to the current editor at all cases).
- Installation procedure checks for the programs used in the setting files.
The setting files from older versions of xtem are mostly compatible
(mkcommand.vst needs an updating; a new setting file hyphen.vst will
be automatically installed),
thus switching from the older version (5.23) to the new release will be done easily.
Besides adapting xtem to new Tcl versions we have done error corrections
and added new features, the most important are:
- Better installation of the menu (installation and maintenance menu,
installation and maintenance guide now as LaTeX file).
- "quick&dirty" button for quick (La)TeXing and previewing of a small piece of
text by means of mouse grab.
- Logfile analyze after (La)TeX run with creation of tags for quick editing
the .tex files at the positions of errors and warnings.
- The edit file can now be selected from another directory than the main file.
The setting files from older versions of xtem are mostly compatible
(mkcommand.vst needs an updating and you are recommended to update texfmt.vst in order to
use the new "quick&dirty" facilities),
thus switching from the older version (4.16) to the new release will be done easily.
Besides adapting xtem to new Tcl versions we have done error corrections
and new features, some of them are:
- file and directory selection in one menu, directory creation possible now
- radiobuttons where possible
- double mouse clicks in select boxes replaced by simple mouse click
- improvements in the program execution
- creation of the TeXtool buttons in the main menu optional by choice of
the local administrator
The setting files from older versions of xtem are compatible
(mkcommand.vst excepted), thus switching from the older version (3.12) to the
new release will be done easily.
- Address:
- Dr. Roland Weibezahn
- Universität Bremen, IWD
- Postfach 330 440, D 28334 Bremen, Germany
- e-mail:
[email protected]
- Phone: +49 - 421 - 218 - 3532