System Environment/Daemons

netdump-server: Server for network kernel crash dumps

Name:netdump-server Vendor:CERN,"
Version:0.7.7 License:GPL
Release:2 URL:
The netdump server listens to the network for crashed kernels to contact it and then writes the oops log and a memory dump to /var/crash before asking the crashed machine to reboot.

Arch: ia64

Build Date:Fri May 20 03:42:08 2005
Packager:Jaroslaw Polok <[email protected]>
Size:94 KiB


* Tue Mar 1 04:00:00 2005 Jeff Moyer <jmoyer{%}redhat{*}com> - 0.7.7-2
- Add support for auto-detecting the first hop on the way to the netdump
* Tue Dec 21 04:00:00 2004 Dave Anderson <anderson{%}redhat{*}com> 0.7.5-1
- Updated source package to netdump-0.7.5.tar.gz:
  Allows multiple "service netdump start" to handle magic numbers
  properly.  BZ #142752
* Mon Dec 6 04:00:00 2004 Dave Anderson <anderson{%}redhat{*}com> 0.7.4-3
- Updated source package to netdump-0.7.4.tar.gz, which introduces
  processor support for x86_64, ia64 and ppc64.
- Added BuildRequires for glib-devel

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