@x l.8 \font\eighttt=cmtt8 @y \font\eighttt=cmtt8 \font\authorfont=cmr12 @z @x l.16 \def\appA{7} \def\appB{8} \def\appC{9} \def\appD{0} \def\appE{0} \def\appF{10} \def\appG{11} \def\appH{12} @y % 1 Introduction (new!) % 2 General rules % 3 Macros % 4 Control codes % 5 Additional features and caveats % 6 Appendices % 7 Performance statistics \def\appA{8} \def\appB{9} \def\appC{10} \def\appD{0} \def\appE{0} \def\appF{11} \def\appG{12} \def\appH{13} @z @x l.21 \def\runninghead{{\tentt WEB} USER MANUAL} @y \def\runninghead{{\ninett WEB} USER MANUAL} @z @x l.31 \centerline{\titlefont The {\ttitlefont WEB} System @y \null\vfill \centerline{\titlefont The {\ttitlefont WEB} System of Structured Documentation} \vskip 18pt\centerline{(Version 4.5 --- January 2021)} \vskip 24pt \centerline{\authorfont Donald E. Knuth} \vfill \noindent Editor's Note: This document describes the extended \.{WEB} system (Version 4.5 [\TeX~Live]). \noindent It fixes a set of bugs in \pdfURL{the original variant}{webman.pdf}, replaces the \.{webmac.tex} file in \Appendix F\null\ with the most recent version, and adds new material describing extended features of the \.{WEB} system as distributed in current \TeX\ Live. For the most part, this is the \.{-p} command-line option of the \.{WEAVE} processor and the associated \.{pwebmac.tex} macro file with support for {\mc PDF} and {\mc HINT} output formats; see section ``Hypertext and hyperdocumentation'' below. \smallskip\noindent See also the online project \pdfURL{\.{https://github.com/ascherer/web}}{https://github.com/ascherer/web} for more information. \pageno=0 \titletrue\eject \centerline{\titlefont The {\ttitlefont WEB} System @z @x l.34 \vskip 15pt plus 3pt minus 3pt \noindent This memo describes how to write programs in the @y \section Introduction. This memo describes how to write programs in the @z @x l.126 well known work of Pierre-Arnoul de Marneffe [``Holon programming: A survey,'' Univ.\ de Liege, Service Informatique, Liege, Belgium, 1973; 135 @y well known work of Pierre-Arnoul de Marneffe [``\pdfURL{Holon programming: A survey}{https://github.com/holon-scribe/holon-programming},'' Univ.\ de Li\`ege, Service d'Informatique, Li\`ege, Belgium, 1973; 135 @z @x l.180 \yskip\item{1)} A \TeX\ part, containing explanatory material about what @y \begingroup\parindent=2.5em \yskip\item{1)} A \TeX\ part, containing explanatory material about what @z @x l.190 that its structure is readily perceived. @y that its structure is readily perceived.\par \endgroup @z @x l.304 `\.{\\input webmac}'; this will cause \TeX\ to read in the macros that @y `\.{\\input webmac}'---or, if you invoke `\.{weave -p}', `\.{\\input pwebmac}'---; this will cause \TeX\ to read in the macros that @z @x l.358 \.{which is a \\\&\{packed\}{ }\\\&\{array\}{ }\$ @y \.{which is a \\\&\{packed\}{ }\\\&\{array\}{ }\$% @z @x l.607 the \.{TANGLE} processor will treat this an equivalent to `\.{64}'; the constant will be formatted as ``\O{100}'' in the \TeX\ output @y the \.{TANGLE} processor will treat this as equivalent to `\.{64}'; the constant will be formatted as `\O{100}' in the \TeX\ output @z @x l.628 outputs of \.{WEAVE} and \.{TANGLE} (see \Appendix C\null). Meta-comments @y outputs of \.{WEAVE} (see \Appendix B\null) and \.{TANGLE} (see \Appendix C\null). Meta-comments @z @x l.788 \yskip\itemitem{a)}Comments in \PASCAL\ text should appear only after @y \yskip \begingroup\parindent=1.5em \itemitem{a)}Comments in \PASCAL\ text should appear only after @z @x l.796 statements. @y statements.