This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (with experimental extensions) (Web2C 7.2) (format=latex 1998.7.24)  24 JUL 1998 16:39
**&../latex example4
LaTeX2e <1997/12/01> patch level 1
Babel <v3.6h> and hyphenation patterns for american, german, loaded.
Document Class: article 1997/10/10 v1.3x Standard LaTeX document class
File: size10.clo 1997/10/10 v1.3x Standard LaTeX file (size option)
) (example4.aux)
\openout1 = `example4.aux'.

LaTeX Font Info:    Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 68.
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47.71527 -!-> 221.0
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Underfull \hbox (badness 1675) in paragraph at lines 72--72
\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 go-rithm, nev-er-the-less im-prove-ments seem pos-

135.77808 -!-> 196.83337
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Underfull \hbox (badness 6204) in paragraph at lines 72--72
\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 si-ble. As you will note, I stuffed this

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(adjust_excess: 2.64394 --> 0000000000000
 got 0.0) 3 variants(fontvariants of cmr10: cmr10, hz3cmr10)(fontvariants of cm
r10: hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3cmr10)173.13927 -!-> 193.77815
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\4 si\n -\4 ble. As you will note, I stu\n ff\4 ed this

215.38943 -!-> 214.88892
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)(fontvariants of cmr10: hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3cmr10, hz2cmr10)(fontvariants of c
mr10: hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3cmr10, hz2cmr10)(fontvariants of cmr10: hz5cmr10, hz4
cmr10, cmr10, hz3cmr10, hz2cmr10)173.13927 -!-> 193.77815
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(adjust_excess: 1.16296 --> 00000000000000000000000000000000000
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(adjust_excess: 1.05415 --> 000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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 got 6.40118)
Underfull \hbox (badness 2065) in paragraph at lines 80--80
\5 ments that can be had by al\n -\5 low\n -\5 ing font\n ---

174.58379 -!-> 218.7778
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(adjust_excess: 2.65746 --> 0000000000000
 got 0.0) 7 variants(fontvariants of cmr10: hz5cmr10, hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3cmr10
, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvariants of cmr10: hz5cmr10, hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3cmr1
0, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvariants of cmr10: hz5cmr10, hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3cmr
10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvariants of cmr10: hz5cmr10, hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3cm
r10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvariants of cmr10: hz5cmr10, hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3c
mr10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvariants of cmr10: hz6cmr10, hz5cmr10, hz4cmr10, 
cmr10, hz3cmr10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)210.66714 -!-> 193.77815
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 got -8.05693)202.13942 -!-> 198.50006
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(adjust_excess: 1.0485 --> 10101011101011011010110101010110010201
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(adjust_excess: 1.08398 --> 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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(adjust_excess: 1.71701 --> 00000000000000000000
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s of hz6cmr10: hz6cmr10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvariants of hz6cmr10: hz6cmr10
, hz3cmr10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvariants of hz6cmr10: hz6cmr10, cmr10, hz3c
mr10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvariants of hz6cmr10: hz6cmr10, hz4cmr10, cmr10, 
hz3cmr10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvariants of hz6cmr10: hz6cmr10, hz5cmr10, hz4
cmr10, cmr10, hz3cmr10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)223.29002 -!-> 193.37817
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 got -21.43643)214.26726 -!-> 198.50006
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 got -15.81592)222.80621 -!-> 212.11116
(adjust_excess: 0.952 --> 3223233232323232432323323232332323232232
 got -10.6253)200.95839 -!-> 198.77785
(adjust_excess: 0.98915 --> 10101011101011011010110101010110010201
 got -2.17545)214.20834 -!-> 219.05559
(adjust_excess: 1.02263 --> 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 got 0.0)
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178.76534 -!-> 212.0
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 got -24.47389)214.76381 -!-> 194.05562
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 got -20.6855)236.38005 -!-> 214.88892
(adjust_excess: 0.90909 --> 55545555455545555545555455554555455545555454
 got -21.43643)214.26726 -!-> 198.50006
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 got -15.81592)222.80621 -!-> 212.11116
(adjust_excess: 0.952 --> 3223233232323232432323323232332323232232
 got -10.6253)200.95839 -!-> 198.77785
(adjust_excess: 0.98915 --> 10101011101011011010110101010110010201
 got -2.17545)214.20834 -!-> 219.05559
(adjust_excess: 1.02263 --> 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 got 0.0)213.36118 -!-> 208.625
(adjust_excess: 0.9778 --> 0000000000000000000000000000000000
 got 0.0) 3 variants+es(fontvariants of cmr10: cmr10, hz3cmr10)(fontvariants of
 cmr10: hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3cmr10)223.29002 -!-> 193.37817
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 got -25.2458)221.28767 -!-> 196.83337
(adjust_excess: 0.8895 --> 66656666656666666665666656666666566665666566666
 got -24.47389)214.76381 -!-> 194.05562
(adjust_excess: 0.90358 --> 55556555556555555565555565555565555655555565
 got -20.6855)236.38005 -!-> 214.88892
(adjust_excess: 0.90909 --> 55545555455545555545555455554555455545555454
 got -21.43643)214.26726 -!-> 198.50006
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 got -15.81592)222.80621 -!-> 212.11116
(adjust_excess: 0.952 --> 3223233232323232432323323232332323232232
 got -10.6253)200.95839 -!-> 198.77785
(adjust_excess: 0.98915 --> 10101011101011011010110101010110010201
 got -2.17545)214.20834 -!-> 219.05559
(adjust_excess: 1.02263 --> 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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(adjust_excess: 1.02371 --> 000000000000000000000000000000000
 got 0.0) 5 variants+es(fontvariants of cmr10: hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3cmr10, hz2cm
r10)(fontvariants of cmr10: hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3cmr10, hz2cmr10)(fontvariants o
f cmr10: hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3cmr10, hz2cmr10)(fontvariants of cmr10: hz5cmr10, 
hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3cmr10, hz2cmr10)223.29002 -!-> 193.37817
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(adjust_excess: 0.8895 --> 66656666656666666665666656666666566665666566666
 got -24.47389)214.76381 -!-> 194.05562
(adjust_excess: 0.90358 --> 55556555556555555565555565555565555655555565
 got -20.6855)236.38005 -!-> 214.88892
(adjust_excess: 0.90909 --> 55545555455545555545555455554555455545555454
 got -21.43643)214.26726 -!-> 198.50006
(adjust_excess: 0.9264 --> 444443444444444434444444444344444434444444
 got -15.81592)222.80621 -!-> 212.11116
(adjust_excess: 0.952 --> 3223233232323232432323323232332323232232
 got -10.6253)200.95839 -!-> 198.77785
(adjust_excess: 0.98915 --> 10101011101011011010110101010110010201
 got -2.17545)214.20834 -!-> 219.05559
(adjust_excess: 1.02263 --> 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 got 0.0)213.0834 -!-> 209.0
(adjust_excess: 0.98083 --> 0000000000000000000000000000000000
 got 0.0) 7 variants+es(fontvariants of cmr10: hz5cmr10, hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3cm
r10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvariants of cmr10: hz5cmr10, hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3c
mr10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvariants of cmr10: hz5cmr10, hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3
cmr10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvariants of cmr10: hz5cmr10, hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz
3cmr10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvariants of cmr10: hz5cmr10, hz4cmr10, cmr10, h
z3cmr10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvariants of cmr10: hz6cmr10, hz5cmr10, hz4cmr1
0, cmr10, hz3cmr10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)223.29002 -!-> 193.37817
(adjust_excess: 0.86604 --> 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
 got -25.2458)221.28767 -!-> 196.83337
(adjust_excess: 0.8895 --> 66656666656666666665666656666666566665666566666
 got -24.47389)214.76381 -!-> 194.05562
(adjust_excess: 0.90358 --> 55556555556555555565555565555565555655555565
 got -20.6855)236.38005 -!-> 214.88892
(adjust_excess: 0.90909 --> 55545555455545555545555455554555455545555454
 got -21.43643)214.26726 -!-> 198.50006
(adjust_excess: 0.9264 --> 444443444444444434444444444344444434444444
 got -15.81592)222.80621 -!-> 212.11116
(adjust_excess: 0.952 --> 3223233232323232432323323232332323232232
 got -10.6253)200.95839 -!-> 198.77785
(adjust_excess: 0.98915 --> 10101011101011011010110101010110010201
 got -2.17545)214.20834 -!-> 219.05559
(adjust_excess: 1.02263 --> 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 got 0.0)97.12222 -!-> 213.125
(adjust_excess: 2.1944 --> 000000000000000
 got 0.0)(fontvariants of cmr10: cmr10)172.94298 -!-> 220.70009
(adjust_excess: 1.27614 --> 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 got 0.0)gw=0

