OpenAFS Client

SL_startgnome_afs: Configure GNOME to work with AFS home directories

Name:SL_startgnome_afs Vendor:Scientific Linux
Version:1.1 License:GPL
Release:1 URL:
GNOME assumes that user processes may be left running after a session has been closed. This is not a good idea on AFS, since these processes will not be able to touch the user's home directory anymore, so lock files stay in place etc... This RPM modifies the session launched via gdm to remove old lock files before starting (when most likely we have credentials) and after shutting down (when we may not have credentials), and stops a number of services launched on the user's behalf. For AFS users, it also tells GNOME to create future lock files in a local temporary directory. This no longer prevents multiple instances of GNOME from running in parallel (and so in theory risks gconf corruption), but prevents AFS corruptions.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Fri Jun 24 13:53:42 2005
Packager:Jan Iven <[email protected]>
Size:3 KiB


* Tue Jun 7 19:00:00 2005 Jan Iven <jan{*}iven{%}cern{*}ch>
- move local lock setting into /etc/profile.d so that mixed KDE/GNOME
  sessions use it as well
* Tue Jun 29 19:00:00 2004 Jan Iven <jan{*}iven{%}cern{*}ch>
- initial version

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