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bootparamd: A server process which provides boot information to diskless clients.

Name:bootparamd Vendor:Scientific Linux
Version:0.17 License:BSD
Release:21.RHEL3 URL:
The bootparamd process provides bootparamd, a server process which provides the information needed by diskless clients in order for them to successfully boot. Bootparamd looks first in /etc/bootparams for an entry for that particular client; if a local bootparams file doesn't exist, it looks at the appropriate Network Information Service (NIS) map. Some network boot loaders (notably Sun's) rely on special boot server code on the server, in addition to the RARP and TFTP servers. This bootparamd server process is compatible with SunOS bootparam clients and servers which need that boot server code. You should install bootparamd if you need to provide boot information to diskless clients on your network.

Arch: x86_64

Build Date:Thu Mar 16 11:29:31 2006
Size:38 KiB


* Wed Nov 16 18:00:00 2005 Martin Stransky <stransky{%}redhat{*}com> 0.17-21.RHEL3
- rebuilt
* Fri Sep 23 19:00:00 2005 Martin Stransky <stransky{%}redhat{*}com> 0.17-20.RHEL3
- added patch for #143032, written by Robert Jelinek ([email protected])
- updated a man page
* Mon Jan 24 18:00:00 2005 Martin Stransky <stransky{%}redhat{*}com> 0.17-19.RHEL3
- fix #144933 (bootparamd does not return the right line from /etc/bootparams)

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