Development Libraries

curl-devel: Files needed for building applications with libcurl.

Name:curl-devel Vendor:CERN (
Version:7.10.6 License:MPL
Release:4.1 URL:
cURL is a tool for getting files from FTP, HTTP, Gopher, Telnet, and Dict servers, using any of the supported protocols. The curl-devel package includes files needed for developing applications which can use cURL's capabilities internally.

Arch: x86_64

Build Date:Wed Feb 4 14:48:24 2004
Packager:Jaroslaw Polok <[email protected]>
Size:416 KiB


* Tue Sep 16 05:00:00 2003 Adrian Havill <havill{%}redhat{*}com> 7.10.6-4.1
- bump n-v-r for RHEL
* Tue Sep 16 05:00:00 2003 Adrian Havill <havill{%}redhat{*}com> 7.10.6-4
- restore ca cert bundle (#104400)
- require openssl, we want to use its ca-cert bundle
* Sun Sep 7 05:00:00 2003 Joe Orton <jorton{%}redhat{*}com> 7.10.6-3
- rebuild

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