\par \endgroup @z @x l.909 Finally, \Appendix F is the `\.{webmac}' file that sets \TeX\ up to accept the output of \.{WEAVE}; \Appendix G discusses how to use some of its macros to vary the output formats; and \Appendix H discusses what needs to be done @y Finally, \Appendix F shows the `\.{webmac.tex}' file that sets \TeX\ up to accept the output of \.{WEAVE}; it also shows the `\.{pwebmac.tex}' file that provides alternative macros more suited for {\mc PDF} output with modern \TeX\ engines; \Appendix G discusses how to use some of these macros to vary the output formats; and \Appendix H discusses what needs to be done @z @x l.989 \def\runninghead{APPENDIX A --- {\tentt WEB} FILE FORMAT} @y \def\runninghead{APPENDIX A --- {\ninett WEB} FILE FORMAT} @z @x l.1050 ASCII codes is $c_1c_2\ldots c_m$, its hash value will be @y ASCII codes is $c_1c_2\ldots c_n$, its hash value will be @z @x l.1061 \def\runninghead{APPENDIX B --- TRANSLATION BY {\tentt WEAVE}} @y \def\runninghead{APPENDIX B --- TRANSLATION BY {\ninett WEAVE}} @z @x l.1129 ASCII codes is $c_1c_2\ldots c_m$, its hash value will be @y ASCII codes is $c_1c_2\ldots c_n$, its hash value will be @z @x l.1139 \U section~58.\fi @y \U58.\fi @z @x l.1143 \def\runninghead{APPENDIX C --- TRANSLATION BY {\tentt TANGLE}} @y \def\runninghead{APPENDIX C --- TRANSLATION BY {\ninett TANGLE}} @z @x l.1149 those lines. There are 1559 lines in all; the notation @y those lines. There are 1585 lines in all; the notation @z @x l.1158 {2:}{4:}{$C-,A+,D-}{[$C+,D+]}{:4} PROGRAM WEAVE(WEBFILE,CHANGEFILE,TEXFILE);LABEL 9999;CONST{8:} MAXBYTES=45000;MAXNAMES=5000;MAXMODULES=2000;HASHSIZE=353;BUFSIZE=100; @y {2:}{4:}{$C-,A+,D-}{[$C+,D+]} {:4}PROGRAM WEAVE(WEBFILE,CHANGEFILE,TEXFILE);LABEL 9999; CONST{8:}MAXBYTES=45000;MAXNAMES=5000;MAXMODULES=2000;HASHSIZE=353; @z @x l.1162 TOKPTR:0..MAXTOKS;{MAXTOKPTR,MAXTXTPTR:0..MAXTOKS;}{:53}{55:} IDFIRST:0..LONGBUFSIZE;IDLOC:0..LONGBUFSIZE; @y TOKPTR:0..MAXTOKS;{MAXTOKPTR,MAXTXTPTR:0..MAXTOKS;} {:53}{55:}IDFIRST:0..LONGBUFSIZE;IDLOC:0..LONGBUFSIZE; @z @x l.1166 PROCEDURE INITIALIZE;VAR{16:}I:0..127;{:16}{40:}WI:0..1;{:40}{56:} H:0..HASHSIZE;{:56}{247:}C:ASCIICODE;{:247}BEGIN{10:}HISTORY:=0;{:10} @y {:33}PROCEDURE INITIALIZE;VAR{16:}I:0..255;{:16}{40:}WI:0..1; {:40}{56:}H:0..HASHSIZE;{:56}{247:}C:ASCIICODE; @z @x l.1169 TOKPTR:=1;TEXTPTR:=1;TOKSTART[0]:=1;TOKSTART[1]:=1;{MAXTOKPTR:=1; MAXTXTPTR:=1;}{:54}{57:}FOR H:=0 TO HASHSIZE-1 DO HASH[H]:=0;{:57}{94:} SCANNINGHEX:=FALSE;{:94}{102:}MODTEXT[0]:=32;{:102}{124:}OUTPTR:=1; @y {:49}{54:}TOKPTR:=1;TEXTPTR:=1;TOKSTART[0]:=1;TOKSTART[1]:=1; {MAXTOKPTR:=1;MAXTXTPTR:=1;} {:54}{57:}FOR H:=0 TO HASHSIZE-1 DO HASH[H]:=0; {:57}{94:}SCANNINGHEX:=FALSE;{:94}{102:}MODTEXT[0]:=32; @z @x l.1173 IF R=0 THEN XREF[P]:=XREFPTR ELSE XMEM[R].XLINKFIELD:=XREFPTR;END;{:51} {58:}FUNCTION IDLOOKUP(T:EIGHTBITS):NAMEPOINTER;LABEL 31; @y IF R=0 THEN XREF[P]:=XREFPTR ELSE XMEM[R].XLINKFIELD:=XREFPTR;END; {:51}{58:}FUNCTION IDLOOKUP(T:EIGHTBITS):NAMEPOINTER;LABEL 31; @z @x l.1176 L:0..LONGBUFSIZE;P:NAMEPOINTER;BEGIN L:=IDLOC-IDFIRST;{59:} H:=BUFFER[IDFIRST];I:=IDFIRST+1; @y L:0..LONGBUFSIZE;P:NAMEPOINTER;BEGIN L:=IDLOC-IDFIRST; {59:}H:=BUFFER[IDFIRST];I:=IDFIRST+1; @z @x l.1184 LINK[P]:=HASH[H];HASH[H]:=P;31:{:60};IF P=NAMEPTR THEN{62:} BEGIN W:=NAMEPTR MOD 2; @y LINK[P]:=HASH[H];HASH[H]:=P;31:{:60}; IF P=NAMEPTR THEN{62:}BEGIN W:=NAMEPTR MOD 2; @z @x l.1194 XREF[P]:=0;END{:62};IDLOOKUP:=P;END;{:58}{66:} FUNCTION MODLOOKUP(L:SIXTEENBITS):NAMEPOINTER;LABEL 31;VAR C:0..4; @y XREF[P]:=0;END{:62};IDLOOKUP:=P;END; {:58}{66:}FUNCTION MODLOOKUP(L:SIXTEENBITS):NAMEPOINTER;LABEL 31; @z @x l.1203 \section Appendix F: The \.