The XTeX Build-in Editor
:bold Cursor :bold Movement:
:li Up        : Previous line
:li Left      : Left character
:li Right     : Right character
:li Down      : Next line
:li Home      : Start of line
:li End       : Last character of line
:li Tab       : Jump to next tabulator position
:li Shift-Tab : Jump to previous tabulator position
:li PgUp      : Page Up (-25 lines)
:li PgDn      : Page Down (+25 lines)
:li ^PgUp     : First Page (Top of file)
:li ^PgDn     : Last Page (Bottom of file)
:bold Insert :bold and :bold Delete:
:li BS, ^h    : Delete character left of cursor
:li Del       : Delete character under cursor
:li Ins       : Toggle insert/delete mode
:li ^Home     : Delete to start of line
:li ^End      : Delete to end of line
:li ^Y        : Delete current line
:bold Hypertext :bold Help:
:li ^F1       : Hypertext help for word under cursor
:li Button 3  : Hypertext help for word under mouse pointer
:bold Search :bold and :bold Replace:
:li ^QF, ^KF  : Find, search
:li ^QA, ^KA  : Replace
:li ^L, ^F    : Continue Find / Replace
:bold Block :bold Commands:
:li ^KB       : Mark start of block
:li ^KK       : Mark end of block
:li ^KC       : Copy block
:li ^KV, ^KM  : Move block
:li ^KY       : Delete block
:li ^KR       : Read Block from file
:li ^KW       : Write Block to file
:bold Saving :bold Files:
:li ^KS       : Save and resume
:li ^KD       : Save, done edit
:bold Mouse :bold Functions:
:li Single-But-1         : Mark character under cursor
:li Double-But-1         : Mark word under cursor
:li Triple-But-1         : Mark line under cursor
:li Press But-1 and move : Mark region
:li Double-But-2         : Insert block/selection. You can also insert the
                           selection of another window
:li Press But-2 and move : Fast scrolling
:li Single-But-3         : Hypertext help for word under mouse pointer

Help about XTeX: The README file
Additional help for XTeXShell Version 0.91

A manual for XTeXShell is in preparation and will be out soon.  If you have
worked with BORLAND or TURBO C, C++, or Pascal before, you won't have
problems to use XTeXShell. If not, please read the help pages about XTeX from
the main XTeX-window and try what the menu entries and buttons do.

Start XTeXShell with

        xtexsh [filename] [-m mainfilename]

If you specify filename, XTeXShell will automatically start the editor and
load filename. 

The XTeXShell editor hates tabs and replaces them with spaces when loading
a file. This can take a while if you have large files, because a Tcl program
isn't as fast as a compiled program.  In that case, you may wish to convert
your text file before loading it into the editor, for example with the
program TFC.

The following sections are information about features and the way XTeXShell
works, which you probably won't find out by trying.

1) HyperText-Help

From the XTeXShell-Editor, you can get online-help for LaTeX-commands by
   - moving the mouse pointer on the word you want help for and press
     the right mouse button
   - moving the cursor on the word you want help for and press Ctrl-F1
   - Select LaTeX Help Index in the Help menu

2) X-Selection

You can insert the X-Selection in the XTeX-Editor with a double click on
mouse button 2.  This change to the normal X-definition (single click) was
necessary, because Tcl/Tk allows fast scrolling by moving the mouse with
button 2 pressed and I wanted to keep this feature.  See "XTeX-Editor help"
entry in help menu for a detailed explanation of key/mouse functions.

*** If you are a novice user, you don't need to read the rest of the document!

3) Setup System

During Initialization, XTeXShell reads information and it's default values
from a setup file and a shortcuts file.  Because XTeX was designed for a
multiuser system, the setup system is more complicated than in a single-user

   - Setup system.  The default variables for XTeXShell are stored in the
     setup files. Initialization is done in 3 steps:

      1) XTeXShell loads the system-wide setup information.  This is either
         the  file "setup.orig" in the XTeXShell root directory, or if exists,
         the file "setup" in the same directory.  Both files must be valid
         Tcl/Tk scripts.

         "setup.orig" is the original setup file and you should *NEVER* change
         it. If you want to modify default values, copy this file to "setup"
         and make your system specific modifications there!

      2) After completing system setup, XTeXShell continues with the user
         setup. If available, it will read the file ~/.xtexsh.setup. Defaults
         for users should go here.  For creating your own ~/.xtexsh.setup file,
         copy the file "setup" from the XTeX root directory.
         An easier way is to use Options/Save options/Save global
         function from the XTeX-Shell which will make the copy automatically
         if no user setup file is present.

      3) Sometimes it is nice to have special default values for a particular
         task.  Therefore the last step of XTeXShell is to try to read the
         file "./.xtexsh.setup" in your current directory. This means that you
         can make the behavior of XTeXShell dependent on the directory where
         you start it.
         If you want to use this feature, copy the file "~/.xtexsh.setup" to
         your current directory.  You can also use the function Options/Save
         Options/Save Options Local, which will automatically make a copy, if
         the file doesn't exist.

   - Shortcuts.  The entries of the Shortcuts-menu and the text which is
     inserted after invoking a shortcut is stored in the shortcuts-files.
     Initialization happens in the same way as the setup-files, but the
     filenames are:



4) Known Bugs

   - The Purge Button doesn't work -- yet

