True WYSIWYG LaTeX System

Fonts included into Font Collection coming with BaKoMa TeX

(TeX Fonts in ATM Compatible Postscript Type 1 Font Format)

BaKoMa Fonts Collection is general name for a different font packages available from different sources under different licenses. Totally, BaKoMa Fonts Collection includes about 1500 fonts. Every font pack includes fonts in ATM Compatible Type 1 font format and/or PostScript Type 3 font format. Commonly, choose between Type 1 and Type 3 formats is made according to font nature to reach the best font appearing both on printers and displays.

Fonts in Type 1 font format have been produced by automatic conversion from MetaFont sources. The conversation technology was designed by Basil K. Malyshev in the period 1994-1995. Since then, the technology has been improved to handle hint replacement, symetrical symbols and etc.

Fonts in Type 3 font format have also been produced by automatic conversion from MetaFont sources with optional manual adaptation to scalable technologies. Conversation is done by a script MF2PSF that is distributed together with BaKoMa TeX.

  1. Computer Modern Font Family
    (including METAFONT Logo Fonts and LaTeX Fonts);
  2. AMS Fonts (Euler Font Family and Math Symbols).
  3. CMCYR - Computer Modern Cyrillic Fonts;
  4. Concrete Fonts (including Concrete Math and ECC).
  5. EC/TC Fonts.
  6. LH Fonts.
  7. T1 Encoded Fonts (Complete Emulation of the EC fonts);
  8. T2 Encoded Fonts (Partial Emulation of the LH/LA fonts);
  9. Font ZOO.
  10. Diagram Drawing Fonts:

Computer Modern Font Family

First version of these fonts was generated at end of 1994, which is available in CTAN:fonts/cm/ps-type1/bakoma
Improved version of these fonts are available together with BaKoMa TeX Kernel.

Computer Modern Text Fonts:

Style Font Name Optical Sizes
Roman cmr 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 17
Text Italic cmti 7 8 9 10 12
Text Slanted cmsl 8 9 10 12
Bold Extended cmbx 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
Bold cmb 10
Bold Extended Italic cmbxti 10
Bold Extended Slanted cmbxsl 10
Small Caps cmcsc 8 9 10
Typewriter cmtt 8 9 10 12
Typewriter Italic cmitt 10
Typewriter Slanted cmsltt 10
SansSerif cmss 8 9 10 12 17
SansSerif Bold cmssbx 10
SansSerif DemiCondensed cmssdc 10
SansSerif Italic cmssi 8 9 10 12 17
SansSerif Quoted cmssq 8
SansSerif Quoted Italic cmssqi 8
Large font cminch 1 inch

Computer Modern Math Fonts:

Style Font Name Optical Sizes
Math Italic cmmi 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
Math Bold Italic cmmib 5 6 7 8 9 10
Math Symbols cmsy 5 6 7 8 9 10
Math Bold Symbols cmbsy 5 6 7 8 9 10
Math Extension cmex 7 8 9 10

Computer Modern Exotic Fonts:

Style Font Name Optical Sizes
Dunhill Roman cmdunh 10
Funny Roman cmff 10
Funny Italic cmfi 10
Roman Fibonacci cmfib 8
Typewriter Caps and Small Caps cmtcsc 10
TeX extended ASCII cmtex 8 9 10
Unslanted Italic cmu 10
Variable-Width Typewriter cmvtt 10

METAFONT Logo Fonts:

Style Font Name Optical Sizes
Roman logo 8 9 10
Bold logobf 10
Slant logosl 10
These fonts include letters: AEFMNOPST.

LaTeX Fonts

Style Font Name Optical Sizes
Circle Drawing circle, circlew 10
Line Drawing line, linew 10
LaTeX Symbols lasy 5 6 7 8 9 10
LaTeX Bold Symbols lasyb 10
SliTeX Sans Serif lcmss 8
SliTeX Sans Serif Bold lcmssb 8
SliTeX Sans Serif Italic lcmssi 8

Note: line and circle fonts are in Type 1 and Type 3 font formats. By default, BaKoMa TeX uses Type 3 form of these fonts.

AMS Fonts

First version of these fonts was generated at end of 1994, which is available in CTAN:fonts/cm/ps-type1/bakoma
Improved version of these fonts are available together with BaKoMa TeX Kernel.