{webmac.tex} file. This is the file that extends ``plain \TeX'' format in order to support the @y \section Appendix F: Macros for formatting. The \.{webmac.tex} file extends ``plain \TeX'' format in order to support the @z @x l.1208 \verbatim % standard macros for WEB listings (in addition to PLAIN.TEX) \xdef\fmtversion{\fmtversion+WEBMAC4.0} % identifies current set of macros \parskip 0pt % no stretch between paragraphs \parindent 1em % for paragraphs and for the first line of Pascal text \font\eightrm=cmr8 \let\sc=\eightrm % NOT a caps-and-small-caps font! \let\mainfont=\tenrm \font\titlefont=cmr7 scaled\magstep4 % title on the contents page \font\ttitlefont=cmtt10 scaled\magstep2 % typewriter type in title \font\tentex=cmtex10 % TeX extended character set (used in strings) \def\\#1{\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers \def\|#1{\hbox{$#1$}} % one-letter identifiers look a bit better this way \def\{\hbox{\bf#1\/}} % boldface type for reserved words \def\.#1{\hbox{\tentex % typewriter type for strings \let\\=\BS % backslash in a string \let\'=\RQ % right quote in a string \let\`=\LQ % left quote in a string \let\{=\LB % left brace in a string \let\}=\RB % right brace in a string \let\~=\TL % tilde in a string \let\ =\SP % space in a string \let\_=\UL % underline in a string \let\&=\AM % ampersand in a string #1}} \def\#{\hbox{\tt\char`\#}} % parameter sign \def\${\hbox{\tt\char`\$}} % dollar sign \def\%{\hbox{\tt\char`\%}} % percent sign \def\^{\ifmmode\mathchar"222 \else\char`^ \fi} % pointer or hat % circumflex accents can be obtained from \^^D instead of \^ \def\AT!{@} % at sign for control text \chardef\AM=`\& % ampersand character in a string \chardef\BS=`\\ % backslash in a string \chardef\LB=`\{ % left brace in a string \def\LQ{{\tt\char'22}} % left quote in a string \chardef\RB=`\} % right brace in a string \def\RQ{{\tt\char'23}} % right quote in a string \def\SP{{\tt\char`\ }} % (visible) space in a string \chardef\TL=`\~ % tilde in a string \chardef\UL=`\_ % underline character in a string \newbox\bak \setbox\bak=\hbox to -1em{} % backspace one em \newbox\bakk\setbox\bakk=\hbox to -2em{} % backspace two ems \newcount\ind % current indentation in ems \def\1{\global\advance\ind by1\hangindent\ind em} % indent one more notch \def\2{\global\advance\ind by-1} % indent one less notch \def\3#1{\hfil\penalty#10\hfilneg} % optional break within a statement \def\4{\copy\bak} % backspace one notch \def\5{\hfil\penalty-1\hfilneg\kern2.5em\copy\bakk\ignorespaces}% optional break \def\6{\ifmmode\else\par % forced break \hangindent\ind em\noindent\kern\ind em\copy\bakk\ignorespaces\fi} \def\7{\Y\6} % forced break and a little extra space \let\yskip=\smallskip \def\to{\mathrel{.\,.}} % double dot, used only in math mode \def\note#1#2.{\Y\noindent{\hangindent2em\baselineskip10pt\eightrm#1~#2.\par}} \def\lapstar{\rlap{*}} \def\startsection{\Q\noindent{\let\*=\lapstar\bf\modstar.