HPUX awk has bugs.  I recommend that you use Brian Kernighan's
implementation of awk, which is available for free from AT&T.
Try http://cm.bell-labs.com/who/bwk/.

If you must use HPUX awk, Steven Ooms kindly provided the following
changes to the awk script "totex".  The problem lines are all situated
in the function "indexlabel( ident, l )":

---------------start included text---------------
totex:  gsub(/{/,  ":lb",  l)      # left brace
totex:  gsub(/{/,  "{\\char123}", arg)
totex:  gsub(/{\\char92>/, "{\\char92}", arg)
---------------end included text---------------

The corresponding new lines look as follows:

---------------start included text---------------
totex:  gsub(/\{/,  ":lb",  l)      # left brace
totex:  gsub(/\{/,  "{\\char123}", arg)
totex:  gsub(/\{\\char92>/, "{\\char92}", arg)
---------------end included text---------------

Also, I'm told that in src/Makefile the strip command in an HPUX8
machine causes the make to fail. Commenting out the 'strip' fixes the