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krb5-fermi-krb5.conf: Configuration scripts to get Fermize your Kerberos Machine

Name:krb5-fermi-krb5.conf Vendor:
Version:2.12 License:MIT, freely distributable.
Release:4 URL:
Kerberos V5 is a trusted-third-party network authentication system, which can improve your network's security by eliminating the insecure practice of cleartext passwords. This rpm gives you are krb5.conf file setup to work with the FNAL.GOV kerberos realm. If you already have a krb5.conf, it saves it off.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Mon Jul 13 15:37:47 2009
Packager:Troy Dawson <[email protected]>
Size:18 KiB


* Mon Jul 13 19:00:00 2009 Frank Nagy <nagy{%}fnal{*}gov> 2.12-4
- Release 3 did not work so use %attr in the %files section
* Mon Jul 13 19:00:00 2009 Frank Nagy <nagy{%}fnal{*}gov> 2.12-3
- Explicitly set file owner on install command
* Fri Jul 10 19:00:00 2009 Frank Nagy <nagy{%}fnal{*}gov> 2.12-2
- Corrected file owner in tarball to root:root

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