\quad}} \def\defin#1{\global\advance\ind by 2 \1\&{#1 }} % begin `define' or `format' \def\A{\note{See also section}} % crossref for doubly defined section name \def\As{\note{See also sections}} % crossref for multiply defined section name \def\B{\mathopen{\.{@\{}}} % begin controlled comment \def\C#1{\ifmmode\gdef\XX{\null$\null}\else\gdef\XX{}\fi % Pascal comments \XX\hfil\penalty-1\hfilneg\quad$\{\,$#1$\,\}$\XX} \def\D{\defin{define}} % macro definition \def\E{\cdot10^} % exponent in floating point constant \def\ET{ and~} % conjunction between two section numbers \def\ETs{, and~} % conjunction between the last two of several section numbers \def\F{\defin{format}} % format definition \let\G=\ge % greater than or equal sign \def\H#1{\hbox{\rm\char"7D\tt#1}} % hexadecimal constant \let\I=\ne % unequal sign \def\J{\.{@\&}} % TANGLE's join operation \let\K=\gets % left arrow \let\L=\le % less than or equal sign \outer\def\M#1.{\MN#1.\ifon\vfil\penalty-100\vfilneg % beginning of section \vskip12ptminus3pt\startsection\ignorespaces} \outer\def\N#1.#2.{\MN#1.\vfil\eject % beginning of starred section \def\rhead{\uppercase{\ignorespaces#2}} % define running headline \message{*\modno} % progress report \edef\next{\write\cont{\Z{#2}{\modno}{\the\pageno}}}\next % to contents file \ifon\startsection{\bf\ignorespaces#2.\quad}\ignorespaces} \def\MN#1.{\par % common code for \M, \N {\xdef\modstar{#1}\let\*=\empty\xdef\modno{#1}} \ifx\modno\modstar \onmaybe \else\ontrue \fi \mark{\modno}} \def\O#1{\hbox{\rm\char'23\kern-.2em\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % octal constant \def\P{\rightskip=0pt plus 100pt minus 10pt % go into Pascal mode \sfcode`;=3000 \pretolerance 10000 \hyphenpenalty 10000 \exhyphenpenalty 10000 \global\ind=2 \1\ \unskip} \def\Q{\rightskip=0pt % get out of Pascal mode \sfcode`;=1500 \pretolerance 200 \hyphenpenalty 50 \exhyphenpenalty 50 } \let\R=\lnot % logical not \let\S=\equiv % equivalence sign \def\T{\mathclose{\.{@\}}}} % terminate controlled comment \def\U{\note{This code is used in section}} % crossref for use of a section \def\Us{\note{This code is used in sections}} % crossref for uses of a section \let\V=\lor % logical or \let\W=\land % logical and \def\X#1:#2\X{\ifmmode\gdef\XX{\null$\null}\else\gdef\XX{}\fi % section name \XX$\langle\,$#2{\eightrm\kern.5em#1}$\,\rangle$\XX} \def\Y{\par\yskip} \let\Z=\let % now you can \send the control sequence \Z \def\){\hbox{\.{@\$}}} % sign for string pool check sum \def\]{\hbox{\.{@\\}}} % sign for forced line break \def\=#1{\kern2pt\hbox{\vrule\vtop{\vbox{\hrule \hbox{\strut\kern2pt\.{#1}\kern2pt}} \hrule}\vrule}\kern2pt} % verbatim string \let\~=\ignorespaces \let\*=* \def\onmaybe{\let\ifon=\maybe} \let\maybe=\iftrue \newif\ifon \newif\iftitle \newif\ifpagesaved \def\lheader{\mainfont\the\pageno\eightrm\qquad\rhead\hfill\title\qquad \tensy x\mainfont\topmark} % top line on left-hand pages \def\rheader{\tensy x\mainfont\topmark\eightrm\qquad\title\hfill\rhead \qquad\mainfont\the\pageno} % top line on right-hand pages \def\page{\box255 } \def\normaloutput#1#2#3{\ifodd\pageno\hoffset=\pageshift\fi \shipout\vbox{ \vbox to\fullpageheight{ \iftitle\global\titlefalse \else\hbox to\pagewidth{\vbox to10pt{}\ifodd\pageno #3\else#2\fi}\fi \vfill#1}} % parameter #1 is the page itself \global\advance\pageno by1} \def\rhead{\.