...Rose   <[email protected]>
Ny Munkegade, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
LaTeX2e [3] users can use \usepackage[all]{xy}.
If you use the version 2 loading command \input xypic then the v2 option will be loaded automatically.
The temporary files are named the same as your document but .tex is replaced by -n.xyc where n is a sequence number.
"A bit" is in fact a TeX \jot which is usually 3pt.
The plain TeX command \hbox corresponds to \mbox in LaTeX and \text in the AMS variants.
Except when Xy-pic is loaded as a LaTeX2e package where the default size is used.
Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia 2109; e-mail: [email protected].
Partial funding for this collaboration has been provided by a Macquarie University Research Grant (MURG), by the Australian Research Council (ARC), and through a research agreement with the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC).

Kristoffer H. Rose <[email protected]> January 6, 1997

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