System Environment/Libraries

CERN-dummy-afs-provides: dummy package to satisfy dependencies on AFS

Name:CERN-dummy-afs-provides Vendor:
Version:1 License:GPL, but you don't really want it.
Release:0 URL:
This virtual package virtually provides the packages and libraries (virtually) stored on AFS, to satisfy dependencies from properly-packaged RPMs. This transforms install-time errors into run-time errors, whenever the user environment does not reference AFS. This is a horrible hack, but is unlikely to go away. It needs to be touched whenever a product ends up in a proper RPM. And it is (hopefully) completely irrelevant outside of CERN.

Arch: i386

Build Date:Thu Jul 8 08:47:35 2004
Packager:Jan Iven <[email protected]>
Size:0 KiB


* Thu Jul 8 05:00:00 2004 Jan Iven <jan{*}iven{%}cern{*}ch>
- Initial build.

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