
mutt: A text mode mail user agent.

Name:mutt Vendor:Scientific Linux,
Version:1.4.1 License:GPL
Release:3.5.rhel3 URL:
Mutt is a text-mode mail user agent. Mutt supports color, threading, arbitrary key remapping, and a lot of customization. You should install mutt if you have used it in the past and you prefer it, or if you are new to mail programs and have not decided which one you are going to use.

Arch: ia64

Build Date:Tue Jul 18 02:33:27 2006
Packager:Jaroslaw Polok <[email protected]>
Size:3.54 MiB


* Thu Jun 29 05:00:00 2006 Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar{%}redhat{*}com> 5:1.4.1-3.5.rhel3
- fix a buffer overflow when processing IMAP namespace (#197151, CVE-2006-3242)
* Tue Jan 27 04:00:00 2004 Bill Nottingham <notting{%}redhat{*}com> 5:1.4.1-3.4
- add patch to fix menu padding (CAN-2004-0078, #109317)
* Mon Jul 7 05:00:00 2003 Bill Nottingham <notting{%}redhat{*}com> 5:1.4.1-3
- fix auth to windows KDCs (#98662)

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