]176.6204 -!-> 220.80011
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 got 0.0)180.29517 -!-> 220.90005
(adjust_excess: 1.22522 --> 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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(adjust_excess: 1.20126 --> 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 got 0.0)187.65002 -!-> 221.1001
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 got 0.0)191.32483 -!-> 221.20004
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(adjust_excess: 1.13486 --> 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 got 0.0)142.26807 -!-> 207.875
(adjust_excess: 1.46115 --> 00000000000000000000000
 got 0.0)(fontvariants of cmr10: cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvariants of cmr10: cmr10,
 hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvariants of cmr10: cmr10, hz3cmr10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10
)(fontvariants of cmr10: hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3cmr10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontvar
iants of cmr10: hz5cmr10, hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3cmr10, hz2cmr10, hz1cmr10)(fontva
riants of cmr10: hz6cmr10, hz5cmr10, hz4cmr10, cmr10, hz3cmr10, hz2cmr10, hz1cm
r10)183.9726 -!-> 171.9726
(adjust_excess: 0.93477 --> 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666
 got -11.02962)183.9726 -!-> 175.9726
(adjust_excess: 0.95651 --> 5655565555655565555655555655564655555655
 got -7.98792)183.9726 -!-> 179.9726
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 got -4.02394)183.9726 -!-> 180.9726
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 got -2.9984)183.9726 -!-> 181.9726
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 got -1.98593)183.9726 -!-> 182.9726
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 got -0.98468)183.9726 -!-> 184.9726
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 got 0.98463)183.9726 -!-> 185.9726
(adjust_excess: 1.01086 --> 2332323232323232323232332323232232323232
 got 1.986)183.9726 -!-> 186.9726
(adjust_excess: 1.01631 --> 2322232222322232222322223222223222322223
 got 2.99843)183.9726 -!-> 187.9726
(adjust_excess: 1.02174 --> 2222122222222212222222122222221222222122
 got 4.02391)183.9726 -!-> 191.9726
(adjust_excess: 1.04349 --> 1011101111011101111011111011102011111011
 got 7.98792)183.9726 -!-> 195.9726
(adjust_excess: 1.06523 --> 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 got 11.02965)gw=0

] (example4.aux)

LaTeX Font Warning: Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted.

Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 220 strings out of 10928
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 48995 words of memory out of 263001
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 6477 words of font info for 24 fonts, out of 200000 for 1000
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 23i,5n,19p,139b,175s stack positions out of 300i,100n,500p,30000b,4000s

Output written on example4.dvi (2 pages, 8348 bytes).