
rpm-build: Scripts and executable programs used to build packages.

Name:rpm-build Vendor:CERN,
Version:4.2.2 License:GPL
Release:0.14 URL:
The rpm-build package contains the scripts and executable programs that are used to build packages using the RPM Package Manager.

Arch: ia64

Build Date:Thu May 13 07:59:55 2004
Packager:Jaroslaw Polok <[email protected]>
Size:2.17 MiB


* Wed Mar 17 04:00:00 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj{%}redhat{*}com> 4.2.2-0.14
- fix: handle elf64 note sections correctly.
- fix: grrr, skip notes on non-i386 entirely.
* Tue Mar 9 04:00:00 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj{%}jbj{*}org> 4.2.2-0.13
- fix: sq->reaped needs sighold(SIGCHLD)/sigrelease(SIGCHLD) (#117620).
* Mon Mar 1 04:00:00 2004 Jeff Johnson <jbj{%}redhat{*}com> 4.2.2-0.12
- fix: double free of file *.mgc path (#116948).

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