
parted-devel: Files for developing apps which will manipulate disk partitions.

Name:parted-devel Vendor:CERN,"
Version:1.6.3 License:GPL
Release:29.5 URL:
The GNU Parted library is a set of routines for hard disk partition manipulation. If you want to develop programs that manipulate disk partitions and filesystems using the routines provided by the GNU Parted library, you need to install this package.

Arch: ia64

Build Date:Thu May 19 11:26:40 2005
Packager:Jaroslaw Polok <[email protected]>
Size:959 KiB


* Fri Feb 4 04:00:00 2005 Chris Lumens <clumens{%}redhat{*}com> 1.6.3-29.5
- Rebuilt for RHEL3-U5.
* Tue Oct 12 05:00:00 2004 Jeremy Katz <katzj{%}redhat{*}com> - 1.6.3-29.4
- add patch from peterm to fix printing of the size of large devices (#135468)
* Wed Jun 30 05:00:00 2004 Jeremy Katz <katzj{%}redhat{*}com> - 1.6.3-29.3
- add enums to python module for newer devs

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