{WEB} OUTPUT} % this running head is reset by starred sections \def\title{} % an optional title can be set by the user \def\topofcontents{\centerline{\titlefont\title} \vfill} % this material will start the table of contents page \def\botofcontents{\vfill} % this material will end the table of contents page \def\contentspagenumber{0} % default page number for table of contents \newdimen\pagewidth \pagewidth=6.5in % the width of each page \newdimen\pageheight \pageheight=8.7in % the height of each page \newdimen\fullpageheight \fullpageheight=9in % page height including headlines \newdimen\pageshift \pageshift=0in % shift righthand pages wrt lefthand ones \def\magnify#1{\mag=#1\pagewidth=6.5truein\pageheight=8.7truein \fullpageheight=9truein\setpage} \def\setpage{\hsize\pagewidth\vsize\pageheight} % use after changing page size \def\contentsfile{CONTENTS} % file that gets table of contents info \def\readcontents{\input CONTENTS} \newwrite\cont \output{\setbox0=\page % the first page is garbage \openout\cont=\contentsfile \global\output{\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}} \setpage \vbox to \vsize{} % the first \topmark won't be null \def\ch{\note{The following sections were changed by the change file:} \let\*=\relax} \newbox\sbox % saved box preceding the index \newbox\lbox % lefthand column in the index \def\inx{\par\vskip6pt plus 1fil % we are beginning the index \write\cont{} % ensure that the contents file isn't empty \closeout\cont % the contents information has been fully gathered \output{\ifpagesaved\normaloutput{\box\sbox}\lheader\rheader\fi \global\setbox\sbox=\page \global\pagesavedtrue} \pagesavedfalse \eject % eject the page-so-far and predecessors \setbox\sbox\vbox{\unvbox\sbox} % take it out of its box \vsize=\pageheight \advance\vsize by -\ht\sbox % the remaining height \hsize=.5\pagewidth \advance\hsize by -10pt % column width for the index (20pt between cols) \parfillskip 0pt plus .6\hsize % try to avoid almost empty lines \def\lr{L} % this tells whether the left or right column is next \output{\if L\lr\global\setbox\lbox=\page \gdef\lr{R} \else\normaloutput{\vbox to\pageheight{\box\sbox\vss \hbox to\pagewidth{\box\lbox\hfil\page}}}\lheader\rheader \global\vsize\pageheight\gdef\lr{L}\global\pagesavedfalse\fi} \message{Index:} \parskip 0pt plus .5pt \outer\def\:##1, {\par\hangindent2em\noindent##1:\kern1em} % index entry \let\ttentry=\. \def\.##1{\ttentry{##1\kern.2em}} % give \tt a little room \def\[##1]{$\underline{##1}$} % underlined index item \rm \rightskip0pt plus 2.5em \tolerance 10000 \let\*=\lapstar \hyphenpenalty 10000 \parindent0pt} \def\fin{\par\vfill\eject % this is done when we are ending the index \ifpagesaved\null\vfill\eject\fi % output a null index column \if L\lr\else\null\vfill\eject\fi % finish the current page \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil \def\rhead{NAMES OF THE SECTIONS} \message{Section names:} \output{\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader} \setpage \def\note##1##2.{\hfil\penalty-1\hfilneg\quad{\eightrm##1 ##2.}} \linepenalty=10 % try to conserve lines \def\U{\note{Used in section}} % crossref for use of a section \def\Us{\note{Used in sections}} % crossref for uses of a section \def\:{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*\let\.=\ttentry} \def\con{\par\vfill\eject % finish the section names \rightskip 0pt \hyphenpenalty 50 \tolerance 200 \setpage \output{\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader} \titletrue % prepare to output the table of contents \pageno=\contentspagenumber \def\rhead{TABLE OF CONTENTS} \message{Table of contents:} \topofcontents \line{\hfil Section\hbox to3em{\hss Page}} \def\Z##1##2##3{\line{\ignorespaces##1 \leaders\hbox to .5em{.