Euler Font Family:

Style Font Name Optical Sizes
Extension euex 7 8 9 10
Fraktur Medium eufm 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fraktur Bold eufb 5 6 7 8 9 10
Roman Medium eurm 5 6 7 8 9 10
Roman Bold eurb 5 6 7 8 9 10
Script Medium eusm 5 6 7 8 9 10
Script Bold eusb 5 6 7 8 9 10

Extra Math Symbol Fonts:

Style Font Name Optical Sizes
First font msam 5 6 7 8 9 10
Second font msbm 5 6 7 8 9 10

CMCYR - Computer Modern Cyrillic Fonts

These fonts are extension of Knuth's Computer Modern Text Fonts by russian letters.
The extension was designed by N. Glonty and A. Samarin at the Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Protvino, in 1990. These fonts are freely available at CTAN:fonts/cyrillic/cmcyr
They are also available together with BaKoMa TeX in Language/Russian module.

Computer Modern Cyrillic Fonts:

Style Font Name Optical Sizes CM analog
Roman cmcyr 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 17 cmr
Text Italic cmcti 7 8 9 10 12 cmti
Text Slanted cmcsl 8 9 10 12 cmsl
Bold Extended cmcbx 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 cmbx
Bold cmcb 10 cmb
Bold Extended Italic cmcbxti 10 cmbxti
Bold Extended Slanted cmcbxsl 10 cmbxsl
Small Caps cmccsc 8 9 10 cmcsc
Typewriter cmctt 8 9 10 12 cmtt
Typewriter Italic cmcitt 10 cmitt
Typewriter Slanted cmcsltt 10 cmsltt
SansSerif cmcss 8 9 10 12 17 cmss
SansSerif Bold cmcssbx 10 cmssbx
SansSerif DemiCondenced cmcssdc 10 cmssdc
SansSerif Italic cmcssi 8 9 10 12 17 cmssi
SansSerif Quoted cmcssq 8 cmssq
SansSerif Quoted Italic cmcssqi 8 cmssqi
Large font cmcinch 1 inch cminch

Concrete Fonts

This font pack includes three sets of Concrete fonts in ATM Compatible PostScript Type 1 font format:
  • Concrete Roman fonts designed by D. Knuth, (MF Src: CTAN:fonts/concrete)
  • Concrete Math fonts designed by Ulrik Veith, (MF Src: CTAN:fonts/concmath)
  • European Concrete fonts designed by Walter Schmidt (MF Src: CTAN:fonts/ecc)
These fonts are available together with BaKoMa TeX in FONTZOO module.

List of included fonts:

StyleFont NameOptical SizesEncoding
Romanccr5 6 7 8 9 10OT1
Slantedccsl9 10OT1
Condensed Slantedccslc9OT1
Text Italicccti10OT1
Small Capscccsc10OT1
Math Italicccmi10OML
Math Italicccmic9 (Oldstyle digits only)
Romaneorm5 6 7 8 9 10T1
Slantedeosl5 6 7 8 9 10T1
Small Capseocc10T1
Text Italiceoti10T1
Romantorm5 6 7 8 9 10TS1
Slantedtosl5 6 7 8 9 10TS1
Text Italictoti10TS1
SansSerif Condensedtcssdc10TS1
Regularxccam5 6 7 8 9 10MSAM
Regularxccbm5 6 7 8 9 10MSBM
Math Italicxccmi5 6 7 8 9 10OML
Math Symbolsxccsy5 6 7 8 9 10OMS
Math Extensionxccex7 8 9 10OMX
Totally 69 Fonts.

EC/TC Fonts

EC/TC Fonts in ATM Compatible Type 1 font format are available together with BaKoMa TeX in ECFONTS module.

The font pack includes 652 fonts: 325 in T1 TeX Encoding (EC fonts ) and 237 in TS1 TeX Encoding (TC fonts ). The fonts are optimized for embedding into PDF. The main feature is that flexes are replaced with stright lines. This feature reduces font size and look good enought both on display and on medium resulution printers.

Almost all fonts faces are present in sizes: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10.95, 12, 14.4, 17.28, 20.74, 24.88, 29.86, 35.83.

Face T1 Encoding TS1 Encoding
Roman Medium ecrm 5..35.83tcrm 5..35.83
Text Italic ecti 5..35.83tcti 5..35.83
Bold Extended Text Italic ecbi 5..35.83tcbi 5..35.83
Bold Extended Slanted Roman ecbl 5..35.83tcbl 5..35.83
Bold Extend Roman ecbx 5..35.83tcbx 5..35.83
Roman Slanted ecsl 5..35.83tcsl 5..35.83
Text Classical Serif Italic ecci 5..35.83tcci 5..35.83
Roman Bold (Non-Extended) ecrb 5..35.83tcrb 5..35.83
Unslanted Italic ecui 5..35.83tcui 5..35.83
Caps and Small Caps eccc 5..35.83
Slanted Caps and Small Caps ecsc 5..35.83
Bold Extended Caps and Small Caps ecxc 5..35.83
Bold Extended Slanted Caps and Small Capsecoc 5..35.83
Sans Serif ecss 5..35.83tcss 5..35.83
Sans Serif Inclined ecsi 5..35.83tcsi 5..35.83
Sans Serif Bold Extended ecsx 5..35.83tcsx 5..35.83
Sans Serif Bold Extended Oblique ecso 5..35.83tcso 5..35.83
Typewriter Text ectt 8..35.83tctt 8..35.83
Italic Typewriter Text ecit 8..35.83tcit 8..35.83
Slanted Typewriter Text ecst 8..35.83tcst 8..35.83
Typewriter Caps and Small Caps ectc 8..35.83
Variable Width Italic Typewriter Text ecvi 8..35.83tcvi 8..35.83
Variable-Width Typewriter Text ecvt 8..35.83tcvt 8..35.83
Dunhill Roman ecdh 5..35.83

