Re: 3C574-TX pcmcia card

Constance Sieh ([email protected])
Tue, 22 Dec 1998 10:04:08 -0600 (CST)


Get the latest version of the PCMCIA drivers by David Hinds at the following

The latest version is 3.0.6 which should have better support for your card.


> Hi, I'm working with Flavia Donno at Pisa and she said me to explain our
> problem to you about a network card, 3C574-TX under Linux, that doesn't
> work in any case. I have tried Fermi Linux version 5.0.2, RedHat 5.1 and
> 5.0 but the problem still remain. If you type ifconfig you see the network
> card up with right configuration, you see right modules loaded with lsmod
> command (3c574_cs.o) but card doesn't receive or transmit anything. Have
> you found a problem like that? I have look in some discussion groups and
> the problem is very well known, but anybody know a solution. Thanks.
> ------------------------------------------
> Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare
> Cecchini Emiliano - Computing group INFN
> Via Livornese 1291
> 56010 S. Piero a Grado (PI)
> Italy
> Tel. +39 50 880111
> Fax. +39 50 880317
> [email protected]
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