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kernel-module-fuse-2.6.9-100.ELsmp: File System in Userspace (FUSE) kernel module

Name:kernel-module-fuse-2.6.9-100.ELsmp Vendor:
Version:2.7.3 License:GPL
Release:1.SL URL:
With FUSE it is possible to implement a fully functional filesystem in a userspace program. This package contains the FUSE kernel module for kernel 2.6.9-100.ELsmp and architecture x86_64.

Arch: x86_64

Build Date:Thu Feb 17 09:12:42 2011
Packager:Paul A. Rombouts <[email protected]>
Size:760 KiB


* Thu Sep 11 19:00:00 2008 Troy Dawson <dawson{%}fnal{*}gov> - 2.7.3-1
- Updated to release 2.7.3
- fuse.rulse and fuse.rules moved to 99 (was 60)
* Tue May 23 19:00:00 2006 Paul A. Rombouts <p{*}a{*}rombouts{%}home{*}nl> - 2.5.3-1
- Updated SL version to 2.5.3, increased epoch number.
* Wed May 3 19:00:00 2006 Peter Lemenkov <lemenkov{%}newmail{*}ru> 2.5.3-1
- Update to 2.5.3

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