System Environment/Base

redhat-config-securitylevel-tui: A text interface for modifying the system security level

Name:redhat-config-securitylevel-tui Vendor:CERN (
Version:1.2.9 License:GPL
Release:1 URL:
redhat-config-securitylevel-tui is a text and commandline user interface for setting basic firewall rules.

Arch: ia64

Build Date:Fri Feb 6 14:08:52 2004
Packager:Jaroslaw Polok <[email protected]>
Size:264 KiB


* Fri Oct 3 05:00:00 2003 Bill Nottingham <notting{%}redhat{*}com> 1.2.9-1
- fix interactive disabling of firewall in TUI (#106243)
* Wed Sep 17 05:00:00 2003 Bill Nottingham <notting{%}redhat{*}com> 1.2.8-2
- rebuild
* Wed Sep 17 05:00:00 2003 Bill Nottingham <notting{%}redhat{*}com> 1.2.8-1
- allow ICMP in general (#104561)

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