OpenAFS Client

openafs-firstboot: OpenAFS firstboot scripts

Name:openafs-firstboot Vendor:Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Version:1.2.11 License:GPL
Release:5.SL URL:
This package enables firstboot to configure openafs ThisCell

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Thu Jun 24 16:14:11 2004
Packager:Connie Sieh <[email protected]>, Troy Dawson <[email protected]>
Size:8 KiB


* Thu Jun 24 19:00:00 2004 Troy Dawson <dawson{%}fnal{*}gov> - 5.SL
- Fixed startup bug for real this time.
- Added check for cell
- Added check so user can say if they want it to start on boot or not
* Tue Jun 15 19:00:00 2004 Troy Dawson <dawson{%}fnal{*}gov> - 4.SL
- Fixed error when starting afs from firstboot
- Made package noarch

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