OpenAFS Client

openafs-client: OpenAFS Filesystem Client

Name:openafs-client Vendor:Scientific Linux
Version:1.4.1 License:IBM Public License
Release:0.11.SL URL:
The AFS distributed filesystem. AFS is a distributed filesystem allowing cross-platform sharing of files among multiple computers. Facilities are provided for access control, authentication, backup and administrative management. This package provides basic client support to mount and manipulate AFS.

Arch: x86_64

Build Date:Fri May 19 03:09:46 2006
Packager:Stephan Wiesand <[email protected]>
Size:1.20 MiB


* Fri May 19 05:00:00 2006 Stephan Wiesand <stephan{*}wiesand{%}desy{*}de> 1.4.0-11.SL
- added openafs-1.4.1-rxkad-ticketsize.patch, see mail to openafs-info
  by H. Reuter 2006-05-17 (and the reply by R. Toebbicke)
* Mon Apr 24 05:00:00 2006 Stephan Wiesand <stephan{*}wiesand{%}desy{*}de> 1.4.0-10.SL
- new upstream release with critical bugs fixed in the fileserver
- removed patch 1002 (rra-soname-bug18767.patch), it's in upstream now
- new patch 1003 openafs-1.4.1-moduleparam.patch to get modules built on 2.6.9
  (shamelessly stolen from Derek Atkins' "official" SRPM)  
- pthreaded butc is now the default; package butc.lwp in addition, instead of
  a second butc.pthread
- adapted to upstream changes w.r.t. man pages (there are quite a few more
  now), again borrowing from Derek Atkins' spec, but still preferring the
  enhanced ones from #19268, and packaging many more of them
- spec changes to allow module build for hugemem kernels (Fabien Wernli)
- the same for the new largesmp variant
- added build requirements on gcc, flex, bison, ncurses-devel (Chris Huebsch)
- make sure /usr/kerberos/bin is leading in PATH when configuring krb5 stuff
* Thu Nov 3 04:00:00 2005 Stephan Wiesand <stephan{*}wiesand{%}desy{*}de> 1.4.0-8.SL
- final release of 1.4.0

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