
sendmail-doc: Documentation about the Sendmail Mail Transport Agent program.

Name:sendmail-doc Vendor:Scientific Linux,
Version:8.12.11 License:Sendmail
Release:4.RHEL3.6 URL:
The sendmail-doc package contains documentation about the Sendmail Mail Transport Agent (MTA) program, including release notes, the Sendmail FAQ, and a few papers written about Sendmail. The papers are provided in PostScript(TM) and troff formats.

Arch: ia64

Build Date:Fri Jun 16 02:32:13 2006
Packager:Jaroslaw Polok <[email protected]>
Size:1.57 MiB


* Fri Jun 9 05:00:00 2006 Thomas Woerner <twoerner{%}redhat{*}com> 8.12.11-4.RHEL3.6
- second incarnation of patch for CVE-2006-1173 (VU#146718)
* Tue May 23 05:00:00 2006 Thomas Woerner <twoerner{%}redhat{*}com> 8.12.11-4.RHEL3.5
- fixed CVE-2006-1173 (VU#146718): possible denial of service issue caused by
  malformed multipart messages (#191203)
* Mon Mar 20 04:00:00 2006 Thomas Woerner <twoerner{%}redhat{*}com> 8.12.11-4.RHEL3.4
- fixed another time_t timeout problem in the VU patch in usersmtp.c

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