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perl-Pod-Simple: Pod-Simple - framework for parsing Pod

Name:perl-Pod-Simple Vendor:Sean M. Burke <sburke{%}cpan{*}org>
Version:2.05 License:Artistic
Release:1 URL:
Pod::Simple is a Perl library for parsing text in the Pod ("plain old documentation") markup language that is typically used for writing documentation for Perl and for Perl modules. The Pod format is explained in the L<perlpod|perlpod> man page; the most common formatter is called "perldoc". Pod formatters can use Pod::Simple to parse Pod documents into produce renderings of them in plain ASCII, in HTML, or in any number of other formats. Typically, such formatters will be subclasses of Pod::Simple, and so they will inherit its methods, like C<parse_file>. If you're reading this document just because you have a Pod-processing subclass that you want to use, this document (plus the documentation for the subclass) is probably all you'll need to read. If you're reading this document because you want to write a formatter subclass, continue reading this document, and then read L<Pod::Simple::Subclassing>, and then possibly even read L<perlpodspec> (some of which is for parser-writers, but much of which is notes to formatter-writers).

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Thu Apr 22 05:03:26 2004
Packager:[email protected]
Size:425 KiB


* Thu Apr 22 05:00:00 2004 [email protected]
- Initial build.

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