\hfil}\hfil\ ##2\hbox to3em{\hss##3}}} \readcontents\relax % read the contents info \botofcontents \end} % print the contents page(s) and terminate ?endgroup @y \begingroup \def\tt{\eighttt} \baselineskip9pt \def\printmacs#1{\begingroup \def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 } \dospecials \parskip 0pt \parindent 0pt \catcode`\ =13 \catcode`\^^M=13 \tt \verbatimdefs \input #1 \endgroup} \printmacs{webmac} \vskip6pt \baselineskip12pt \section Hypertext and hyperdocumentation. Many people have of course noticed analogies between \.{WEB} and the World Wide Web. The following \.{WEB} macros \.{pwebmac.tex} are in fact set up so that the output of \.{WEAVE} can be converted easily into Portable Document Format, with clickable hyperlinks that can be read with your favorite {\mc PDF} viewer. After using \.{WEAVE} with command line option `\.{-p}' to convert \.{cob.web} into \.{cob.tex}, you can prepare a hypertext version of the program by giving the commands $$\vbox{\halign{\.{#}\hfil\cr tex "\\let\\pdf+ \\input cob"\cr dvipdfm cob\cr}}$$ instead of invoking \TeX\ in the normal way. Alternatively you can generate \.{cob.pdf} in one step by simply saying `\.{pdftex}~\.{cob}' or `\.{xetex}~\.{cob}' or `\.{luatex}~\.{cob}'. (You are advised to use the command line option `\.{--shell-escape}' with \.{pdftex} and \.{luatex} in order to receive ``valid'' {\mc PDF} output; otherwise, the internal counter for the ``Names of the sections'' part in the {\mc PDF} ``bookmarks'' will be incorrect.) Similar output for ``smart'' devices can be created with Martin Ruckert's Hi\TeX\ and its dynamic {\mc HINT} format; just say `\.{hitex}~\.{cob}'. {\mc HINT} files can be viewed with the \.{hintview} program, which is available from \pdfURL{\.{https://hint.userweb.mwn.de/hint/hintview.html}}% {https://hint.userweb.mwn.de/hint/hintview.html}.% A more elaborate system called \pdfURL{\.{TWILL}}{twill.pdf}, which extends the usual cross references of \.{WEAVE} by preparing links from the uses of identifiers to their definitions, is also available---provided that you are willing to work a bit harder in cases where an identifier is multiply defined. \.{TWILL} is intended primarily for hardcopy output, but its principles could be used for hypertext as well. It uses its own set of macros `\.{twimac-web.tex}'. \vskip6pt \baselineskip9pt \printmacs{pwebmac} \endgroup \vfill\eject @z @x l.1418 The macros in \.{webmac} make it possible to produce a variety of formats @y The macros in \.{webmac} and \.{pwebmac} make it possible to produce a variety of formats @z @x l.1569 \.{\\ch}, \.{\\fin}, and \.{\\con}. \.{WEAVE} itself need not be changed. @y \.{\\ch}, \.{\\fin}, and \.{\\con}. \.{WEAVE} itself need not be changed. \point 15. In conjunction with `\.{weave -p}' and the \.{pwebmac} macros you can say `\.{\\input pdfwebtocfront}' as the last command in the limbo section and run \TeX\ \\{twice} on your woven \.{WEB} document, in order to shift the table-of-contents to the front of the {\mc PDF} output. @z @x l.1592 first change files; then you can sure that your compiler will handle @y first change files; then you can be sure that your compiler will handle @z