LH Fonts

LH Fonts in ATM Compatible Type 1 font format are available together with BaKoMa TeX in LHFONTS module.

The font pack includes 304 fonts in T2A TeX Encoding. The fonts are optimized for embedding into PDF. The main feature is that flexes are replaced with stright lines. This feature reduces font size and look good enought both on display and on medium resulution printers.

Almost all fonts faces are present in sizes: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10.95, 12, 14.4, 17.28, 20.74, 24.88, 29.86, 35.83.

Face T2A Encoding
Roman Medium larm 5..35.83
Text Italic lati 5..35.83
Bold Extended Text Italic labi 5..35.83
Bold Extended Slanted Roman labl 5..35.83
Bold Extend Roman labx 5..35.83
Roman Slanted lasl 5..35.83
Text Classical Serif Italic laci 5..35.83
Roman Bold (Non-Extended) larb 5..35.83
Unslanted Italic laui 5..35.83
Caps and Small Caps lacc 5..35.83
Slanted Caps and Small Caps lasc 5..35.83
Bold Extended Caps and Small Caps laxc 5..35.83
Bold Extended Slanted Caps and Small Capslaoc 5..35.83
Sans Serif lass 5..35.83
Sans Serif Inclined lasi 5..35.83
Sans Serif Bold Extended lasx 5..35.83
Sans Serif Bold Extended Oblique laso 5..35.83
Typewriter Text latt 8..35.83
Italic Typewriter Text lait 8..35.83
Slanted Typewriter Text last 8..35.83
Typewriter Caps and Small Caps latc 8..35.83
Variable Width Italic Typewriter Text lavi 8..35.83
Variable-Width Typewriter Text lavt 8..35.83

T1 Encoded Fonts
(Complete Emulation of the EC fonts)

These fonts are virtual fonts composed from Computer Modern Fonts and additional CX Fonts. These fonts are in T1 font encoding and includes ALL GLYPHS. BaKoMa TeX supports substitutions of the EC fonts by the these fonts.

T1 Encoded Fonts:

Style Font Name Optical Sizes Combined from
Roman t1r 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 17 cmr+cxr
Text Italic t1ti 7 8 9 10 12 cmti+cxti
Text Slanted t1sl 8 9 10 12 cmsl+cxsl
Bold Extended t1bx 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 cmbx+cxbx
Bold t1b 10 cmb+cxb
Bold Extended Italic t1bxti 10 cmbxti+cxbxti
Bold Extended Slanted t1bxsl 10 cmbxsl+cxbxsl
Small Caps t1csc 8 9 10 cmcsc+cxcsc
Typewriter t1tt 8 9 10 12 cmtt+cxtt
Typewriter Italic t1itt 10 cmitt+cxitt
Typewriter Slanted t1sltt 10 cmsltt+cxsltt
SansSerif t1ss 8 9 10 12 17 cmss+cxss
SansSerif Bold t1ssbx 10 cmssbx+cxssbx
SansSerif DemiCondenced t1ssdc 10 cmssdc+cxssdc
SansSerif Italic t1ssi 8 9 10 12 17 cmssi+cxssi

T2 Encoded Fonts
(Partial Emulation of the LH/LA fonts)

These fonts are virtual fonts composed from Computer Modern Fonts, additional CX Fonts, and CMCYR Fonts. These fonts are in T2A font encoding and include glyphs for the Russian and Ukrainian laguages. BaKoMa TeX supports substituion of the LA* fonts by these fonts.

