What is Alphatk? Alphatk is a text editor. It's most useful for programmers, those writing a lot of TeX or LaTeX documents, and for editing of HTML source files. It has very rich features to aid in writing and editing files of those document types. The programming languages most strongly supported are C, C++, Java, Tcl, Perl, Matlab, in addition to LaTeX and CSS/HTML. Most other common languages (around 50!) are also supported, although perhaps not with quite such a rich feature set. As well as being useful for creating and editing such documents, Alphatk provides a host of facilities for communicating with compilers, diff, patch, version control systems, ftp sites, web sites, etc. Alphatk is a little like emacs, in that it is a very powerful text editor. However it was designed with a graphical interface in mind, which can make it rather more mouse-friendly, and less reliant on cryptic keystrokes (although any action can be bound to any key combination so those who don't use a mouse much will still be happy!). Alphatk has a very rich feature set. Alphatk runs on Windows, Unix and MacOS X, so you can use the same editor on all your platforms. Alphatk comes as a 45 day unlimited, fully-functional demo. After that you must purchase a license key. You can do so at <http://order.kagi.com/?1GU>. New releases will be made as frequently as is necessary to keep up with bug reports and feature requests. Bug fixes and code contributions are much appreciated. Alphatk would never have existed had it not been for Pete Keleher, the creator of 'Alpha', a MacOS only editor, and for the community of Alpha users who have contributed vast amounts of Tcl code which help make Alphatk the powerful editor it now is. The web site for Alphatk is <http://www.purl.org/net/alphatk> The ftp site for Alphatk is <ftp://ftp.ucsd.edu/pub/alpha/tcl/alphatk/> (If you were reading this in Alphatk, you could 'alt-double-click' or use 'F6' on these links to go to them). Alphatk is supported on any platform on which Tk 8.4 or newer runs. This means it should run smoothly on any Windows, Unix or MacOS X system! Beyond the pre-packaged executables, the alphatk.tar.gz/alphatk.zip non-executable distributions are known to run on: Windows NT 4.0sp3,sp5,sp6, with any 8.4.x Windows 2000sp1/2 with any Tcl 8.4.x Windows XP with Tcl 8.4.x Solaris running X-windows, with Tcl/Tk 8.4 RedHat Linux with Tcl/Tk 8.4.x MacOS X with Tk on Aqua 8.4.x MacOS X with Tcl/Tk 8.4.x and DarwinX Tcl/Tk 8.5a2 also works well.