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VFlib2: A vector font library used for Japanese document processing.

Name:VFlib2 Vendor:
Version:2.25.6 License:GPL
Release:17 URL:
VFlib is a font library written in C which converts vector fonts to bitmap data. Functions provided in VFlib include rotating, shrinking, and changing the slant of characters. VFlib provides a unified API for all supported font formats; any software using VFlib can use any of the supported font file formats immediately. VFlib is used by localized software for Japanese document processing that requires Kanji fonts (for example xdvi, dvi2ps, and Ghostscript).

Arch: x86_64

Build Date:Thu Feb 5 05:58:17 2004
Packager:Jaroslaw Polok <[email protected]>
Size:1.13 MiB

Arch: i386

Build Date:Sun Oct 26 14:37:03 2003
Size:1.09 MiB


* Sat Jun 28 19:00:00 2003 Akira TAGOH <tagoh{%}redhat{*}com> 2.25.6-17
- reenable the dependency of ttfonts-ja.
- correct TTF filename in vfontcap.
* Fri Jun 20 19:00:00 2003 Akira TAGOH <tagoh{%}redhat{*}com> 2.25.6-16
- rebuild
* Fri Jun 20 19:00:00 2003 Akira TAGOH <tagoh{%}redhat{*}com> 2.25.6-15
- fix the build issue with the latest autotools. (#97691)
- remove the dependency of ttfonts-ja from VFlib2-conf-ja.

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