X Software Development

SDL-devel: Files needed to develop Simple DirectMedia Layer applications.

Name:SDL-devel Vendor:CERN (http://cern.ch/linux)
Version:1.2.5 License:LGPL
Release:6 URL:http://www.libsdl.org/
Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide fast access to the graphics frame buffer and audio device. This package provides the libraries, include files, and other resources needed for developing SDL applications.

Arch: x86_64

Build Date:Thu Feb 5 05:01:11 2004
Packager:Jaroslaw Polok <[email protected]>
Size:2.00 MiB


* Wed Jun 4 05:00:00 2003 Than Ngo <than{%}redhat{*}com> 1.2.5-6
- fix build problem with gcc 3.3
* Mon May 19 05:00:00 2003 Thomas Woerner <twoerner{%}redhat{*}com> 1.2.5-5
- rebuild
* Tue Apr 15 05:00:00 2003 Thomas Woerner <twoerner{%}redhat{*}com> 1.2.5-4
- X11 modes fix (use more than 60 Hz, when possible)

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