T2 Encoded Fonts:

Style Font Name Optical Sizes Combined from
Roman t2r 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 17 cmr+cxr+cmcyr
Text Italic t2ti 7 8 9 10 12 cmti+cxti+cmcti
Text Slanted t2sl 8 9 10 12 cmsl+cxsl+cmcsl
Bold Extended t2bx 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 cmbx+cxbx+cmcbx
Bold t2b 10 cmb+cxb+cmcb
Bold Extended Italic t2bxti 10 cmbxti+cxbxti+cmcbxti
Bold Extended Slanted t2bxsl 10 cmbxsl+cxbxsl+cmcbxsl
Small Caps t2csc 8 9 10 cmcsc+cxcsc+cmccsc
Typewriter t2tt 8 9 10 12 cmtt+cxtt+cmctt
Typewriter Italic t2itt 10 cmitt+cxitt+cmcitt
Typewriter Slanted t2sltt 10 cmsltt+cxsltt+cmcsltt
SansSerif t2ss 8 9 10 12 17 cmss+cxss+cmcss
SansSerif Bold t2ssbx 10 cmssbx+cxssbx+cmcssbx
SansSerif DemiCondenced t2ssdc 10 cmssdc+cxssdc+cmcssdc
SansSerif Italic t2ssi 8 9 10 12 17 cmssi+cxssi+cmcssi

In addition, BaKoMa TeX includes CY virtual fonts that are in so called LCY font encoding. These fonts are combined from CM and CMCYR fonts. BaKoMa TeX supports substituion of the LH fonts by the CY fonts.

Font ZOO

Font ZOO is collection of a numerous small font families. It is available together with BaKoMa TeX Font ZOO module.

Ralph Smith's Formal Script: (converted at end of 1997)

Style Font Name Optical Sizes
Script rsfs 5 7 10

wasy 5..10, wasyb10 stmary 5..10
  • Blackboard (BBM, doublestroke),
  • Calligraphic Fonts (Calligra, Script, Vacal, La, twcal, suetterlin),
  • Math Fonts (StMaryrd, Wasy, YHMath, RSFS),
  • Astro Symbols (cmastro 5..10, astrosym, moonphase),
  • Barcodes (barcodes, wlean, wlc*),
  • Logical diagrams fonts (loggates, milstd),
  • CMPica, Punk.

Diagram Drawing Fonts

LamsTeX Commutative Diagram Drawing Fonts (converted at end of 1997)

Style Font Name Optical Sizes
Line drawing lams1 ,..., lams5 10

Note: These fonts are in both Type 1 and Type 3 font formats. By default, BaKoMa TeX uses the Type 3 form of these fonts.

Xy-Pic Drawing Fonts

MS sources are on CTAN in macros/generic/diagrams/xypic
Type 3 form of these fonts is available together with BaKoMa TeX in MACROS/GRAPHICS module.

Style Font Name Optical Sizes
upper arrow tips (technical style) xyatip 10
lower arrow tips (technical style) xybtip 10
upper arrow tips (Computer Modern style) xycmat 10 11 12
lower arrow tips (Computer Modern style) xycmbt 10 11 12
upper arrow tips (Euler style) xyeuat 10 11 12
lower arrow tips (Euler style) xyeubt 10 11 12
lower squiggles/quarter circles xybsql 10
1/8 circles with varying radii xycirc 10
dashes xydash 10
line segments xyline 10
miscellaneous characters xymisc 10
quarter circles xyqc 10

Note: These fonts are in both Type 1 and Type 3 font formats. By default, BaKoMa TeX uses the Type 3 form of these fonts.

MusixTeX Fonts

MF sources are on CTAN in texmf/fonts/type3/public/musixtex
Type 3 form of these fonts is available together with BaKoMa TeX in MACROS/GAMES module.

Font Name Optical Sizes
mx 11 13 16 20
xsld 11 13 16 20
xslhd 11 13 16 20
xslhu 11 13 16 20
xslu 11 13 16 20
xslz 20
xslhz 20

Note: These fonts are in Type 3 font format. For some symbols it is not very good in comparison with Type 1. However, it is much better then using PK fonts.

Timing Diagram Fonts

MS sources are on CTAN in macros/latex/contrib/other/timing
Type 3 form of these fonts is available together with BaKoMa TeX in MACROS/GRAPHICS module.

Font Name

Note: These fonts are Type 3 font format. It is always the better format for these fonts.

Miscelaneous Diagram Drawing Fonts

Font Name Purpose
arrsy10support LaTeX kuvio/arrsy package
ulsy10support LaTeX ulsy.sty package.
bbding10support LaTeX bbding.sty package.
dingbatsupport LaTeX niceframe.sty package.
umranda, umrandbsupport LaTeX umrand.sty package.
karta15support LaTeX ??? package.
china10support LaTeX china2e package.
cchess46support LaTeX cchess package.

BaKoMa TeX Distribution > Fonts Copyright � 1998-2009, Basil K. Malyshev.